HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR KNOWING. | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


A new feminine approach
to learning.

Do you have an inkling for a new idea?
Is there a new concept sparkling in your aura that will reinvent your industry?
Do you receive fragments of a cosmic light pattern; are you going to start something new and revolutionary?

In order to succeed you have to look at your work from your unique perspectives. You must think about it in your own creative way. Do not accept what is already out there. Your perspective might be the only one from which you can see new art, history, music, business ideas, books, visions of new life.

Ignore old learning. Start thinking fiercely alive.
Intention. Choose aliveness.

Do this with the aim of creating a new theory. There is a trend in every human domain that will affect human life for the better. About God, sexuality, livelihood, the future of humanity and good living. Everything.

Learn and think.
Creative thinking.

“I got to thinking about the other story that has been told to me. I have to choose to listen to that other voice urging me to listen to my inner wisdom over my historical betrayer.â€

The exercise

Don’t learn anything for 24 hours.
Choose a theme of your passion.

Unplug. Disconnect from the noise of the digital world.
Hear yourself love.
Choose nature. She is the connection to reality.
Tap into the wisdom of not knowing.
Forget what you have learned and what you have been told.

Go into a field of consciousness about your passion.
Address the field of synchronicity. Let the fields work for you.

Instead of thinking, be that field.
Follow your instincts like a wolf.
Be inspired by what meets you in this field. Pay attention to signals from people, places, words and images.

Let your mind go with your heart.

Dive into the meaning of life.
Choose slowing down. You are worth it. Every time.

Look, we have layers of understanding.
Open your heart into a larger soft expansion of sensuality.
Think about that field. Create something out of it.

Receive + Collect + Integrate + Imagine

Trust that the field sends you the signals.
(Do not analyze too soon; let the openness of the field orient you.)

Gather information. Trust that you are getting exactly the information you need.
(Opinion and judgments are too restrictive in this area of creation.)

Magnetize the good. Your body wants to recycle knowledge. Your energy will dissolve it and solve it.
(Deflect the negative. Identify with: Look, this exists.)

We need to be the truth of our authentic self. The higher self is king and queen.
(Awareness changes when we embrace our memories. No time to ponder, wait or imitate.)

We cannot wait to see what you express.
We want it. Always, it’s worth it.

The un:hearable un:seeable things. Tiny micro-cosmoses vibrating soft magic. Just one small, connected liaison with your mystic soul each week can open, affect, and attract positive interruptions for the new creation. You can do it. You must. To connect with your soul, to feel your own cosmic rhythm of calling. To feel your thoughts. To let aliveness find you real connections. Love holds it all together. For every one of us.

The muscle of our feminine learning needs a regular workout.
You must exercise it. You must experiment with it.

(I am telling you this from my pilgrimage to the 3rd volume of JESUS THE BOOK & THE SERIES. Landscapes, people and memories cross dragonlines in unexpected ways never before imagined.)



[…] In just one week’s time, I will enter the field of Shakti in India with my Yogini sherpas Seema Kohli and Stella Dupuis. Equipped with my iPad, my Moleskine art book, water colors and pens, I will explore ancient rites and initiations, and decode old sacred symbols. I leave without expectations of what I will find, but with faith that the spirituality made by women, the goddess power, is spinning for us. It opens the veils of mystery that lie over the Yoginis and Durga. (HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR KNOWING) […]