Why I am leaving La Lumiere.
I am here to raise up a revolution. I am here to incite a new spirituality beyond religion. I am here to gather up the ancient seats of embodied enlightenment and update them for the 21st century. I am here to restore a feminine spirituality and represent the feminine side of creation.
La Lumiere, my ashram, is for sale.
Officially, we are searching for the right person who comes at the right time.
I built La Lumiere with deep love using my own hands, brick by brick. My task was to build an ashram far away from my home to show my devotion to my inner guidance. My aim was to show those who follow me how to trust in themselves, in life, in God.
Two days ago I fully realized what I did here: I built a manifested temple where the divine and earth fuse. People come here and fall into bliss, because they know their soul is home.
La Lumiere is the most magical place. The veils between the worlds are full of hidden secrets. The devas are so close they graze your skin as you walk through the gardens. Peace feels like flesh and the vibes of happiness are all around. (I will cry to leave, and still I know it’s my time to go.)
An ashram is a place of saint honoring.
Where heaven and earth kiss.
A heaven where people sense their soul again.
A sanctuary where the light reigns.
This garden is ripened and ready to embrace its new keepers of sacredness to build and continue the chain of soulful dreams.
re-cover, re-unite, re-charge, re-member, re-juvinate
When we deeply understand that life is our initiation path, we give birth to tradition. It’s important to understand that every creation has a birth (here’s why I built my ashram ten years ago), a summit and an end. When we know that in our bones, we are one with the universe. My time has come to flow forward, and watch Chocolat to remember my radical roots.
I am ready to leave my heaven on earth and move on. My exploration takes me into an open land. I look inside. I lose my way consciously. I have built a temple; now it’s time for me to build the next one.
The roots of tradition call us to build places where others can step in and build a new story. If we want to step into our next and greater version we have to step out of the familiar.
We are called to leave gifts behind, so that others can built upon our heritage.
My devotion is my compass for others to follow. 
We are the keepers of visions that benefit humanity, for the good of all. If I could, I would build an ashram every day, in every neighborhood. This is my heritage and my tradition: to inspire. I hope I inspired many to build their own ashram to fill with their desires: how they want to love God and the universe, great rituals filled with light and help, to pull the purest creation down to earth. A place where we remember the sacred light we are.
We are at the eye of a needle, a time gate to a new creation. Here we leave our old skin behind and transform. Ask yourself: what old layers are worn out? Be brave enough to explore new dimensions.
As for me, I am on my way to discover this new uncharted territory of creation. My new temple is already in the spheres. Out of chaos the new is born.
I now follow the wind and leave my gifts for the right soul.
So, are you the new owner of La Lumiere?
We are looking for you.
We embrace you. As part of our scared contract.
Eternal love,