Own your fear. Own your power to love your dream. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser

Own your fear. Own your power to love your dream.

In my world, if you don’t investigate your inner wisdom and conquer your fears, we all pay a collective price. Every day now we see shadows and darkness that result from a cultural refusal to do this. So this week I talk seriously about the levels of fear that we all experience, and the promise of acknowledging fear as twin sister to your dreams. Because when you infuse your fear with love, when you befriend her, you become the most powerful change agent in your own life.

My name is Durga and I’m your guide to new dimensions. Let’s go.




Finding the fear comes on strong when the dream is big and clear. I am working towards birthing this new dream and have been freaking out. Finding I have to stop many times throughout the day and center and calm. Thank you for the idea of cleaning my aura… will do that as well!

Devamata says:

I loooove your new vlogs. Thank you for reminding us.