March, 2016 | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser
March, 2016


Destination Happiness cover

We are at the portal of a new Age. Behind us is the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, wherein creation was bonded to a survival-based fear of separation.

But the new Age is now right in front of us and we are called to create new space.

Happiness is the new black. It is the foundation of new creation.twitter

Timeless and cosmic happiness can be found, but not as we think.

It is not to be pursued.

The french philosopher Frederic Lenoir says that happiness does not depend on circumstances, but our capacity to work on it.

What will grant us long lasting happiness is to know ourselves and to work on our self-knowledge.

We can learn about our true selves beyond culture and educational schemas. Every moment is a sacred offering to become who you are when we are open to awareness.

Welcome to your conquest of happiness.

Think about a turning point this week, and our mantra is “happiness.” Let’s consciously cultivate little acts of happiness this week and wake up our endorphins.

One conscious conquest week of Happiness

For one week, take this diary out before bed and let it do its magic.

Fill in your insights and let them work for you. Take your conquest of happiness into your sleep. You will see, it can work true wonders.

No matter where we stand now, let’s start breeding the future culture, a happier culture. The full moon eclipse gives us plenty to work with; the rest is up to us.

Raise up your unreasonable happiness. I wish this for you.

With wild love,





A vision of connection, to heal the little cells of the world


: with the resilience of our truth

For too long the conversation between the feminine and masculine have collapsed, been distorted and lain fractured. They are still. Can we even measure the length of time through history that this has been so?

We all search for healing through an inner balance of Shiva, Shakti, and the world that surrounds us. But through the mists of time we forgot how peaceful balance could be attained.

Let’s re-open that inquiry; let’s allow the masculine and feminine to dance together in non-duality. I believe the future belongs to couples: the cell unit of families and the future, the inner Yin and Yang, the cooperation of women and men on a global level for the balance of the feminine and the masculine.

The holiest war that was ever fought was for love.
The love between man and woman.
This is where the story begins.

The War for Love
To meet each other in love and power
requires the ability to be vulnerable.

To be destroyed
by each other
is not playing fair.

But the risk not to dare
is risking death
from a loss of aliveness.

Courage begets freedom.twitter

For relationships to function on a personal, business and leadership level the real partnership, the essence of “we,” requires fierce courage to be genuinely truthful. It requires the end of lies, half-truths, compromises and silencing-down tactics.

If you want to be genuinely loved,

you must be willing to reveal yourself
and be open to the revelation of the other
with uncolored respect.

Beyond being hurt or insulted lie the real feelings and our deepest inner worlds. (Reaching that place is not easy, but it is possible if you want to rise together.)

Maybe the feminine and masculine were never actually meant to fit each other, but to force us to leave everything behind: abandon what we think we know about ourselves, the worlds, definitions and languages. Beyond narrow fields of visions, discovering and opening to a raw and untamed truth of what love used to mean. Maybe there is a fertile soil here for the future, amid the rationality of love.

Shakti (the divine feminine) and Shiva (the divine masculine) may never have fit together; never had the same preferences and loves and passions.

Meager compatibilities are just not enough for this cosmic love.

When love is based on expectations we place on each other, sooner or later it will fail when we don’t want to satisfy expectations anymore.


….. and this is not what the Universe ever intended.

A new vision for the communication
of the new feminine and the new masculine

A bold attitude and a headstrong position will take you further than open-sourced blandness. We need an uncompromising and directional stand towards the beloved, rather than just a sticky-sweet collaborative and conversational one.

Resilience grows when we can face the other without accusation or blame, and with both on board (the feminine and masculine), find a a common plan. Yes, you heard right.

Political correctness, take-it-or-leave-it ultimatums and a resistance to hard truths make it nearly impossible to articulate what we actually want from a relationship.

Instead, cultivate willingness to pull with the same strength through difficult times. Walk out on narcissistic patterns, habitual or persistent denial of problems, fights and power struggles designed to make the other small. Destabilizing the other’s self worth creates inappropriate, disrespectful hierarchy.

Let us avoid a utopian vision of the world of women and men. Instead let’s find the power and the good in friction and struggle.

How to behave in an uncertain world of women and men?

A compass for times after fleeting passions and lovebugs,
through the problems that will come up for sure,
because this is life.

woman + man

100% + 100%

Committed to love,
each deeply dare to encounter
the woman’s worlds
and the man’s worlds.

The power of the

feminine + masculine
meeting each other
encountering each other
from face to face
from bones to bones
from soul to soul
without destroying each other
without submitting to each other
without manipulating each other
without hurting each other

And here is my personal declaration of WHAT I STAND FOR: ruffled feathers. twitter

They are not a bad thing. Sometimes a good ruffling creates the most positive outcome.

The revelation of our most intimate thoughts is the antidote for boring, unimportant rubbish. The ability to open ourselves to expressing true fears, anxieties and desires will build self-assured intimacy.

And yes, it requires inner strength to grant access to one’s innermost feelings and thereby risk rejection.

But memorable, poignant, surprising experiences win out, increasing our emotional impact on each other. That aim is no longer wishy washy and “nice to have,” but an essential aspect of the real new feminine and the real new masculine.

the raw feminine + masculine

We are becoming rebellious. Tired of playing by the rules. We grow resilient when we face the truth without accusation or blame. We crave real encounters based on the incredible openness that comes from being open and truthful.

WE have to bear the challenge of loving the other fully in their truth;

to bear our darker fantasies and doubts about the other,
knowing our wounds cannot protect us
or gain us ground in self worth.

A good team is based on perceiving our autono-ME /I and

stabilizing it. Know your own weakness, fears, offenses, your own foolishness, and then step in.

We want to foster new visions of shared goals for the women and men in this world.

We want shared visions for the feminine and the masculine, for the new women and the new men, for the collective and vibrating truth, for the new shores of human fulfillment.

100% SHAKTI + 100% SHIVA

FOR A Vision
of a common


