Category: most popular
A short love note.
I trust you know that you are on my mind always.
Behind the scenes we are joyfully developing what comes next in my universe.
For now, I have a small offering for you, in the spirit of the feminine leader initiated.
Do you remember the Gospel of Feminine Leadership? It’s a three-part series* offering 108 pearls for the balance of the feminine. It’s so vital that we thought we’d put them all together, easily compiled for your inspiration.
Wild love always,
Just click a button below to download your preferred format, PDF or PNG.
*If you’d like to read the original series, here you go: Parts 1, 2, and 3.
My dear readers, my people, my tribe,
It has been weeks now that you have not heard from me.
This is not because I haven’t been thinking of you.
I think of you all the time.
It is a time of peeling my old skins.
And the female grail has become a skin to peel.
My inner voice told me: Put the female grail on sabbatical.
My responsible online-world self said: You cannot do this. It’s counterproductive.
My grand soul weighs in: This is feminine creation.
When we transform into another dimension, silence is our master.
At least for me.
My creative rivers go underground and dream.
But I want to let you know.
I am working on my ideas in the background
while I weave through the many radical changes in my life:
selling La Lumiere
applying for an American Visa
and more.
So I have to let go of writing to you for awhile.
I am thinking in new dimensions.
I am your guide to these new dimensions.
And I will come back, when my skin is peeled and anew,
with newfound words.
In the meanwhile, I’ll see you on Facebook.
I love you always.
In timelessness,
A story about the transparency of life.
A new way of reflecting on dying.
My great-grandmother on my mother’s side was my teacher of life. She was our rock in the storms, a shelter of care. She was 83 when she died, having no signs of disease or sickness. She was simply ready to go. She had fulfilled her life’s work. So her body weakened visibly, and within two weeks it was ready to let her go.
I was 17. I was there 10 minutes before she died. She was shaking herself into a trance and I listened to her murmuring, “Mama, yes, I will pack my luggage and come home.” I felt her Mum waiting for her in the other world. I left the room and started my homework for the next day while the family stayed with her.
Soon after my Mum opened the door: “Granny is dead.”
As I walked up the stairs slowly it came to my consciousness that she was gone. I would not see her again. I froze as I realized she was truly dead. In this very moment, a wave of light embraced me and held me motheringly. She was standing behind me, full of radiant light. She comforted me: “I am not dead; I am alive.” Indeed, she was vibrating with life.
For years she came to me in my dreams, teaching me things and giving me advice when I was desperate. My sister was 9 years old when Granny died but she never cried, not even at the funeral or when her body was given back to the earth, forever unreachable to us. I never asked my sister about that, thinking maybe she was too young to realize. One evening when my sister was 16, we had an evening alone. In bed before falling asleep I asked her, “Why didn’t you ever cry when Granny died?”
“Because she was with me all the years after. She played with me every day. She never left me.” Believe me, I bowed to my little sister for her young wisdom and connection to the transparency of life.
A new way of reflecting on being born.
17 years later I was in the ashram in India amid a thousand people, and my Granny came to me. “I am going to be born again,” she wanted me to know.
“Not to me please, Granny.” I said.
“No, no I will be born to … (a friend of mine).”
My friend had an appointment to be sterilized and became pregnant three days before. I learned this upon my return from India. I did not tell her what I knew and just enjoyed her belly growing with this beautiful soul inside who was always flirting with me. My friend asked me to be the godmother, because the baby wished it. It was time to lay the cards on the table.
Later my friend invited me to the birth. I had a tight schedule and only had three days free around when the birth was expected. My friend called me and said the girl had told her the day of her birth, and we trusted the message from the baby from heaven.
And so I was there the day that she was born again. I witnessed her light coming into this baby’s body, being born in a conscious return to earth with a plan for her soul. She was just waiting to come out and open her arms to embrace us and life again. She had made sure I was there to meet her where she left me.
My great-grandmother has become my teacher about life and death. She didn’t teach me through theory; she taught me by dying and living again.
I have learned that you do not need to meditate your whole life to encounter and make the transit of death. Nature knows. You simply need to live your life fully.
Nature brought you into this life when you where born; she will bring you back to the world of light where you once came from.
You may take courage in the face of the unknown.
