ADMIRATION. CASCADINGVISIONS. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser



Why I think Pinterest will shift our global look and feel.

You always loved cutting out pictures from magazines and make them your own.
You are crazy about scrapbooking.
You love coffee-table books and pictorials.
You love magazines for their world of images.

I do.

I am obsessed with cutting out great pictures from magazines that feed my inner emotional visions. I keep them in a box and go through them regularly. Some of these cuttings stay for years. They become loving visual reminders. Others serve the short-lived purpose to light up an inspirational resource.

The power of imagination is for soul visions what words are for creation. In the night we dream up movies and slide shows, we do not read books. For inhabitants of a glorious visual universe: Our world is about to take a glamorous shift.

Consciousness shift at high speed continues. I say, move on Twitter & Facebook. Make room for Pinterest, the playground for contemporary visionaries.

I vision beyond all possibilities of wildest viral growth in the social web scene. Fashion, design and product labels exude the scent of countless possibilities for marketing destinations. We are about to witness the next generation of social media. We should all grab the opportunity to feed the global vision board with our visual interpretation of this world. Why? Because we can create change on this globe that reaches deep into our collective energy field. Our visions become part of the global resource for information flow. The social platform to create tendencies is born.

Your personal vision becomes global.
And provides you with the opportunity to become an infinite trend maker for change. The market will soon listen to what we visualize (or not).

Let us meet on .

Make it easy & fun. Play with and recycle pictures. Find them, pin them. What starts small will soon grow into a unified visualisation of what should become of us, the Earth, our consciousness.

Here is my new palace on the web:
When you visit, say a word or two. Pinning and re-pinning is the new form of communication. My vision travels, is added to yours and together it becomes a more rounded, more dazzling picture. My core twirls dancing like a dervish.

Give your inspirations a new palace.

Start here.
Dance with me.
Discover and marvel.

Set frames for your project and dreams.

Build your vision board by creating a series of mood boards.

Be free!
There are no limits or judgment of good or bad taste.
Just you, your playfulness, your fun.

Show who you are.
Share what you love.
Spread what inspires you.
Celebrate what attracts you.
Design your spaces.
Believe in miracles.
Send good vibes.

Let’s do this together.

Practical guide
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