CHECK THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR SOULGOAL. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


I believe
We are all born with a vision bigger than us.
Each sub-goal is a step on the pathway to your own personal heaven.

I also believe
That we are much happier living according to our soulgoals.
Because then we have the whole universe and all of our spiritual helpers on our side.

Your soulgoal
Is what you have dreamt in heaven for this life.
It vibrates at a certain frequency.

If you want to live your vision you must shift the frequency of your life
To the level of your souldream.

In a lower vibrating field or environment your vision cannot be realized.

There is a creation energy level needed to manifest your desires.
We are the only ones who can ensure that it runs at that energy level.

The new spirituality is the tool to do that, and embody your prophecy.

Let us start simply.
Find out if you vibrate on the level where the synchronicity of the universe can work for you.

Awareness is the beginning of change.

Imagine a scale from 0 to 12.
Your soulgoal vibrates at 12, the number of wholeness.


Check your inner landscape.
At what frequency is your state of mind and emotion vibrating?
Write down a number on a scale from 0 to 12.
Do not think; let your body answer for you.
(The remedy for growth here is a transformation coach or a spiritual consultant.)

Does your environment vibrate with your soulgoal?
At what frequency are the places you live and work vibrating?
Write down a number on a scale from 0 to 12.
Do not think; let your body answer for you.
(The remedy for growth here is a Feng Shui to match the frequency of your environment.)

Are the people that surround you vibrating with your soulgoal?
Go deep darling, this is live shifting.

Ask yourself.
How much do I have to shift my energy level in order to live my soulvision?

From (number) to (number).

To successfully work with all forces of Shakti (the creative power of the Universe), beam yourself up to that frequency.

When you start to feel the frequency of your soulgoal, the spiritual response will follow. twitter

Consciousness grows under awareness.
Cultivate it.
Have fun.
This is all about love and joy.
