January, 2014
(Walking the initiation path in shopping malls and ashrams, with champagne and feminism.)
My letter to this world.
… remember
your life began within a woman. We all were nestled in the womb. Life is always within a Mother. But women are more than mothers: wives, companions, sisters, friends, bitches, witches, princesses, fairies, mothers of culture and wonderful girls, creative fire priestesses, artists, girl warriors, marvels, igniters, women on fire, crones, goddesses and angels (feel encouraged to add your fantasy here, and dare to live it). Each woman is one of a kind!
Dear you, visions of a worldwide revolution make me write and teach. I craft with my fingers and hopes, faithfully offering a space for the future I want to belong to; meanwhile bees make a rural exodus and masses of people protest denial.
My prayer is clear. I raise a fierce feminine voice in a world that is ignorant of creation, in which we witness ruthless exploitation of nature, religious wars and politics without ethics. I want to start a new conversation of leadership. I will contribute my sacred voice; it lives inborn and is each woman’s birthright.
I do not want to change the world, but I must admit I like the end of the road. To find a way out of the crises we must nurture new ideas and make new moves.
Women today have a mission.
So do men, but our world lives in an old pattern of male domination. The feminine has been forgotten and role models of feminine leadership are now needed to take their seats in writing a new history of humanity together with men. Women have strong values and we need to use them to balance the end of the road of unnatural economics, politics and society.
The gospel of feminine leadership
Visions for the future.
10 years ago I spoke at big women’s conferences about my future vision, the rebirth of entrepreneurial women breaking the glass ceiling. Creating new space kills the status quo; the one who fights against the establishment is a single representative of the vast other side.
And today all over the world women create their own businesses; even secretaries have reinvented themselves as virtual assistants. The trend: Be your own boss, and create success on your own terms. Even more: Soulgoals for what we want most.
When I travel the word I know, women have different conditions in different countries, but whatever the circumstances are, women rise for freedom.
The feminine awakens and with her an energy-shifting change takes place that will shift our horizons in every part of life. “Beauty is the mother of all. For the sisterhood of God’s wild sisters.”
Add the sacred feminine
The female sources rise to cooperate with the masculine.
The feminine knows how to create with invincible power.
Transformation is past. Today we expand with evolution.
The goddess always has a niche to resurrect.
You are the world revolution.
Knitwork with the stream of creation.
Criss-cross the unbelievable.
Holy stream of light bumping your heartbeat
loudly to awaken universes.
You are the animating,
feeding power of life, the supreme light
in every being in every thing in every human.
We call you universe,
we call you Shakti,
we call you GreatMother.
The temple is your expression of completed contemplation.
Your sacred pattern weaves.
In your stream I have my place, my name.
You are unchangeable. Mandala.
Let me touch your texture with my fingertips.
Changeable quintessential.
Each moment was just born.
My mission is to bestow upon myself fulfillment.
I set my right intentions.
There will be stumbling blocks on my way.
Keep me alert.
Pave my way.
How my Mum inspired and changed my life forever.
I was 16 and my heart was broken. (It had to be cracked open in order to receive the initiation of life.) My Mum said, “When this boy leaves it is because someone far better for you is coming. This is life; anyone who does not match with your highest aim has to move on in order to find his own life and his right resonances. He opens the space for the right people to come in and surround you, to love you. God always wants the best for you and everyone. When something does not work out, it is because he has a better plan provided for you.”
Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval.
– Thomas S. Monson
My Mum was right.
When I trust my life more than my pain and disappointment, things evolve most beautifully
: the man I love, the people I work with, the team I create with.
I must admit I have a childish heart. When people set me up or betray me, my heart is like a little puppy. My puppy heart swallows hard and I remember what Mum said. Head up and go.
And still: each and every time I begin by compromising for less than I truly require, I end up in dead ends. It’s like God pokes me with a soft finger saying: You are igniting another line of complications. And so it was when I refused to listen, creating a chain of complication to create more complications, on and on.
Because we only know what we know
it’s about listening to our soul
and what we want to improve.
We have been taught to live in positions of scarcity that obfuscate our thoughts, all in order to fit in. We swim in a sea of conformity builders, and we fear being alone. So we bow to a minor art.
Never compromise your culture.
If we want to create a contemporary cultural revolution, a common sacred energy flow for all people, we have to make strong decisions, all the while asking for our heart’s weigh-in and always with the aim of making our lives more happy.
: What do I really want to create?
: How do I want it?
: What do I love?
: How do I love it?
We must decide to fertilize our real relationships, our state of grace, and our cultures of quality – and not to compromise them.
First: Always stand for your own. Be joy.
So when we do flirt with compromises? We settle for less when we are afraid to stand for our own.
Instead, create your own festivals of life and bazaars of freedom; build new agreements and sacred structures that support you to be free, to be creation, essential innovation.
You will create a sustainable and profitable world only when you stand on your own sacred ground. There you have magic to give and to make … more magic.
Second: Always provide the sacred space
for others to find their path of true joy.
Networked webs of ideas and thoughts will never match the freedom provided by the clarity of the universal flow. And we are always free to step out when we cannot feel our clarity, our truth, or ourselves anymore.
Our heart needs to be cracked a million times until it’s totally free.
So we will leave our partners who cannot see us anymore. We will be betrayed and left alone. We will be disappointed, saddened and set up.
But we must grant their freedom and pray with love for the others to return to their sacred heart, to place where they feel their essence again and can heal.
We are responsible for each other’s highest aim.
I set them free.
My puppy heart sighs.
I listen to him.
“You will never be alone. Give up all worlds you do not belong to. Return to freedom.
I have a better plan for you…”
BIG IN 2014
A circle to break your heaven free
Sitting here thinking about 2014, I know something for sure.
Something is created around us.
It’s bigger and more beautiful than we’ve ever imagined.
I want more heaven in life in 2014.
Stay open.
Do not try to put what was created in heaven into shapes and words prematurely.
It will not express the visions dreamt in awe.
We want to feel ourselves totally free and holy.
We want to feel ourselves. Naked. Full.
While I was in Taiwan the question most frequently asked of me was: What heaven do I come from? And I started to realize that in order to access and resonate with our desire to feel our heaven, we have to first create a circle of healing.
My approach to reaching the beauty created for us:
I’ve decided to follow a circle of healing this year, and I walk upon a 5-step mandala to break my heaven free. The steps are in specific order to raise the inner bar, and to ritualize the process when needed.
What will I do to feel my heaven deeply?
Step one: Breakout space
: Letting go. Shake off all that is not me.
Step two: Shape and shift
: Laughter. Affix a halo to my belly laugh.
Step three: Go for the gold
: Consciously choose quiet times. Build refuges for the other side of my soul; the free and holy introvert holds still and chats with God.
Step four: Fresh start
: Rise above the problems. Foster the balance between male and female, challenge the courage and pain. There is so much great and good stuff happening in this world.
Step five: Dearly loved
: Feel safe. Know I am deeply desired, always.
May 2014 be heaven on Earth for you.
Hopefully we meet somewhere we have never been.
Thanks to my friend Mara Eickermann. You inspired me to write this.