HOW TO (UN)LEASH THE GRACIOUS COSMIC SHOWERS. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


Gratitude needs a +


Copyright @ Judy B. Dales

I do not know what your life is up to those days, but mine is a cosmic crack between leaving old skins behind and a new, unknown creation.

It’s itchy sometimes, and overwhelming. When the next thing emerges from the deep, it’s so new, so unfamiliar. The future feels strange because, to us, it is a stranger.

There is just one thing that brings me back to myself when things go this way.
It’s all about shifting the perspective.

“Be thankful for what you have, and you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.” @ Oprah Winfrey

If satisfaction is reliant upon external acknowledgement, money, vacations, achieved goals, then that satisfaction will have a very short life span. The material world is fallible and temporary; what you win, you can easily lose. Power gained externally lives externally to you. Much better to invest in internal, eternal, infallible ways to connect.

The number one magical tool to transform your life is laser-sharp gratitude. I promise you it changes things. But I do not want to promote a New Age cliche. So we need to do it right.

I believe in perfection of creation. The universe works mysteriously and we are constantly the beneficiary of her generosity. All has been given to us; such wondrousness we could not have created ourselves.

Even gratefulness is created by the source. To connect to that gratefulness is to tap into the presence of an unimaginably generous force. It takes us instantly back into the flow of the cosmos.

To be grateful does not mean that all is good in this world; certainly it is not. Negativity is so easy. But we need to open new horizons to make gratitude work. Clarissa Pinkola Estes said, “Do not complain, do not criticize, do not condemn.” Those 3 C’s are a turnaround point. When we can catch ourselves in those moments, it’s a chance to open troublesome life situations to new possibilities, and to open up the cosmic flow.

See, this is the work that matters.

Current gratitude is the higher force, the higher aim. You created everything you see, hear, feel, experience. You are meant to flow with the cosmic flow and figure out how to maintain it endlessly.

We are here to realize ourselves. We cannot do this if we undermine our own mission. Life can be cruel, and we still have the potential to mirror our real Selves. We need to brightly polish our life-reflecting and life-affirming mirrors. We need to unravel the Self, for Self realization.

Gratitude is the work that lifts us up, to build energy and motivation.

Here’s the formula:
Start with “I am grateful,” then add the “+”

my favorite gratitude +’s


for the simple, the mundane, the boring
for the silent divinity we constantly overlook

Doing this adds truth, identity and spirit to the essentials, to the perpetual presence of spirit. Gratitude for the clean water running out of your tap, so obvious. The salt in your kitchen that came from the sea. Our sense of eternity, the body of we are in. Just look for what is around you, so naturally filled with grace, the small things so normal to our lives.

Get detailed and specific, like “I am grateful + for my feet that carry me every day from bed to my bath to my workplace. For the way they can be warmed up when they are cold.” or “I am grateful
+ for the sun rising and bringing light into my room when I wake up in the morning.

Just starting here will open new horizons and richness to your life.


for things that are challenging, devastating or even destructive

This is the most difficult one. When life goes against us, when the death of something is close or we have desperately lost something. You will not rise moaning. No self pity will shift you.

Just try it, and find the seed’s realization in the crops.
I am grateful + for what this situation is teaching me.
+ add a lesson of beauty beyond and a change of perspective


for future

She listens and absorbs the vibes you send out.

I am grateful + for the future.
+ add a new expansion, a chance to grow, an excitement, a great opportunity.

This where the magic lies.
Detailed gratitude makes the difference.

Gratefulness is a vital organ and an exercise.
It will train your heart and open a way of life.
Here, the source becomes a constant companion.
