Fulfillment’s right time
Applying pressure vs. divine timing

photo by Camilo Villegas
Some things need time to grow.
Sometimes we just have to wait.
Sometimes the energy of our future creation needs time to build up above us in the cosmic spheres.
You’re ready when you’re ready. Resisting this truth doesn’t move things along any faster.
Applying force or pressure rarely leads to the spiritually-aligned action we seek or the change we want to create.
This is because everything comes at its right time. When we are connected with our soul vision, we trust its arrival. A soul vision needs time to prepare on all levels: energetic levels, light levels, meta levels, human levels, grounding levels.
When you encounter tension that’s caused by perceived urgency of action, you can only spiral into more tension and less presence. In those moments we act out the past or the future, but not the religious moment of pure inspiration we are tuned into now.
Sometimes pressure is for monetary relief, yes. But in the end this panic leaves a legacy of heart attack, burnout, and products that are imitation rather than divinely inspired. To be sure, there’s a lot of pressure to be ready right now, even already yesterday, and ASAP.
If we really want to create something that is ours; that comes from the deepest, surest place of our self, we need time.
And then comes the moment where the gates open and we can step in.
The return to the right timing, to the development required inside the cosmic Lab, is the solution of the future.
You know when it’s the right time when:
It unfolds magically and with grace.
It blooms in beauty and
You just have to stand and witness in awe.
And as we are dreaming a new paradigm and many genius thoughts are emerging, we still need to wait. They are simmering still, *Not ready yet.*
I personally feel it’s the time of preparing and cooking what is really ours. Naked, and bare and unplugged, wiping off all make up and dropping all pretenses.
It’s gonna be more beautiful than we ever have imagined.
*You’re getting ready.*
So ride the Tiger when the time is right.