September, 2012
W.I.N. 2012: I AM THERE.
I will be speaking about “realizing you.”
October 3-6
Annual global leadership conference
Make Space: Find Possibilities
Meet you in Rome. We’ll be rocking the future.
For more details click here.
100 % organic. For body, mind and soul.
“I am so proud of me and us and what we created in short time,” said Shomani. All the guests have left and the air breathes still ecstatic. JAY. We needed this. Women! We still do.
We know that this would not be possible without women entrusting us with their body, mind and souls.
And The Nature Spa team rocked it. We surprised ourselves. Super-happy women gave us rave reviews, exceeding all expectations.
Wonderful women.
We bow to you. You were our gift at The Nature Spa. Together you will spread the magic we created. Your raves and suggestions are medicine for us and will allow The Nature Spa to bloom again.
We re-invented it all anew.
A spa in nature. No walls. A new atmospheric concept articulated by Aliana Devi. A new vision of living food seasoned with erotic taste explosions crafted by our brand-new seasonal team member Eleonore and Ranasa. A spa program composed of the alchemy of nature, earth, herbs, all handmade by Shomani and Parasi. And “the” secret facial anti-age treatment made by Durga. A magic ambience of light courtesy of La Lumière.
100% organic: the food, the cosmetics, the garden in South France. For the sake of Mother Earth.
A circle of mavens. Women healing women.
And me: An artist amid the fantasy of women’s sensual soul gardens.
My vision is born and was wildly expressed by my power team. It is the story of a lost tribe. We have learned so much in these days about how we can create from heaven down to earth. We fight to stay tuned to the source and our inner leadership. We bring new ideas to grow into greatness. We express ourselves in what we do. We stay tightly bound to truth even when it hurts. But we remember that we are all humans, and at the end of the day all emotional bursts are forgiven.
We have given birth.
Drops of decency dry on us like gentle rain and inform the way we hold space together. Overpowering others is out. Leadership and responsibility is our state of grace. Do it the way you would do it for yourself; give it all. We are heavenly exhausted. Our heart is so full of primal love.
Love declarations. Mmm.
First glimpses.
The magic lives.
You have to come.
Activating morning drinks a la Elenore.
Kjersti Borud: There is no place in the world I would rather be right now than here in The Nature Spa.
Soul garden awakening.
Dorothee Wetzel: Azure skies, sun-drenched crown of tress, joyful birds twittering and among brilliant white tents, a grandiose lounge landscape and cozy hammocks. Just the setting is a dream. Plus a variety of excellent treatments, the phenomenal food and the enriching conversations. The Nature Spa surpassed all my expectations! Thank you so much for all this!
Photography Freiburg
Nomadic luxe
Nina Dreyer Hensley: I had 3 amazing, fantastic days at The Nature Spa. Being in this beautiful nature and garden gave me so much energy, inspiration and magic moments – being grounded to nature, together with 10 other women felt like being “home,” it was so relaxing and a natural setting, a place to totally be me.
Womanhood and Feminine community
Regina Antje Haagen: A new light. Natural. Paradise. Alive. Filled with a majestic pamper program composed specially for my needs.
“This is food orgasm. I know how to make it. ” – the gorgeous Eleonore, The Nature Spa’s chef fairy. (It’s true. She knows how to make it.)
Nina Dreyer Hensley: I loved the great chef, she put so much love into the food, and I loved the way she presented the food.
Ulrike Müller: All combinations divine. Excellent!
Dorothee Wetzel: I loved absolutely everything about the food. No exception.
Wildness in vastness
Nina Dreyer Hensley:
How do you feel at La Lumiere? The third day I felt so “at home.” I felt I belong to the community.
Parvari Stoll: An exhausted star needed deep recreation. Under the magic hands of Aliana Devi and The Nature Spa team I was allowed to recollect power, love and energy to shine again. A wonderful experience underneath trees, I immersed into mother earth. The wild Durga live and all this made this Spa unique worldwide. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Nina Dreyer Hensley:
Body massage: 10 points. The best 10 of 10 massage and consultants I ever had.
Anti-Age facial: Fantastic. Very pleasant, healing and effectual. Best facial for me, ever.
Kjersti Borud:
Body massage: Just fantastic in every way. Best ever.
Anti-Age facial: 10/10! wow!
Creative temple; the sacred heart circle
Kjersti Borud: I really enjoyed this. Everything well prepared and made possible to dive into it even for a non-artist. I enjoyed it and it is beauty.
Nina Dreyer Hensley:
Women’s temple: I liked the ritual. Gave me ideas for how to canalize anger.
Garden of paradise forecast:
For next year.
For women
September 15 – 19
For men
September 22 – 26
Do not miss this. It’s beyond.
Sign up here for news and updates on the next season of The Nature Spa.

keep me updated about the nature spa
I will not stop writing until you understand that you are Light.
The truth in you remains as
Radiant as a star,
As pure as light,
As innocent as love itself.A Course in Miracles
Talking about Light is different than experiencing it. I was 24 when the Light exploded in the middle of “the” and “my” darkness. The Light spoke to me and left behind an impeccable feeling. The Light had personality. Instantly I knew who it was, and still do: Jesus was Light. For two weeks the Light pollution left me with the feeling of a spinning, bubbling pink champagne. Since I am addicted: I want to drink that moment and have this feeling every single day.
Liquid Light is love.