And still…
We are here to share a limited time of togetherness and a story we only live once. Share it fully. Fight for love and for the presence to encounter all we have.
Give it all.
Written with my deepest love for my great-grandmother.
And for you.
For a new way of reflecting on life.
It’s not pain.
It’s a burning seed of your future.
Here’s what I believe:
We are about to create a new world.
New leaders are rising from the unknown,
having long incubated their Destiny.
Does your heart feel like it’s burning?
Does it burst into your thoughts?
What we know from experience doesn’t always help us to identify what’s happening for us. Particularly now that the new creation is the energy.
Our Inner Child wounds from the past float on the surface of our realization. But they do not speak for us anymore. Beyond them, in wiser and deeper parts of ourselves, we find our promise.
Every wound is a teacher; there lies wide expansion there for us.
What I see, I saw and did.
I woke up to see gold in my heart, in many other hearts. My universal existence and my soul dream packaged in a small condensed seed. It feels like golden stardust, exclusive and luxurious.
“Explode your universe,” she said.
Because I was open to my mystic self, I knew this was not pain to lose myself in. It was the labor of my heart chakras giving birth to my soul’s visions. The dreams died, the ethereal took form. When we have done our preparations, we are ready.
Healing comes at very station of the crossroads to unite the sacred, while drama boosts trauma. What is calling is this: new leaders are giving birth to their visions. Therein lie thousands of opportunities to create the future with their destiny.
So you have a seed in your heart too?
There is no way to avoid the labor pain. Walk through your pain. Ask your seed, “What am I giving birth to?”
If you are not so deeply connected to yourself, no worries. Just do what is in front of you. Your soul sends you fragments and, like a thread, you must weave them together to create the fabric of the future.
How I do it?
It is not easy. But your future is in your heart.
If it gets too painful, lean back and breathe. Just breathe into the golden seed of the future.
As we face new creation there is no right or wrong way, only ways that inspire us to take a hint and find our own solutions.
I let the pain move in freely when it comes.
I ask my heart to flow out and then I flow the creation to wherever it leads me.
Then I do not search for results, but for creation.
We need leaders in all corners in the world, opening up new solutions for change. We need them working locally and globally. Define your orbit. Your new visions will fill it in.
First stop and feel: what is my inflamed heart really about?
It’s not about having more to do.
Stand for it. Collect it.
The rest is on its way.
The future leaders will lead with their hearts.
Open wide. Open your wings.
How to know if you belong to my tribe.
Her hair stood on end when she read Women Who Run With The Wolves. She knew Clarissa Pinkola Estes was talking about her; that someone out in the world knew her deepest secrets. She had kept herself hidden because she thought the world would not like her.
It’s true: her wildness was understood by nature, and she was untamed by society. Rules were alien to her. She didn’t need much from the tamed world because in nature, healing finds itself. She trusted her truth more than anything she was taught.
That hidden-away woman, she was me.
And maybe she is you too.
In spite of fears, misunderstandings, and wrong beliefs, this wild woman inside is not dangerous. Despite the protestations of the socially-conforming cells in my body, I know in my bones that my fierce inner wolf woman will guide teamwork of deep recognition, sharing, and cooperation among those who resonate with me and my vision. She will grow my leadership so that I may network eye-to-eye with powerful leaders in the world.
She is essence-relationship oriented and has an appreciation for playfulness.
She is loyal and immovable.
She threatens the status quo.
She is awakened because the crisis calls for her wisdom.
She is wary; she believes that when she outs herself, she is in danger.
But that is an illusion.
But she is not in danger anymore.
To the contrary, my wolf woman is a powerful leader.
I know that many of you are wolf women too, because you love what I write.
I asked her to teach me the signs of her presence so that I may share them with you. But you may also follow the trail and discover the signs of the wolf woman within you.
The wolf woman is a natural being.
She feels you and smells you instantly.
She intuits who you are. She knows your nature and will keep a distance if you do not resonate.
She will not tolerate fakes or distorted essences.
The woman who runs with the wolves is a future leader of humanity.
The time has come that I cannot stop dreaming of her.
She hunts through my nights and I feel her fur in my daydreams. She feels good.
She is tuned into using leadership as her contribution to the new world rising. She is the one who wakes me in the middle of the night, urging to me to give name and write down the dreams that are growing in my belly.
