What Feng Shui books
will never tell you.

There are places that leave us feeling good and places that suck or cost us energy. There are vortexes charged with the elation of grandeur, where we shiver in wows. Beauty is charged with positive vibes. A basic instinct whispers: “I never want to leave.” And then there are spaces where we pray: “Please get me out of here. Now.” Our emotional triggers immediately detect energetic good-vibe-killers.

I was a natural seer of these energies.
But the first time I saw Agni demonstrating how to remove darkness, transform bundled negative clouds, and switch on energetic light spots to shift whole areas I was sure: you cannot read this in any Feng Shui book. I had found a true Feng Shui master. I wanted to go deeper; to get under the surface in a way books never could.

Energies influence our moods and can even change us. Here’s why: energies surround us, and we all sense the invisible. You do. And you know it. Do you also know that energies tell stories we can read and interpret? The law of attraction of the real Feng Shui teaches that we cannot only read energies; we can transform and change them. We can create balance and shift positive vibes. We crave it. And I teach and consult on this.

“A clear space is open to attract synchronicity destiny.”

Lifted :: Shifted

Low energies pull down your consciousness.
Lifted energies raise you up.
Environments that pull you up grant you good feelings.
A house of divine will attract the divine.
Energy is access to light.

Change the energies, change the world.

I have learned…

: When we heal the land, we heal the people. After Ireland’s country was healed with avant-garde energetic landscaping by Marko Pogacnik, peace negotiations began and ended in the Good Friday Agreement.

: Surfing on energy is possible. I advised a client to simply move his office desk into the stream of the dragon line, the most powerful Chi energy lines. He soon expanded from a small office to a worldwide business.

: First you enlighten your house, as a result it enlightens you.

: Energy lingers. A divorce house that’s charged with divorce battles will influence its new inhabitants. A bankrupt business space attracts new bankruptcy, if you do not transform the energies fighting against you.

: People have energies. They can influence our living and working spaces, positively or negatively. But real Feng Shui can set energetic borders to preserve the sovereignty of our space.

: Chakras are also in the rooms we live in. Chakras are pulsating energetic color bulbs. We may walk through them every day without knowing, but once we know it we can use them to fuel our desired vibes.

: Rooms have elemental power. They taste like Fire, Earth, Water, Metal or Wood. Once you know it you can taste it.

: Every space longs to return to balance with universal streams of creation. Nature and plants know all this naturally, but we have refused to see. We can relearn and shift by healing.

: Our hearts yearn to flow with the Universal stream and the abundant Earth stream. A business owner who wants to earn more money only for the sake of money will by ignored by the energy streams in the long term.

: A crystal radiates light.

: Bagua energies do not always come through the main door.
Sometimes they don’t use a door at all, and instead come through the walls. I have seen it.

: Energy marks our environment,
shapes moods, characterizes outcomes and influences us and our daily decisions.

: An energy hole in your work space and family home will eat away your energy and make it difficult to keep your mind abundant and affirmed. You will feel exhausted. Real Feng Shui can block it.

: Whole cities (often disordered nature)
can support or suck energy.

: Energy fields collect memories, and we tap into it.
Real Feng Shui can see karmic fields and provide real healing.

: Clear energy pulls fulfillment, happiness and success into our life on our own terms.

: Flowing with the energy is bliss.

I want to take this knowledge to businesses…

for changemakers, spiritual business artists, holistic entrepreneurs and idea leaders. Imagine being able to lift super-creative vibes in the room before going into a meeting, imagine a social worker using Feng Shui in the saddest areas of this world (shifted areas keep bad stuff from sticking). Imagine reading time flow as a means of making quicker decisions. Imagine connecting with the universal answer with one click. Imagine being sure about your inner world, because you are connected. Next year I will teach Business ACC. More soon.

Learn to see energies.
Learn to change the energies.
Learn the rhythm of creativity.
Learn creation habits.
Learn about the rhythms of space and time.

Thank you to my Master Agni who taught me Feng Shui and more. Together we have published the book NINE MASTERSCHOOLS OF FENG SHUI. The book was published in Chinese, the cultural mecca of Feng Shui.

Let me shift your space.

Get a free download of NINE MASTERSCHOOLS OF FENG SHUI in English.



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