Let’s start with Unlimited Love | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


Unlimited Love
Love pours into truth, truth is love
Love desires feelings, to feel is love
Love is the will of God, will is one with love
Love touches us, under the skin flows love
Love offers, she does not want anything but love
Love reaches territories where she has never been
Love asks, the answer is love
Love is where you come from, love is where I am
Love knows me, she knows where I come from
Love liberates me, freedom is love
Life is love, love is life
Love needs love to survive
Love is the will to love limitlessly.

*Poem from JESUS THE SEEDS OF CHRISTLIGHT, Volume 3 of the Sacred Series, coming out of the beyond next year.

Dear readers, wonderful souls:

I had my sabbatical, and it is always a big challenge to come back.
The right gateway must to be found, to re-enter.
But now I miss you so much that I’ve decided to come back.

I have been writing and will continue until this untamable book is complete.

JESUS THE SEEDS OF CHRISTLIGHT has taken me on a wild journey through time and memories; surprising and familiar glances into Universes and the discovery of the continents.

Here I am;
get prepared.
More is coming soon.
Visions of #soulgatherings 2015 are growing
and more surprises are taking shape.

You must know, I really missed you. I feel you all the time.

I love you,


November 13, 2014 · · most popular, offerings, visions & prayers