May, 2016 | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser
May, 2016

The promise of walking your soul path

How soulvision is sight for visionaries.


credit to

Enlightened soul visions, cosmic ideas and golden concepts will change the world. It’s already happening.

We are the ones to fill the gap between enlightenment and the modern world. But it will be our inspired actions and decisions in service of our soulvision in every arena of our lives that actually create those changes.

Now is the moment to connect with the creative fire. We are so ready. We are prepared. Now is the best time to reconnect with our soul dreams and manifest miracles.

When you align with your soul path, what happens?

What difference will it make:
For you as a Leader?

Leaders are called to serve the sacred. 

A leader without the connection to a soulvision loses the magic he/she needs to unite his/her people. Leaders who are not connected with their soul vision will be egoistic, dominant and even work on the dark side. They’re working for themselves, for their ego and not for their people; an emergence of wounded patterns of loneliness and control.

What is a visionary leader, anyway? 

When you know why you were born
you know the 
particular tribe to serve
and how to align your aliveness.

You are here to sustain life.

What difference will it make:
For you as an entrepreneur or business professional?

If your business is not connected with your soulvision, it will fall apart every time. When you are connected with your soul vision, you walk nobly through frustrations, setbacks, and failures because you understand the end picture. You accept these setbacks and challenges as necessary lessons to reach the goal.

What difference will it make:
For you as a part of a family or partnership?

Without a vision or common goal for your relationship, this too will fall apart. A relationship imbued with a higher vision, a divine vision, allows partners and parents to guide the children. Parents are leaders; children are leaders too, and all leaders need a vision.

There are always difficult times, but with a vision that is aligned we have the force to believe in each other and walk it through. A common soulvision will improve the relationship and will grow you together instead of growing you apart.

What difference will it make:
For you, just for yourself?

Without being connected with your soul dream, you’re not connected with inner guidance. You do not live from your essence. When you are connected you know exactly what is the right thing for you, and what is not the right thing for you.

With this ability and level of discernment comes great power.

No matter the team you work for: a personal or professional partnership or something even more organic, soulful leadership comes from the belief that you and your team are made for something special at this precise time. It is the ability to inspire excellence in others, to encourage them to follow their own soul visions, and raise them up to a synchronous level of a souldream.

It all starts with soulvision.



How I learned the truth about chakras
and two downloads for you to sniff into the magic



When I was 30 I participated in a one week experience called “The Path into Light.“ One mediation centered on the solar plexus and how we can expand its light. I was gone.

The memory is vivid even now: a swell of abundance within me, pure yellow golden light. A thrill of my newly-reconquered ability to expand it and turn it into a liquid river of peace. It would fill my body and shower my surroundings with light that was sweet like honey and I would fall into a state of full bliss and full power. I radiated my new golden light and was deeply happy.

When I opened my eyes I found people on my right and left sweating and literally blown away by my power. I did not know what happened. The teacher MaRa just said: “You can generate a lot of powerful peace.”

I learned that each of the seven chakras in our body holds the connection to our signature of light. Each is a powerhouse of creation power.

Most people think chakras are for observation only and some know that blocked chakras relate to blocked topics in our lives.

But I know it’s much more.

Chakras house our power to create, and it is time to remember how.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers and vortexes throughout your body. They manage the flow of energy for various aspects of life. Chakras are the hottest creation power we have; a procreative atomic power within – when we know how to use them.

Chakras sit under your skin, in your flesh, in your blood, and woven through divine consciousness that radiates through every cell and bone. You can fill your warmth with light. You can fill every space with light. You have the capacity to fill your whole life with light.

Your chakra energy creates your reality.
What you vibrate becomes… true, sexy and real.

Demystifying Chakras

what you do not need to do
because there is so much nonsense out there

: Don’t clean them. Chakras only need conscious expansion to live.

: Don’t rub your hands to charge them. Learn how to expand them.

: Don’t make spirals inward and outward. Don’t pull the energy back to expand it; that’s like deleting and reopening.

: You don’t need another person to “open a chakra” for you. If a chakra wasn’t already open to some degree, you would not be alive.

Accessing the ancient knowledge

So I invite you to learn to how expand your chakras, to bring conscious expansion to them, and to access your full creation power through them.

Chakra expansion is a central part of my Soul Vision program, but this week I have created two standalone meditations to introduce you to my approach. They’re low-cost, high-impact downloads for synchronicity and courage. I hope you will use them to generate great power, full potential, creative capacity.

If you like them, please tell me. I’ll develop 5 more for a daily recharge and complete the set.


chakra button yellow chakra button orange





Is your soul calling you home?


The place to begin


Are you called you to start a new reality, to change your life path?

Maybe the path of your life is taking a new direction towards your souldream for the new earth. Your heart is now your GPS towards the new shores.

Dare to dream it.

What does your soul calls you towards?
Feel your heart awakening in joy when you dare to dream it.

Welcome the dream in its return.

Imagine you are in the cinema, watching your life movie, your soul plan.
Acknowledge inwardly, “Here is the dream I had before I came into this life, and which I chose to bring with me to earth. I allow it to come back to me now. I can see the powerful visions I held and now hold for this life.”

Remember you wanted to bring change.

Your love wants to deliver happiness for yourself and humanity. So with what and whom do you want to serve?
You have a quality inside that compels you to serve. Remember it.
You dreamed a big change on earth. You’re part of it.
Take your time. You remember.
Become very still and watch.


My soulvision program is underway

A preview of beauty to come

Just for you

Art by Steven Daluz

Art by Steven Daluz

My loves, as I promised this week I have been tucked away, writing with the flow of the universe. I pop in now just to share with you a taste of my writing, a glimpse into the multimedia program I’m building.

It’s about your Soulvision: how you can bring it down and use it to fuel your work with business, family, lovers, and yourself.

Why for yourself? Your Soulvision brings inner guidance.

Without being connected with your soul dream, you’re not connected with inner guidance. You do not live from your essence. When you’re connected you know exactly what is the right thing for you, and what is not the right thing for you. There are a thousand possibilities out there, and many great teachings. When you know your soul, you’ll know where your soul belongs. You don’t attend events or trainings out of a sense of obligation or possibly “missing out,” because the right thing sparkles with clarity.

What belongs to you, you will belong to. Your Soulvision points the way.

It’s all coming together. Soon.

Wild love,