Are you alert to the signs of the wolf woman in you?
Her signs are:
: She trusts her first thought.
She is willing to keep working on me until I regain my animal instinct.
She is the one who knows in her bones. She sniffs out the false and real essences.
So many times I overruled my first thought, and I paid an expensive price each time. When my inner wolf woman reared up against a person, my cultivated mind suppressed the instinct: “Come on, you again? You’re always so complicated, you are always too much.” Then came the more dangerous part: my mind and socialized conditioning persuading me to play nice. “Give the person a chance,” said the voice. But it was clear already: my first thought was already a clear no.
I’ve also gone the other direction: disregarding my cultivated persona and listening deeply to my wolf woman. Once I woke up sweaty in the middle of the night after a sticky salesman promised to make my book an overnight success. That night I knew it was not right. I just waited in my bed, shivering from the knowing of all times in my bones. The first moment it was a good time to make a call, I picked up my phone. “You are out of the contract. No discussion, just because my wolf woman is not d’accord.” I did it again when I found myself saying to someone else, “We need to end our collaboration because I do not feel good with you.”
: She listens with her sixth sense.
She pays attention to nature’s reactions. When the animals around her get nervous, she listens. To the dog that barks, the birds that fly apart, the plants and nature’s silence. She listens.
A woman came to my house as a potential buyer. When she arrived I could feel her and the friendly neighbor dog was barking. I knew then she was not my buyer, before I even saw her: the dog had informed me. When I showed her the garden my plants looked away. I felt it. My wolf woman knew. Of course she did.
Believe me, a thousand times I misunderstood my wolf woman and thought I was just neurotic. Since I listen to my inner nature, I know. She guided me into a duality of expressions where the fabric of life pulsates.
I want to be her, my wolf woman, and she me.
So at home in her wildness, breaking down compromised fences.
She in her essence is wild. She is full of open empathy.
She is internalized in me, and I listen to her core. Still, she gets closer to me.
She teaches me to pay the price when I ignore her. She breathes loudly, so she cannot be ignored.
: She wants to see the truth, so it appears. And she gets aggressive when truth is compromised.
She has a second sight. She can see a second layer overlaying the material reality before her. This second sight shows up like a piece of gauze draped over people who are pretending to be something they are not.
Her inner world resonates earlier than her mind. Her skin freezes in the presence of falseness.
When I am centered in my nature, often things appear as if under a second skin. It can be a layer imprinted from former times upon a landscape, or people who appear to have a mask.
I don’t judge it anymore; I am curious about this particular expression of myself. Now I listen when my skin hurts, and I allow myself to be aggressive with certain people. I dare to feel my instinct.
It is not about judging people, but finding the sacred resins that create common visions, the nobility of great togetherness among kindred spirits. It smiles through me. And when that happens, it’s always good. Like the virtual assistant that agreed to work with me, and my sense of being felt like golden warm honey streaming through my veins, or the melting together with people in a collective, uncompromised expression of “YES, we want this.” It is so clear.
I am writing this because I am calling you, wolf women.
I have missed you for so long.
Rise up and dream so you may develop all you need to lead the future.
She is near.
How Wolves Change Rivers
She is the healing of the ecosystem. In our society, in our bodies, in our minds.
And take heart: if you don’t feel called by the wolf women, you may be a deer woman, one of Mary Magdalene’s tribe.
Or you may belong to my sisters’ tribes, among the buffalo women MaRa.
Each tribe has her own distinctive and revolutionary leadership style.
They are all needed.
I needed to write this out of my speechlessness. It made light fall onto my heart.
Just write a note to me, please.
If it’s true, tell me, “Yes, I am a wolf woman and I know you are there.”
Why I am leaving La Lumiere.
I am here to raise up a revolution. I am here to incite a new spirituality beyond religion. I am here to gather up the ancient seats of embodied enlightenment and update them for the 21st century. I am here to restore a feminine spirituality and represent the feminine side of creation.
La Lumiere, my ashram, is for sale.
Officially, we are searching for the right person who comes at the right time.
I built La Lumiere with deep love using my own hands, brick by brick. My task was to build an ashram far away from my home to show my devotion to my inner guidance. My aim was to show those who follow me how to trust in themselves, in life, in God.
