December, 2018
The New Beginnings
Beloved ones,
We all crave for the new.
We all call for innovation and new paradigms.
Do you know it can work ?
I will tell you.
No way around, to start again with a B E G I N N E R SÂ M I N D .
No matter what I did , no matter what I have achieved , to innovate and write new pathways we have to go back to ground Zero.
From there we are vulnerable and open and navigate only with intuition and instinct to the new worlds of innovation and new paradigms .
It’s delicious and curious . Like in the first class at school .
It has its charm and excitement to be open and learn anew .Â
My beloved souls, I am in the process of creating the NEW BEGINNINGS.Â
My new website will be ready soon!
Meanwhile, you can read through my previous posts from the Female Grail blog or visit my Youtube channel where I recently shared new content, including interviews and talks.
With love,