With a smile on my face I had to confront whether I had gone crazy or admit that it was true. I decided to drop the former and believe the latter. It changed my life dramatically. I moved from misery to luxury (more inside than outside). Kisses blown into my body ignited the desire: for me it was not enough to experience Light, I wanted everybody else to have it too.
Everyone deserves the euphoric feeling of being loved for no reason.
Each suffering deserves to be held tight with heavy passion.
Each loss must be embraced by this warm innocence.
To be loved is to be at home.
I signed up for an eternal subscription and started to search and learn. I went to India and met the masters, tapped into miracles and answered the call to become a spiritual teacher. I now teach others how to feel this Light. It lives inside waiting to bloom.
In so doing, I transformed my life for the better, layer by layer. I am a better and happier person. I know now: Light will change you into the loving person you want to be.
Light brought me to love; now I want to live before I die. When the high-Light was gone, I was hungry for life.
“My favorite journey is anywhere I haven’t been,” says Donna Karan. I agree.
Have you seen my conversation with Danielle LaPorte? I asked her: “How does Light taste? How does it sound, what is the texture?” I do this often. For myself.
What is your Light like?
The sensual illumination game.
Play with me.
My soullight sound is a drumming of sacred shamans humming in ecstasy.
My soullight sight is the golden honey Durga, currents and streams of abundance.
My soullight smell is bewitching amber and rose. Mmm.
My soullight touch is the shivering of joy.
My soullight taste is fresh summer raspberries and vanilla.
Copy it. Create a post on your blog or website and tell your people where it come from. I want to kindle a sea of Light. Our Lights.
Then copy it and post it below.
We want to smell, see, touch, taste your soul. Let yourself be spontaneous. Joyful.
Sing it loud. Your Light is you.
Ambition is a fertilizer for the soul.
I walked on the edge and stretched my comfort zone.
I asked Danielle for an interview in a moment of spontaneous genius during my Fire Starter Session with her last May. She said yes. Danielle is one of the most shining women out there; a role model for generation Z: the Ultimates.
For me the motivation isn’t to put more glamorous people on my blog. No. I am insatiably curious and love a good conversation even more than a good party. I love questions and the enlightened deepening that comes from witnessing another’s depth. You know, the real questions. Based on desire.
It was my first interview ever!
We talked about Danielle’s new plans, her launch of YOUR DESIRE MAP in November, writing and philosophy, her current inspirations, her son, about light and…
Thank you,
Back to ambition:
Next time I will put 3 more cushions under my butt, take a preventive coaching with the super-gorgeous Bianca Filoteo to shake off my shyness. I will practice not blinking my sensitive eyes so much when the conversation is exciting. I will learn to project my ambition in happier ways.
Do you know that I write my inspiration and all my stories in English just to stretch myself? My mother tongue often would grant me more artistic arabesques. In speaking live here, I’m overstretching my circus-equilibrium of language to its “current.” (Hello to Danielle’s favorite word of the season!)
So, do you like it?
Do you like my curious questions?
Would you like more interviews?
I would love to bring more people-marvels
to my space for inspiration:
Authentic souls with bold opinions.
Please leave your thoughts below.
I receive them like beloved guests at my own personal party.
3 things inspiring my summer.
They say summer time is the element of fire and the living is easy. Inspiration is the expression of fire. When I am inspired I dance in the joy of life. Impressions on my soul that set me on fire nurture and support my life force. Fire adds the lost fragment to the whole, making natural sense. After all, fire is the element nearest to God.
1. Firehead
My younger sister put a cuckoos’ egg into my nest when she gave me the new André Heller biography. Heller was my hero when I was 16. He is a modern genius, the master of fantasy. I learned his poems-turned-chansons by heart. His pop collages of words dared my mind to fly high. His is a life’s journey from cynicism to climbing into the minds of the establishment, disturbing it with expressionism until life approves.
This book rekindled long-forgotten fires in my soul’s garden.
Heller was one of the founders of CIRCUS RONCALLI, a revolutionary world’s circus started in Germany. Later the creators of Cirque du Soleil would draw their inspiration from here.
The FIRETHEATRES in Lisbon, Berlin and New York; LUNA LUNA, an amusement park where artists like Keith Hering and Roy Lichtenstein created wondrous booths that dazzled peoples’ inner children; a SEA OF LIGHTS planted against cruise missiles; the CRYSTAL PALACE in Innsbruck, Austria: these are just some babies of André Heller’s life as an creative expressionist and spiritual searcher.
My mind is infected: How can we change the world with art? I am shaking new imaginings from heaven down to earth. Inklings. Wisdom.
The book (right now only available in German, with hopes for future translations)
Inspired by my beloved sister’s gift for my birthday.
2. Kundalini Yoga
with Maya Fiennes
A journey through the chakras
This practice pulls the life force back into my chakras, lets me dance in joy in yoga poses. It is a revitalizing inspiration for my tired body to drink in the energy, pouring in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. It is a flow with sacred music to wake up the soul and mantras to calm the jumping mind. Magic glowing guaranteed afterward.
I started with the heart and climbed my chakras up and down.
Courage, Creativity, Willpower, Love, Truth, Wisdom and Bliss.
Available on Amazon or YouTube.
Also inspired by my beloved sister’s gift for my birthday.
3. Transformational speaking with Gail Larsen
Inspired by Holy Spirit. Fire talks. *****
You say you are a speaker, messenger, idea maker, trailblazer, leader? Do not miss this. Gail Larsen and her workshop team changed my life.
Inspired by Danielle LaPorte and my dear friend Runa Bouius.