Two days ago I fully realized what I did here: I built a manifested temple where the divine and earth fuse. People come here and fall into bliss, because they know their soul is home.
La Lumiere is the most magical place. The veils between the worlds are full of hidden secrets. The devas are so close they graze your skin as you walk through the gardens. Peace feels like flesh and the vibes of happiness are all around. (I will cry to leave, and still I know it’s my time to go.)
An ashram is a place of saint honoring.
Where heaven and earth kiss.
A heaven where people sense their soul again.
A sanctuary where the light reigns.
This garden is ripened and ready to embrace its new keepers of sacredness to build and continue the chain of soulful dreams.
re-cover, re-unite, re-charge, re-member, re-juvinate
When we deeply understand that life is our initiation path, we give birth to tradition. It’s important to understand that every creation has a birth (here’s why I built my ashram ten years ago), a summit and an end. When we know that in our bones, we are one with the universe. My time has come to flow forward, and watch Chocolat to remember my radical roots.
I am ready to leave my heaven on earth and move on. My exploration takes me into an open land. I look inside. I lose my way consciously. I have built a temple; now it’s time for me to build the next one.
The roots of tradition call us to build places where others can step in and build a new story. If we want to step into our next and greater version we have to step out of the familiar.
We are called to leave gifts behind, so that others can built upon our heritage.
My devotion is my compass for others to follow. 
We are the keepers of visions that benefit humanity, for the good of all. If I could, I would build an ashram every day, in every neighborhood. This is my heritage and my tradition: to inspire. I hope I inspired many to build their own ashram to fill with their desires: how they want to love God and the universe, great rituals filled with light and help, to pull the purest creation down to earth. A place where we remember the sacred light we are.
We are at the eye of a needle, a time gate to a new creation. Here we leave our old skin behind and transform. Ask yourself: what old layers are worn out? Be brave enough to explore new dimensions.
As for me, I am on my way to discover this new uncharted territory of creation. My new temple is already in the spheres. Out of chaos the new is born.
I now follow the wind and leave my gifts for the right soul.
So, are you the new owner of La Lumiere?
We are looking for you.
We embrace you. As part of our scared contract.
Eternal love,
Let me show you how to re-collect it.
Copyright @ Robert Gendler
The theory of all things:
You are a traveling soul. You lived before and experienced former lives. You are the sums of your past experiences, and you are a traveler to the future. Your soul is on a journey to expand, learn, experience. See life as ongoing learning, because it is exactly that. You are well educated. You are a defined character. You prepared yourself very well for this life. Remember your potential.
You are your past.
We can slow down and collect our memories. A diversity of cultures is your heritage.
Your are your present.
Enjoy the now. Also try to be a better person. Expand who you are.
Your are your future.
Experience the changes and witness the speed of the future. The excitement, the unexpected, the eternal unknowing. We can create things that unveil the inexpressible.
Let’s get to the good karma. For a long time I did reincarnation work with people. I always had the ability to see others’ former lives that shine through the transparency of today. I have always been most interested in the power that souls have embodied, and how people can bring that power into this life.
See, we think it’s all hidden from us, or maybe hidden within us: why we are here, and who we are. But you have the ability to connect with the incarnations that have prepared you for this life.
Your essence is embedded in layers of time, connected moments of your own synthesis, telling the power of your original story. It’s all linked together and these things influence each other.
It does not matter what stage of life you are in, or what job you are doing: you are the sum of all you ever were and will be. We dissolve our slavery to time when we realize the parked potential we have stored for ourselves over endless cycles of life and experience.
The beauty of all things
A soul is a seasoned, multicultural being. With beautiful ethnic explosions you remember the potential, power and wisdom you bring with you, and you’re richer for it.
You are already an expert shaping the future. You may have built temples, found liberation in caves, written books, invented the wheel, saved many lives. You may have been a leader or an explorer of new worlds in your former lives. With a new experience of our true Selves we can move into a forward-facing history of our potentials. Within you are dormant gene genies, true innovators. Delve into the places where you are still asleep and you may start to access an eternity’s worth of beautiful data within you that’s just waiting to create an ultra-bespoke future.
Let’s find out where you have developed greatness.
You can do it.
