Increase a thousand-fold
the joy of working together.
Embracing the goal of happily working together is the ultimate perfection. The future lies in compassion-fueled cooperation, époque shifts and co-creation.
The era of togetherness is a promising bud of talent for a new world. 
And look, teamwork is more fun.
“The happiness issue” is definitely a sensitive subject. But where and when you haven’t reached the ultimate level of happiness in teaming up together, you better start taking action to uplift hearts. We cannot afford to create another generation of unhappy young professionals.
This is the greenhouse for assured happy creation.
For me the magic happens when generation Y meets generation A.
Generation A
The archetypes.
The first-born. The original. The first creation.
Those are called the old Gods. They were there from the beginning and have imprinted powerful codes of feminine and masculine creation power in all worlds.TheCosmicDictionary.com
The story of how my personal assistant Angel (of Generation Y)
improved our time management and co-work 1000%
Look for wisdom in the place that sucks the most. 
What to do when generations clash?
This is it: Notice.
Crisis is the best starting ramp.
La Lumiére life:
We were sure. There were to be no more team meetings on Monday mornings.
My assistant and I both ionized a perfect avoidance strategy, but we had to admit that the ritual of Monday morning meetings sucked. Vastly. We prayed to our gods. We had done our “what we are grateful for, blah blah blah” routines, and it still sucked. The moment we sat down to start our weekly team meeting to coordinate our work, the energy was unbearable. The body knew: Please, I want to get out of this.
I tried everything I could try. I invented better plans, basic affirmation recipes to improve our teamwork and create more happiness.
Now I must admit I am a high-quality fetishist. I give my best, always. We do it great or not at all. Mediocrity sucks.
And I love the tension of the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It creates high-voltage energy for change. But we were deepening the differences between how I flow with greatness and how my team flows with greatness.
The last trick in my hat was to turn to Plan B.
My Plan B:
(Full disclosure: this must have been a channeled and highly-divine intervention that was tired of my Self.)
After years of managing the improvement of it all, I gave up and said:
“Ok Parasi, now you work it out. You have 2 days to find a better solution for timing, meetings, and information transfer between us.”
: How we can have so much fun in meetings that it blows our mind?
: How can we have a flow that nourishes self-contained joy?
: How can we build a bridge of transparency between two brains stitched and woven by different kinds of genius?
Here’s what she came up with and what we still do.
: We have a walk in nature for team meetings.
: We have times of uninterrupted work, wherein each of us is responsible for our work.
: Each of us determines her own work flow.
: We have designated ending points of when we want to get our work out to the world.
We still work and improve.
I learn about teaming and togetherness every day.
I want to socialize in my work and business.
For me there are many happy, cozy moments.
And each next time I crash into things that suck?
I honor the wisdom of my team.
I just say to the troublemaker: “Ok, find a new idea and propose a solution.”
The cause of the cause is the solution.
For me and for them.
We want to give birth to a new society. We do it for a generation’s worth of happiness. So we are in charge of making a daily sweep to turn old patterns into new creation.