What is the scent of your future? | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser

What is the scent of your future? 


Photo from Topit.me

Because we can smell it more than we know.

Some weeks ago I attended a fascinating workshop, “Awakening our Senses.” I was taken into a world of seeing thoughts, smelling the signature scents of peoples’ souls, tasting ideas and listening to the sounds of love.

Even a participant’s future shop became a potpourri of taste and texture, all available just from seeing an image of the invitations to her future clients.

That inspired me: what if we go deeper within ourselves to create the future; if we come to deeper inspiration through our senses?

I started to play with my own sensory intelligence.

Our world is not only to be seen, but also to be felt, smelled, tasted, and heard.twitter

After the era of renunciation we are now diving into the age of sensual spirituality.


Where the feminine is disregarded or cut out of the spiritual experience, it shows up as a gap of sensuality. A lack of honoring the five senses and sacredness of the body. That’s what’s lost. 

We are left with an imbalanced relationship between the earth and our lives on it. When we invite the feminine back into our lives (this is actually true for men and for women) we awaken to a more sensual spiritual path, with benefits to our emotions, our sexuality, the possibility of living more fully and richly.

We need to see the future.
We need to feel the future.
We need to make contact with the future, with our fingertips.

Ask yourself:

What is the scent of your future?
How does your future sound?
What does your future feel like?

The poetry of my future composed this :

My future smells like caramel and red Bordeaux wine. A promise to feel comfortable at the fire with the best friends of my life.

My future sounds like a compilation of all sounds of happiness digitized and edited as one. A symphony of sonic joy.

My future feels like the touch of wet earth after a heavy rain, so touchable, so drunk on life.

My future has the taste of a late summer evening: my impregnated dreams of eating together, laughing together, crying together and gathering together. Forever.  For nearness for friendship.

And yours?

Share it in the comments below. Let us be part of the surfaces, scents, flavors and full awareness of life. What we feel will come true.
