The backstage story
Some weeks ago I tapped deeply into the big Question: “What am I here for, and why was I was meant to be born? I am ready.”
The process simultaneously activated a countermovement of feelings. Instead of standing up to grasp the big vision of my soul, the opposite happened: I withdrew, back on my couch positioned like a cat, frozen. My body stiffened and I felt incapable of making the next move.
As an energy seer, I untangle my cover stories quickly. Sitting on my sofa I could see my emotional light body around me crystal clear. I myself found trapped in a paralyzed state of mind and my emotional light body stood still, paralyzed too. An arctic palace around me reflected emotions of the Ice Queen when I asked, “how do I want to feel?”
Completely fascinated by my own visible aura, I reached out and touched the light body with my fingertips and felt a membrane structure of patterns there, in textures and knots like another skin about 50 centimeters (20 inches or so) from my physical body. I know about the emotional body, and now I was in the middle of an interactive movie, seeing it. Eckhart Tolle calls it the pain body. This body is making us feel. But it is more. It vibrates with the resonance and information that comes into our space, and it gives us feedback about what is near. This light body also swings into action when cosmic light information is coming in for us.
When left unconscious the emotional body is like a garage filled with memories, neutral and flavorless, simply potential. Good things and bad things are stored up in boxes ready to vibrate when a similar energy comes around. It can evoke fear when we step into bravery or freeze when old traumas are resurfaced in our memory, even if those experiences are long past.
That day my pain body was activated with the data of old memories.
It shut me down.
We all have it. Emotional body pain, or fear stored in our pain body, affects our lives and can render us unable to move or act.
But there’s good news.
Fear is shifted by love 
We have a deep longing for fearless living. We aim for the higher self.
Change your past-embracing memories into future-building energy.
Let me tell you the truth.
When you tap into the powerful dream of your soul, it will frighten you to death because right then you are at the core of your own prophesy.
This is where some people start their personal fires. And many stop there, and leave the work behind.
But we are now willing to remember our dream in heaven, knowing it will change our lives. Maybe when we were 6 years old we knew it; when we were 16 we thought everything was possible.
And maybe the world around us became so loud then that we disconnected from it. Now we need to go back to the time before we stopped knowing.
It’s your time to call out your soul. Here’s what I did when I was frozen in my pain body.
The Shifting Visualization
I sat there and focused on my heart.
The heart chakra is the source of liquid love.
I let this liquid love pour out of my heart and take on the color and quality it wanted.
I expanded the light love so it covered all my emotional body from inside.
(Imagine it is all around your body)
I melted the frozen parts with love.
I steamed over the patterns and structures and watched them dissolve.
I kept on going until my emotional body was free, flexible and expansive like the open sky.
My emotional body became a soft liquid membrane made of a porous material for traveling light.
I want to show you how to turn the frozen state into fluid emotions.
Try this.
Easily wipe fear away.
Unplug from fear.
Reach out your fingers and feel the texture around you.
Feel the patterns with landscapes of your soul’s memories filled with sound, color and scents.
Scan this body. Feel whether it’s fluid or frozen.
Let your heart pour out the most compelling fluid of persuasive love.
It will spread over the emotional body and melt it into wholeness.
It may have any color and light tone, even beyond our color palate. Celestial.
Take time for this.
It may take days or weeks to melt down.
You will feel how it comes back to fluidity.
And you will come to a new state of mind.
Connect to your reality.
The feelings of the past and the old data do not need to affect you.
We are always free to love.
Love is presence. Not future. Not past. @agni
Fear is with us all the time.
We confuse fear with reality. But this is an illusion.
We are now ready to understand that we are made of stardust; we are made of energy and light. When we are unplugged from the noise of fear, it’s easier to face this reality:
We always have the truth to be our authentic self.