THE UNIVERSE REBOOTS. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


Ask yourself:
How will I make a difference?

My visions of a new spirituality.
The Future trends of the golden Yuga.

I have something important to show you.
It is important to understand the evolution we live in right now. You need to understand it to recognize its symptoms and its effect on our lives. When we are able to read it and wield it, we can co-create with the heart of the cosmos.

The critical evolution is happening now and affects our everyday lives. When we identify the layers of understanding, it’s easier to open our hearts to a more meaningful expansion of imagination and words.

This involves crucial hope, new models, the significance of remembering, the Shiva-Shakti immersion, the Christ Consciousness grids. Yes, this is big. Our future matters.

And you find it in yourself.

Why now
We are the ones, and we have been waiting for this time. We as humanity have walked together through past evolutions. At one time the old seats of tradition gave us all the knowledge we needed to live within the laws of the Universe, the dharma and the earth’s resources.

But now we are the ones who must hold a conversation between earth creation and the creation of the universe. We were born with the knowledge that only when we bring the two together, the earth-creation and the universe-creation, can we live in harmony and bring to life all that we wish: thriving communities, fruitful environments and sustainable lifestyles.

Ask yourself: How can we work with the earth and Universe so it does not stream against us?

Our time is both a blessing and a challenge.
Everything is popping up at the velocity of our time. It’s a bloom of new visions and rapid shifts amid destructive, outdated systems that we ourselves created.

What is so special about our time?
It’s about everybody. Not as Buddha came, Krishna came or Jesus came, as individuals to shift our minds. We are about to shift humanity with the collective. Everybody will be a leader in their way to create new collaborative communities. We need these in every part of our lives: our partnerships, our society, our ecological systems, how we farm, how we give meaning to money, how we grow as people.

Gratitude is the new religion.
When we surrender fighting the status quo, we can disconnect from the noisy world and enter a moment between the dimensions where everything is right. We will build on that soil, all the while inquiring: “What do we need to heal? What do we need to support that brings forward the life of Universe and Earth together?”

My bigger vision witnesses what is going on in the cosmos:
I am seeing big changes.

: Everybody is rising

Ideas that will not shift the collective will die.
Leaders have to listen and knit together the old seats of tradition and power with new meaning.

: Shiva-Shakti Immersion

Our society has too long ignored the Shiva-Shakti balance. Shiva is the masculine power of creation; Shakti is the feminine power of creation. When Shiva-Shakti do not kiss in eternal union they dance disconnected and fall in succession into self-destruction.

Our world is overpatterned with the masculine. We are in charge of raising up the feminine and re-understanding Shakti from an initiated female leadership. Only then are we are able to uncover truth from deep within.

The rise of the Shiva power in us is actually disoriented, because what we thought was a masculine role has lost potency. So the masculine reaches out with softness. The feminine is too fierce and the masculine too soft.

When we consider how balance is created, we can see that it is first provoked by extremes. But this time we will not experience the feminine becoming so fierce that it becomes self destructive; we will not experience the masculine falling apart.

Instead, we are all part of a bigger evolution. We are rebalancing Shiva-Shakti with new ideas to unify with the universal.

Bringing soft masculine and hard feminine into balance.
A New Masculinism. A New Feminism.

Ask yourself:
How can I balance my Shakti?
How can I balance my Shiva?

Christ consciousness

We are done with healing, transformation, forgiveness. The teachings are connecting us with wholeness now. The love that created the universe and actually holds it together will change our society. Earth herself is rocking the Christ-light from the inside out. This love and the Shakti that was suppressed will change our approach and understanding of ourselves, our business and work, everything.

We have dreamed this cosmic dream together.
We as soul society have dreamt that universe. We mediated in unison on this powerful new dream of a new earth that we have never seen before.

You are part of this collective dream.

The story of the Universe continues
The cosmologists know our universe has a story of beginning when in one moment of eternity all was created from one singular source. A fire expanded into the whole universe filled with all that ever was and ever will be. Peaceful beauty was the source of everything. The cosmos had her secret of spacing time and timing space. It is woven into the universe and is always there.

I tapped into something when my friend and courageous-thought sparring partner Mary Garvey Horst created a live recording of me as my mystic vision opened. I saw into the heart of the universe.

We are now connecting with the beginnings of all times. The moment of God; the beginning of all. From there all our stored data from our past changes, and we remember.

Do you think we are walking backwards?
We are actually fusing together.

We were born in this magnificent glory. Luminous and golden.

We are connecting with the genetic origin of times to create a new evolution. We are walking backwards into our knowledge. We will carry it forward into an update for our age. We are about to reinterpret the creation on our own terms. We will apply it to our daily lives and take it from ashrams into our businesses, and from monasteries into daily life.

Everybody is in the game.
We are doing it together. Everybody is responsible for his and her part.

Reconnect with your soul vision.
Silence is our souls’ refuge these days.
We are healing the data of our past and transforming it into pure light.

We are about to create the data for a future
that we do not know.
We know less than we ever did.
The promise: It will be wonderful.

When we remember who we really are, we automatically quit our destructiveness.
We are complete divine beings who can shift a disconnected society toward mutual support, leaving behind exclusion and competition.

Acknowledge what has always been there.
Acknowledge your soul.
Acknowledge mother earth.

We have a lot to do.
Start with yourself.

I love you.