What potentials have you brought to this life? Come into your dreams and trust the natural interlinking of your personal and cultural history. You have continuities of culture and the archeology of our souls, just linking future and past.
Your tool to protect the prosperity of experience is just to remember.
The ease of all things, or How to ask the right questions.
In which 3 or 4 lives did I reach the highest potential qualities?
Take a diary or a piece of paper, and let God lead your writing hand:
In which the part of the world?
Now scan the world, you can use google maps to help you until the place lights up.
In what the time did this take place?
Write a number. Do not be shocked if you write 10,000 or 30,000 before Christ. We had highly developed civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria.
Your indicators may be books, movies and cultures that fasciate you and resonate with you.
In what culture did I live in?
Who are you? What are you doing? Describe it. How does it feel? Paint images.
What do I need to know about this life?
Ps: Not everybody was Cleopatra, Mary and Mary Stuart. Just get over it. History was written by impersonators and imperialists. Cultures are traded by memoirists.
What potential did I cultivate in this life? What kind of genius did I live?
Give your potential names, qualities, colors and flavors.
How can I bring this potential into my life life now? What actions do I have to take to embody it?
Flow into it. You have reached it before, it has traveled with you. Use it wisely.
I hope you are having fun. I am writing this with the spaces of eternity as my punctuation.
I write as a former deep lover walking with Jesus #deeplove, a former queen who had a lion heart and many enemies #feminineleadership, and a woman who lived in the caves of Mount Neru teaching self-healing #poweroflight. These are some of my own incarnations that influence my life today. What are yours?
And why it makes a difference for living love and peace.
Copyright @ Overgrowth
A simple do-it-yourself method to create non-attached relationships.
We want to love deeply and build peaceful temples for sweet relationships and communities. We cry out for liberated freedom. But what if we cannot do that soulful work? What if the fabric of the past is knotted up and we are constantly pulled back into annoying relationship dramas and desperate, predictable, painful endings? We may be triggered by a ball of thread that sends us back and back to places we do not want to be anymore. Frustration is the space where an unwatched play is played out anyway.
There is a fabric we brought with us to this lifetime that’s woven in our souls. Each remnant of our personal patchwork represents an aspect that we have not lived and fulfilled in past lives. It shapes our current life. It helps us to understand what we have not yet understood and accept what we have not yet fully accepted.
Here’s the good news: inside us there is fertile soil for total freedom. That freedom grows and flourishes in the non-attached parts of our soul. It will allow us to love how we want to love and circulate abundant peace.
Non-attachment is neither passionless apathy nor separation from the other. It means a new beginning; a chance to encounter each other in the land of our sensual, unburied soul. She loves without limits and drums her peace down to earth.
The non-attached space of ourselves is free to make choices. It is the third place beyond acting but being ourselves.
Attached relationship is: not being able to breathe in the presence of the other; to fall into rigid habits; to shut down our hearts; a monkey wrench in peace-making processes. Most attached or co-dependent relationships are populated by one dominant participant and one submissive participant. When we are in these positions, we play a role we cannot get out of.
Non-attached relationship is: liberation; total freedom to love, to be who we are, to change our situations. It is the space between us to hold sensual longings and horizons of playful possibility. It is the loving heart that’s freed from painful experiences and is not destined to repeat them.
Change Karma is the new patchwork we sew when we finally start to grow into the empty spaces, to master our growth, to weave the experience we want. All but the highest version of self can be blurred by energy that keeps us truly alive. The relationship or painful, destructive aspect in the relationship will cease.
It may signify the end of a relationship that kept you bonded and attached, but mostly it is a rebirth into new blossoming.
Loving your expansive freedom always allows you to navigate your inner compass.
The Golden Eight by Phyllis Krystal
For decades I have used this simple method to protect my own spheres and territory without interfering or penetrating the space of the other.
Any time I feel my aura perturbed and stormy, dependent upon another person, institution or dynamic, I just imagine the golden eight and the neon light. I set my pace and continue until I find myself again.
It works for
: messy cooperation
: fraught ties with family members
: crazy outbursting love affairs
: reestablishing compromised boundaries
: balancing Shiva-Shakti
: a missing desired love in your life
: a missing desired aspect in your life
The method
Choose a person, dynamic or Institution/organization that dominates you. Think of somebody or something that traps you in an old pattern or paradigm.
