Find the guidance you need to live this life to its fullest potential.
: Are you longing to understand your soul’s true desire?
: Are you wondering, “What is my purpose?” or
“How can I learn about my future?”
: Do you want to deepen your relationships or
forge stronger connections with those around you?
: Do you ache to know what lives you had before this one?
“The Akashic reading with Durga did not only give me valuable and practical insights into my life purpose, strengths and unique talents, it also gave me confirmation that I’m already on the right path… and this is priceless. I got to understand more of what I’m supposed to do in this world and I received specific insights into WHY this is important. The reading fueled my ambition, motivation and confidence and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s truly wanting to live a life in alignment with their soul’s vision.” – Hannah Mang, Copy With Attitude
“Durga’s soft voice and her powerful spirit took me straight to the beginning, speaking to my soul’s essence. She revealed my soul’s journey and made me see ways to fully step into my purpose for this life time. Knowing my soul family and my name gives me deep comfort and a feeling of connectedness. With Durga’s guidance I am now able to integrate lost aspects of my soul and fulfill my life’s mission.” – Nina Winner, Transformational Dance Coaching
What are the Akashic Records?
Taken from the Sanskrit word “Akasha”—meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”—the Akashic Records transcend time and space and help us understand something of the cosmology of our lives.
The Akasha—also known as The Book of Life or the universal supercomputer—stores encoded information about every human and cosmic experience spanning the past, present and future.
Extract knowledge
from what you’ve already experienced.
During your private reading, which will be recorded and sent to you, I’ll delve into your past lives and establish how they influence you today—from your karmic themes and relationships to your soul’s purpose.
If there’s energy blocked as a result of something left unresolved in a previous incarnation—people usually refer to this as “Karma”—you might discover you’ve been experiencing the same pattern over and over again.
Sometimes, simply acknowledging these blocks is enough to shift them. Other times, affirmations or past-life regression might be needed.
From a soul level,
family is what makes you divine.
Each of us was born in heaven, which means that each of us has a soul family to which we were born.
Through Akashic Record readings, I can identify, describe and reconnect you with your soul family—whether yours originated among the stars, the gods or the angels.
If you’ve ever felt out of place on this earth, like you don’t belong or other people don’t understand you, you’ll find this a powerful revelation.
Not only will you find yourself beginning to attract other people from the same soul family, but you’ll come to a better understanding of how your strengths play into your sacred mission in life.
Akashic Records readings are life-changing experiences.
You’ll walk away with a fuller understanding of who you are and why you’re here.
Your newfound knowledge will liberate and complete you so that you feel happier and more at peace.
And you’ll be able to tackle challenges from a new perspective—one which understands that nothing on earth is limited, but that possibilities are infinite and that this life is simply part of the ongoing journey of the soul.
Living in accordance with your soul is a powerful way to live—one that can lead to unbounded success.
I’m Durga Holzhauser—mystic visionary & cosmic nomad.
My spiritual journey has taken me from my hometown in Austria to India and the mountains of Peru.
Today, I live at a modern Ashram that I founded, La Lumière, a divine haven in the hills of Provence in the South of France. Here, people come from all over the world to recharge and rejuvenate through our morning and evening meditations and rituals.
I’ve been giving Akashic readings for over 10 years and it’s always been something that has come naturally to me. I can navigate my way between the two worlds very easily. For me, it’s like simply walking into another room and describing what I see.
I’ve also authored several books, including Jesus The Book, the first volume of my life with Jesus when he walked the earth.
All private sessions are held in confidence.
Each reading is guided by my spouse, Agni Eickermann, with whom I work to read the sacred Akasha. He ensures I don’t lose myself. In more than one way, he’s the Captain guiding my ship.
But rest assured, your reading will be held by the two of us in the strictest of confidence.
The session will be sent to you as an MP3/MP4 file or CD.
“A soul gift, a treasure, a sacred key to the future…thank you Durga & Agni.” — Agnes Fehlau
Order your personal Akashic Record: EUR 2,000
For yourself,
or for a loved one.
For more information, click here to read
“Our stories were written in the Universe”.
Each reading includes a soul reading, in preparation for which you’re free to ask three questions, such as:
:: What is my spiritual name?
:: Did I meet an avatar, like Jesus, in a previous incarnation?
:: Who are my spiritual guides?
:: What is my purpose?
