SOME SERIOUS WORDS ON KARMA | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


I must say I am indignant. Now that the New Age community has learned all the spiritual vocabulary, some people think they can throw it around carelessly.

So tweets like:

“May Karma take care of it,” shock me. Really.

Attention warning-k

“Karma is a bitch. She might kick you in the ass instead.” twitter

Name-calling or blaming the Gods of the law of Karma is the worst thing to do: you’re opening a new threat with Karma. It will immediately “fire back.” Moreover, you need to consider if perhaps your own Karma plan is activated. And…

: Ask deeper

Why is this my life?
How did I attract this?
Why did I create it?

You made the call first.

Everything in your life is made by you.

You created it on a level you may have forgotten. Our obliviousness is a blessing and curse.

We are not powerless victims; we are powerful creators of our destiny.
Which we can change in one instant with the right enlightening insight.
One slip into the ocean of the divine is enough to dissolve burdens of our souls.

Look, Karma is the law of reaction.

What we seed, we will harvest.

Once in India I was told a story that made the Law of Karma so transparent for me:

In Tibet they say, “If you walk by a beggar and look at him with pity you risk being a beggar in your next life.”

What is the teaching?

First: Karma is not a punishment.
Karma is the glue that holds the universe together. It creates gravity that holds us on earth and makes sure the sun rises each and every day.

Second: What we think is what we create.
So our thoughts are seeds. twitter
A good dharma is to just follow all your thoughts through the day and ask yourself: Where will you lead me? twitter

Third: Most do not remember their former lives, and they do not understand their implications for today.
We all have a story older than this life.
“There is no saint without a past. There is no sinner without a future.“ – Babaji

So I wonder,
before we curse others with subtle judgment or even cursing Karma…

… we should remember

In the end it is all about how much we are willing to love.
In the end it is all about how much we are willing to grant generosity.
In the end it is all about how much we are in the bliss of gratitude.
