March, 2015
And why it makes a difference for living love and peace.
Copyright @ Overgrowth
A simple do-it-yourself method to create non-attached relationships.
We want to love deeply and build peaceful temples for sweet relationships and communities. We cry out for liberated freedom. But what if we cannot do that soulful work? What if the fabric of the past is knotted up and we are constantly pulled back into annoying relationship dramas and desperate, predictable, painful endings? We may be triggered by a ball of thread that sends us back and back to places we do not want to be anymore. Frustration is the space where an unwatched play is played out anyway.
There is a fabric we brought with us to this lifetime that’s woven in our souls. Each remnant of our personal patchwork represents an aspect that we have not lived and fulfilled in past lives. It shapes our current life. It helps us to understand what we have not yet understood and accept what we have not yet fully accepted.
Here’s the good news: inside us there is fertile soil for total freedom. That freedom grows and flourishes in the non-attached parts of our soul. It will allow us to love how we want to love and circulate abundant peace.
Non-attachment is neither passionless apathy nor separation from the other. It means a new beginning; a chance to encounter each other in the land of our sensual, unburied soul. She loves without limits and drums her peace down to earth.
The non-attached space of ourselves is free to make choices. It is the third place beyond acting but being ourselves.
Attached relationship is: not being able to breathe in the presence of the other; to fall into rigid habits; to shut down our hearts; a monkey wrench in peace-making processes. Most attached or co-dependent relationships are populated by one dominant participant and one submissive participant. When we are in these positions, we play a role we cannot get out of.
Non-attached relationship is: liberation; total freedom to love, to be who we are, to change our situations. It is the space between us to hold sensual longings and horizons of playful possibility. It is the loving heart that’s freed from painful experiences and is not destined to repeat them.
Change Karma is the new patchwork we sew when we finally start to grow into the empty spaces, to master our growth, to weave the experience we want. All but the highest version of self can be blurred by energy that keeps us truly alive. The relationship or painful, destructive aspect in the relationship will cease.
It may signify the end of a relationship that kept you bonded and attached, but mostly it is a rebirth into new blossoming.
Loving your expansive freedom always allows you to navigate your inner compass.
The Golden Eight by Phyllis Krystal
For decades I have used this simple method to protect my own spheres and territory without interfering or penetrating the space of the other.
Any time I feel my aura perturbed and stormy, dependent upon another person, institution or dynamic, I just imagine the golden eight and the neon light. I set my pace and continue until I find myself again.
It works for
: messy cooperation
: fraught ties with family members
: crazy outbursting love affairs
: reestablishing compromised boundaries
: balancing Shiva-Shakti
: a missing desired love in your life
: a missing desired aspect in your life
The method
Choose a person, dynamic or Institution/organization that dominates you. Think of somebody or something that traps you in an old pattern or paradigm.
It’s important to choose just one and not to bundle many together. You can do one after the other to smooth out and dissolve the knotted fabric.
Let your soul/higher self guide you.
You can imagine this or actually take two cushions and perform it on the floor.
You can stand or sit, whatever feels good.
Visualize a golden circle the size of your outstretched arms on the floor. Now visualize another circle that just touches your circle. In this second circle place the other person, dynamic or institution. Let her/it sit there. The circles should gently touch but not overlap one another.
Visualize a neon blue light coming like a ray from the source of all love, and it touches the circles and starts to circulate clockwise. First it flows from the center point and circles around your partner. Then it returns to the center point and flows around you behind your back, and returns again to the center point. Keep the light flowing in this pattern, creating a figure eight around you and the other.
Start to feel how aspects that don’t belong in your field pop up and return to their rightful place across from you. As this continues your aura gets spacious and clear. Let the eight circulate as long as needed until you feel liberated and free.
Then let the blue ray return with gratitude to the divine. Release the person, dynamic or institution with gratitude.
The application
For sticky cases, visualize it every morning and evening for two minutes.
You can do it when something has happened that disturbs your space and mood.
You can do it as a detox cure for 2 weeks.
You can do it as often you like.
The effects
: It will calm your space.
: It will help you to expand your light.
: It will make you feel good.
: Patterns come to love.
: Patterns come to peace.
: The divine takes you home.
: Your light shines.
The new world is created from a land of freedom. Your role is to shine your brilliance.
I hope it will help you in these times. Let me know.