It’s important to choose just one and not to bundle many together. You can do one after the other to smooth out and dissolve the knotted fabric.
Let your soul/higher self guide you.
You can imagine this or actually take two cushions and perform it on the floor.
You can stand or sit, whatever feels good.
Visualize a golden circle the size of your outstretched arms on the floor. Now visualize another circle that just touches your circle. In this second circle place the other person, dynamic or institution. Let her/it sit there. The circles should gently touch but not overlap one another.
Visualize a neon blue light coming like a ray from the source of all love, and it touches the circles and starts to circulate clockwise. First it flows from the center point and circles around your partner. Then it returns to the center point and flows around you behind your back, and returns again to the center point. Keep the light flowing in this pattern, creating a figure eight around you and the other.
Start to feel how aspects that don’t belong in your field pop up and return to their rightful place across from you. As this continues your aura gets spacious and clear. Let the eight circulate as long as needed until you feel liberated and free.
Then let the blue ray return with gratitude to the divine. Release the person, dynamic or institution with gratitude.
The application
For sticky cases, visualize it every morning and evening for two minutes.
You can do it when something has happened that disturbs your space and mood.
You can do it as a detox cure for 2 weeks.
You can do it as often you like.
The effects
: It will calm your space.
: It will help you to expand your light.
: It will make you feel good.
: Patterns come to love.
: Patterns come to peace.
: The divine takes you home.
: Your light shines.
The new world is created from a land of freedom. Your role is to shine your brilliance.
I hope it will help you in these times. Let me know.
Gratitude needs a +
Copyright @ Judy B. Dales
I do not know what your life is up to those days, but mine is a cosmic crack between leaving old skins behind and a new, unknown creation.
It’s itchy sometimes, and overwhelming. When the next thing emerges from the deep, it’s so new, so unfamiliar. The future feels strange because, to us, it is a stranger.
There is just one thing that brings me back to myself when things go this way.
It’s all about shifting the perspective.
“Be thankful for what you have, and you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.” @ Oprah Winfrey
If satisfaction is reliant upon external acknowledgement, money, vacations, achieved goals, then that satisfaction will have a very short life span. The material world is fallible and temporary; what you win, you can easily lose. Power gained externally lives externally to you. Much better to invest in internal, eternal, infallible ways to connect.
The number one magical tool to transform your life is laser-sharp gratitude. I promise you it changes things. But I do not want to promote a New Age cliche. So we need to do it right.
I believe in perfection of creation. The universe works mysteriously and we are constantly the beneficiary of her generosity. All has been given to us; such wondrousness we could not have created ourselves.
Even gratefulness is created by the source. To connect to that gratefulness is to tap into the presence of an unimaginably generous force. It takes us instantly back into the flow of the cosmos.
To be grateful does not mean that all is good in this world; certainly it is not. Negativity is so easy. But we need to open new horizons to make gratitude work. Clarissa Pinkola Estes said, “Do not complain, do not criticize, do not condemn.” Those 3 C’s are a turnaround point. When we can catch ourselves in those moments, it’s a chance to open troublesome life situations to new possibilities, and to open up the cosmic flow.
See, this is the work that matters.
Current gratitude is the higher force, the higher aim. You created everything you see, hear, feel, experience. You are meant to flow with the cosmic flow and figure out how to maintain it endlessly.
We are here to realize ourselves. We cannot do this if we undermine our own mission. Life can be cruel, and we still have the potential to mirror our real Selves. We need to brightly polish our life-reflecting and life-affirming mirrors. We need to unravel the Self, for Self realization.
Gratitude is the work that lifts us up, to build energy and motivation.
Here’s the formula:
Start with “I am grateful,” then add the “+”
my favorite gratitude +’s
for the simple, the mundane, the boring
for the silent divinity we constantly overlook
Doing this adds truth, identity and spirit to the essentials, to the perpetual presence of spirit. Gratitude for the clean water running out of your tap, so obvious. The salt in your kitchen that came from the sea. Our sense of eternity, the body of we are in. Just look for what is around you, so naturally filled with grace, the small things so normal to our lives.