:: What transformation awaits me?
:: How can I help this transformation happen without a hitch?
:: What relationships do I have with my soul family members?
If you have questions afterwards, we are happy to answer those as well.
We charge EUR 150 for each additional question after you’ve received your Akashic Record Reading.
Feel free to ask one to five questions. You can order them using the button below.
FAQ DAQ (Divinely Asked Questions)
Some people ask:
:: What is my spiritual name?
Your spiritual name vibrates from your soul energy, like a mantra. It works within you. That’s the conversation of your soul. When you know your spiritual name, you can feel your personal vibration all the time.
:: Did I meet an avatar, like Jesus, in a previous incarnation?
Some have a desire to know this about themselves in their past lives. Some have an inkling about it, and they want to complete their story.
One such woman remembered a past life in Jesus’ times when Jesus walked by her village. He helped her to collect the broken pieces of something she had dropped. Seeing the love in his eyes changed her whole life—for her next incarnations also. Through her Akashic reading, she could feel the power and purity of the experience.
:: What is my purpose?
Some things in our lives are meant to be because they belong to us. Those things that belong to us always make us shine brighter. The things that do not belong to us, bind us. They keep us stuck where we don’t want to be.
Many people ask for an Akashic reading to answer this question.
:: What transformation awaits me?
When you begin to incarnate and embody your soul, your heaven on earth, the layers that conceal your purpose and true self will be burnt away in the transformation. You will remember who you truly are once more.
:: What is transformation?
Transformation burns away whatever does not belong at the inner core of your soul.
Order your personal Akashic Record: EUR 2,000
For yourself,
or for a loved one.
“Durga & Agni, I’m so comforted by what you could see in your reading for me and my daughter – comforted and inspired and energized. It is a lifetime treasure to understand more about my child and how I can be her best mother; how to love her most fully. I will feel divinely loved, witnessed and held every time that I listen to the recording. Thank you both, from the bottom of my grateful mama heart.”
Jess Larsen, Birth doula services | www.jesslarsendoula.com
“Bursting with echoes of ancient wisdom, Durga’s reading stirred my soul and sparked a fire of awareness that shines daily. The effects? That peace that comes from truly knowing who you are and the magical powers that lie within you. Knowing where I come from, helps me day-to-day get to where I’m going. It’s been a liberating and fulfilling journey.” Annette Saldana | www.irresistiblerequests.com
“My dear Durga, how wonderful does it feel to conclude the year with a deep remembrance and new creations. I thank you and Agni from the bottom of my heart for the Akashic Reading which has illuminated my path in this lifetime with star light. It is hard to find words to describe how deeply I am moved by every sentence, still. Every single piece of information is precious and relevant—and produces a feeling of recollection and recognition inside of me. Suddenly so many things in my life make sense and I can see the correlation so clearly. I thank you and Agni for this amazing gift! With love” Kat Csengo | www.paperclipfox.com
“Durga did an Akashic reading for me which covered me and three of my children. Her reading was profound and confirmed some thoughts I had about why my children had chosen me as their mum, as this is a belief that I hold. It seemed to click into place a few other issues that i had been wondering about. I found it very useful. I would highly recommend her readings who are genuine and very inspiring. Durga is the real deal. I love her sensitivity and her honesty.”
Anges de Lumière | www.angesdelumiere.com
“A soul gift, a treasure, a sacred key to the future…thank you Durga & Agni.” Agnes Fehlau, Radio Host | Wellness & Beyond
“I received my Akashic reading on my 38th Birthday, an indescribable gift. There was a healing in the listening to your voice, the love and compassion expressed so beautifully. The story I received tied together so many threads of my life, and enhanced what I know of myself. A blessing beyond words, and the details truly showed you were connected to my Soul’s energy, thank you so much, Durga & Agni, from the bottom of my heart.”
Jenn Poniatowski, Reiki Master Teacher | Sea Change Reiki
“During Navaratri I received an Akashic reading from Durga and Agni. It was so beautiful and such an energy blessing that I am still integrating! Every word precious, about my origins and purpose here, past lives influences, etc. It affirmed to me the direction that I want to keep going in. To fully and totally dive in actually! Ananda Ma was the spiritual name given, bliss filled sister. Perfect! :D If it speaks to you, I highly recommend giving yourself the rich treasure of an Akashic reading.”
Kelly Lynn Anderson