DOES YOUR HEART FEEL INFLAMED? | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser



It’s not pain.
It’s a burning seed of your future.

Here’s what I believe:
We are about to create a new world.
New leaders are rising from the unknown,
having long incubated their Destiny.

Does your heart feel like it’s burning?
Does it burst into your thoughts?

What we know from experience doesn’t always help us to identify what’s happening for us. Particularly now that the new creation is the energy.

Our Inner Child wounds from the past float on the surface of our realization. But they do not speak for us anymore. Beyond them, in wiser and deeper parts of ourselves, we find our promise.
Every wound is a teacher; there lies wide expansion there for us.

What I see, I saw and did.

I woke up to see gold in my heart, in many other hearts. My universal existence and my soul dream packaged in a small condensed seed. It feels like golden stardust, exclusive and luxurious.

“Explode your universe,” she said. twitter

Because I was open to my mystic self, I knew this was not pain to lose myself in. It was the labor of my heart chakras giving birth to my soul’s visions. The dreams died, the ethereal took form. When we have done our preparations, we are ready.

Healing comes at very station of the crossroads to unite the sacred, while drama boosts trauma. What is calling is this: new leaders are giving birth to their visions. Therein lie thousands of opportunities to create the future with their destiny.

So you have a seed in your heart too?

There is no way to avoid the labor pain. Walk through your pain. Ask your seed, “What am I giving birth to?”

If you are not so deeply connected to yourself, no worries. Just do what is in front of you. Your soul sends you fragments and, like a thread, you must weave them together to create the fabric of the future.

How I do it?

It is not easy. But your future is in your heart.

If it gets too painful, lean back and breathe. Just breathe into the golden seed of the future.

As we face new creation there is no right or wrong way, only ways that inspire us to take a hint and find our own solutions.

I let the pain move in freely when it comes.
I ask my heart to flow out and then I flow the creation to wherever it leads me.
Then I do not search for results, but for creation.

We need leaders in all corners in the world, opening up new solutions for change. We need them working locally and globally. Define your orbit. Your new visions will fill it in.

First stop and feel: what is my inflamed heart really about?
It’s not about having more to do.
Stand for it. Collect it.
The rest is on its way.

The future leaders will lead with their hearts.
Open wide. Open your wings.
