The Leaders of the Future: Leaders of the Heart | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser

The Leaders of the Future:  Leaders of the Heart 

The return to love is the signature of our future leaders.

And their leadership is visible in the centering of their heart chakra.


The heart carries a different knowledge than the mind.

The mind is able to envision and imagine;

The heart knows.

Only the heart recognizes what is truly good for us and others.

Our heritage of the old world: 
We are all born with a wounded heart. The journey of its healing is the path to realizing the leadership we are meant for.

When we are willing to walk a path – no matter what it takes – to heal the pain in our hearts, we open the gates to build new communities and collaborations based on healthy, healed relationships.

To be clear, the healing of love takes place when heal the heart chakra and expand our love from there. And the heart chakra wants to expand, intensify and raise pure love.

The heart chakra stands for the fire of love, unconditional love, truth, wisdom, inner guidance and knowing.

The science of the heart chakra teaches us to (1) first find inner guidance rooted in our soul, then (2) access guidance from the divine aligned with the power of the light, and then (3) provide guidance to others on their own paths toward higher good.

The 3 diamonds of the heart

Inner Guru

:: Insight from inside 

The heart is our inner guidance; a temple where we find our sacred self.  Everything we need is within us. We can rely on ourselves and our spiritual gifts when we listen and trust our inner voice. The heart is one with the cosmic wisdom. All answers we are craving are within.

Divine guidance

:: She who leads must be willing to be led by the divine 

The heart chakra is the center of connection with a cosmic team. Make no mistake: your spiritual team guides and supports you every day of your life. We are guided by a bigger force, and the heart chakra is the inbox for their messages.

Give guidance and the space to love

:: Lead what you are meant to lead 

The love of the heart cares and unites, so the heart chakra can lead and guide others until they find their own inner compass. The pattern for future  collaborations and communities beyond calculation or ego-driven aims lays here, waiting to be decoded. As our old world falls apart, and while the new creation is yet unknown, we need to dive into our heart chakra to find the answers and then take the risk to dare it.

Heart chakras can be found in physical spaces too.

As an ACC Feng Shui Teacher, my role is to train my people to locate the living chakras in their buildings and physical spaces. When I consult with my leadership clients on where to put their desk, for example, I always place it in the space’s heart chakra, in support of her leadership.

For many years I experienced the difference it makes when the leaders are centered in the heart chakra of their companies. They lead their teams and business with love. If they’re centered elsewhere, results are not so positive. For example if leaders are based in the front chakra, often the leadership assumes the form of control rather than collaboration.

(I offer these scanning and consulting services remotely; contact me for more information or to schedule your consultation.)

All in all, we are about to heal our inner hearts.

We first heal ourselves.
Then we help our teams to heal.
Then we heal our environment.
Then we come out and share our story.

This is how leaders of the future will change this world with their love.

Mark my words.

