time is over for doing it alone | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser

time is over for doing it alone


No matter the scope and container for your personal soulvision, this much is clear: the time is over for doing it alone. Now is the time to be connected with each other, help each other, do it together.

As we come together, we are finding that the ways we used to work together aren’t effective any longer. The patterns we are in are much too small for who we are and who we want to be.

So ask yourself for the big visions: what are the new collaborations, teamwork, communities?

Each of us has a different container for our vision. Some of us are here for the immediate people around us, for our families. Some are here for a small group, to affect 20, 50, 100 people. Maybe your vision is to teach energy work to a group of 10 people at a time.

Tell me, what does your new collaboration style look like?

This is the most important question.

I’m living my way to the answer bit by bit, and I hope you are too.
