REINVENTING THE HEROINE INSIDE: | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


“A culture of fancy self love”

I call myself a cosmic nomad. After all those years of stripping off too-tight skins quilted out of the conventions, conditionings, and opinions of others, I feel really good in my own skin, woven of my own stories.

Cosmic nomad (ˈkɒzmɪkˈnəʊmæd)
1. a member of a universal people or tribe who walks equally in heaven and on earth from place to place to find freedom and fulfillment
2. a person who is continually a sender for the universe and loves to discover the world; madly in love with non-conformity and universal law

A cosmic nomad.
The story of finding one’s own terms.

It all started when I was a graphic design student. My final and most ambitious university exams required that I be ultimately creative. Or better said, I wanted to be. High-pressure polishes diamonds. During these times, I discovered that when my inspiration flow dammed up, I could find immediate relief literally on the move. I just had to jump on the next tramway and my ideas would bubble again.
Later in my one and only employment I tried to convince my boss that inspiration comes to me much faster when I can move. When he refused to give my inner wolf space, my cosmic nomad made the final, life-altering decision: to be truly inspired, I needed to be unbound.

Cosmic Nomads are free.
No borders, just horizons.

Today I know that my wild soul needs the freedom to move around and travel freely without ties holding me back. The challenge was to find a working rhythm that would support my untamed, wild gypsy roots in the context of modern society – all without giving up the spiritual discipline of an ashram life and my passion for business.

It turned out that my life pitched its tents in South France and Florida. I live in between seasons and chose my pastures for the real realm.
I continue to travel for my workshops and speeches. Airports are my 3rd home and still:

The moment I sit at the airport or on the plane, my inspirations rise into higher dimensions. I have learned that whenever a project sucks, I can take all of my material with me and fly. I am never disappointed.

Be free. Dance around the projections
Stay tight to your core.

This is a really prosperous time for us women rising and searching for ourselves. We have walked a long path in darkness; we underwent our initiations, oh yes we did. We have done our homework. We are now back and ready to rock.
The promise has been ignited. We now rise again and want to take part in the creation. We will define ourselves on our own terms.

Does highly flexible resonate with you?
Do you love to study from nature?
Do you prefer or dream of becoming your own entrepreneur?
Do you constantly blast through narrow-mindedness?
Are you traveling in your own fantasy?
Do you think universal unpredictability is cooler than control panels?

Dig deeper sister.
Heroines are not heroes.
You may be one of my lost sisters of our tribe.
We have just found each other again.



[…] environment with my soul I have re-socialized my mystic soul. Now she lives in a flock with my cosmic nomad, my 21st century goddess, my eccentric super player networker charmer, my really shy looser, my […]