SOLUTION FINDING FOR PERFECTIONISTS | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


In my world, and according to my cosmic understanding and living, there is no waste. To each question, problem or search, there is one solution, answer or remedy. It fits like the right top on the pot and the correct screw into its winding.

You are looking for an A to a burning Q?
You need to optimize your spiritual search machine.

You need to spirit Google.

The secret is the filter
you use to tap into the right level.

Ask yourself first:

: Can I solve it within myself? Level A

: Is the solution in the spiritual world? Level B

: Is another person the keeper of my answer? Level C

: Is mother earth the voice of my search? Level D

: Does nature hold my solution? Level E

Trust your sacred heartbeat: it drums when you hit the Jackpot.
And mark with an OM where applicable following your inner trust of knowing.

If your answer is on Level A:

You will find your solution within.
You need to go deeper; ask which chakra level provides the answer.
Dive inside into the corresponding chakra landscape, and receive. Send your Q out into the color and set it free to flow back to you.
(You do not know what chakras are? I can help. Leave a note below.)

If your answer is on Level B:

You will find your grace in your prayer.
Pray for a soulful insight.

For advanced spiritual questioners:
Identify which spiritual experts are your team:
God, Archangels or Angels, Ascended Masters, Fairies and Devas.
They are all connected, so if you hit the wrong mailbox they will lovingly forward your request to the mavens of what you need to know.

For example
One of my Fengshui Clients prayed to Archangel Michael. One day while watching TV I had a clear image that her house was charged with divorce energy of separation. I hesitated to write her; she is a celebrity. I did it anyway. She answered immediately and asked me to help her. As Archangel Michael got the demand on his desk, he knew I was the expert in this field and I would notice and respond to his request.

If your answer is on Level C:

Ask yourself, who is the expert who can help me find the right answer?
Get help. Pay for value exchange and honor how much the time and money your consultant and expert saved you.

If your answer is on Level D:

Lay yourself down on the soil of our Mother in nature, full body extended. Breathe with her. Let her warm energy weave into your body. Let her heart drum pulse your cells. Fill her with your love and grace and make your request, devoted and respectfully. Then do not be surprised how quickly she responds. Most humans keep her under serious underemployment.

If your answer is on Level E:

Fairies, Devas and nature are full of spirits. They helped manifest plant empires and minerals full of remedies. You were advised to address them? Dare to do it, and give them their due respect. Ask what they want from you. (They love presents and often ask me for black tea and rose petals. A friend of mine is always asked for sugar.) Ask where they want it, where the vortex is. Then ask for your solution. It may come in the form of a plant petal, a healing crystal or energies streaming towards you holding your A. It’s worth trying, my best advice comes from this world of magic.

So now go. Pose your Q.
Mark your level. Let it go. Receive fully.

And then come back and share your results in the comments below.

Wild love forever