Get detailed and specific, like “I am grateful + for my feet that carry me every day from bed to my bath to my workplace. For the way they can be warmed up when they are cold.” or “I am grateful
+ for the sun rising and bringing light into my room when I wake up in the morning.”
Just starting here will open new horizons and richness to your life.
for things that are challenging, devastating or even destructive
This is the most difficult one. When life goes against us, when the death of something is close or we have desperately lost something. You will not rise moaning. No self pity will shift you.
Just try it, and find the seed’s realization in the crops.
“I am grateful + for what this situation is teaching me.”
+ add a lesson of beauty beyond and a change of perspective
for future
She listens and absorbs the vibes you send out.
“I am grateful + for the future.”
+ add a new expansion, a chance to grow, an excitement, a great opportunity.
This where the magic lies.
Detailed gratitude makes the difference.
Gratefulness is a vital organ and an exercise.
It will train your heart and open a way of life.
Here, the source becomes a constant companion.
The Manifesto of Trust
Trust creates space for others to walk in.
Then invest in their best, and give out bonuses.
Do it with your eyes wide open.
My first real boyfriend cheated on me. He went on tour with a school musical for two months and we did not see each other the whole time. I did not cheat. I was faithful.
I decided to trust anyway.
I would trust men in the future. As an investment. With risk.
It took me awhile to accept that my confident expectation of commitment was not met. But in the end it’s my loyalty to myself that makes the day run smoothly.
My father cheated on my Mum. He went so far as to introduce me to his new conquests, manipulating my trust. The women pretended to be my cool girlfriends as a ploy to turn me into their ally. It was only my instinct telling me: Something is wrong here. Does Mum know?
I did not want to be his accomplice, or theirs. I felt betrayed. We all deserve to be told the truth about situations others put us in, so that we may accept or reject the situation from our essence. Fabricated emotional settings blur our essence’s ability to discern safe ways to interact and connect. Swallow. I went on.
I decided to trust anyway.
I would trust women in the future. As an investment. With openness.
The ability to be vulnerable and open with fearless abundance saves me from drama. Stay with me on this one. People will play games and take part in their own dramas. Others do wrong things and they may hurt us.
But I will not shut down my heart, and I trust my instincts as I trust my future to carry me. I trust my openness to ask for the outrageous truth.
I started a new business with a French girlfriend. She cheated on me and ran off with 30,000 euros of my money. To make matters worse, the money I gave her was intended to pay our supplier. It was never paid, and left me looking shady too.
I decided to trust anyway.
I would trust the people I worked with in the future. As an investment. With healing.
We have met others millions of times in this and other lives. We ourselves have made good and bad memories for others. I want to pay my karma and move on.
There is no guarantee my business partners will be loyal. Even so, I want to be noble, and the most noble parts of me trust again and again, though it is sometimes a struggle.
It was the two of us, two women. We shared a common dream: to built an ashram, to lead others without compromise in freestyle spiritual life and mysticism. But she met a man and got pregnant. I love children and so I took this baby from heaven as part of my team. Then she got pregnant again and had no time for our dream.
I decided to trust anyway.
I would trust the women in my life. As an investment. Without any guarantees.
I still keep our dreams wide open for the healing of all women. We both had to admit that reality brought us back to the ground. We both agreed that we hadn’t found any solution to women’s challenge of balancing work and children. We both agreed that we know about our purpose, and either we can go for it or drop it.
I decide to trust anyway, after every heartbreak and rotten story. We all carry a memoir in miniature like a garment woven through with past dramas and disappointment. We all have these encoded stories of the delusions in our lives.
My soul craves clear space.
Doubt and suspicion are poisonous.
I do better to invest in trust and risk disappointment,
because I can recover from denial and letdown.
But I won’t ever love with a dark cloud of mistrust hanging over my head.
I would never recover if that poison filtered my heart.
Look, resilience doesn’t come from having guarantees.
Life comes with verifiable ugliness and multi-dimensional beauty.
I trust life.
Always with a free breath because of the millions of endorphins found in loyalty, nobility and breathtaking love.
Trust now. Trust in life. Not everything will be positively, life-affirmingly true.
Deciding to trust anyway is an investment that will become a bridge to possibility and sacred spaces that make us feel golden and good.
Create sacred space. Your investment. No pay backs.