July, 2015
My dear readers, my people, my tribe,
It has been weeks now that you have not heard from me.
This is not because I haven’t been thinking of you.
I think of you all the time.
It is a time of peeling my old skins.
And the female grail has become a skin to peel.
My inner voice told me: Put the female grail on sabbatical.
My responsible online-world self said: You cannot do this. It’s counterproductive.
My grand soul weighs in: This is feminine creation.
When we transform into another dimension, silence is our master.
At least for me.
My creative rivers go underground and dream.
But I want to let you know.
I am working on my ideas in the background
while I weave through the many radical changes in my life:
selling La Lumiere
applying for an American Visa
and more.
So I have to let go of writing to you for awhile.
I am thinking in new dimensions.
I am your guide to these new dimensions.
And I will come back, when my skin is peeled and anew,
with newfound words.
In the meanwhile, I’ll see you on Facebook.
I love you always.
In timelessness,