YOU NEED A VISION? | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser


I want to be at your service!

It’s celebration day. Today, the FUTURE BOOK went online. With emphasis, my friends kept asking to offer this to a greater community. {Thank you to all my friends for loving what I do.}

: The offer

From now on, I offer my visionary abilities to you and your business. The FUTURE BOOK, born a while ago, started with a small group of people. I helped them see the bigger vision of themselves and unwrap their life’s mission. Today, those people have successfully added an unique ingredient to their business or even started a new one that was invisible to them before we worked together.

: You are a natural leader

You know there is something big waiting for you. But you cannot grasp it or name it. Now is the time to kindle our missions’ glowing sparks and with its fire ignite the answer to the big “WHY we are here on earth” question, turning it into a blazing North star. A guiding light that you are ready and dedicated to follow. All you need is a plan to put your mission into action.

I can help you read your soul vision and find the mission strategy of how to express it. Sometimes it is only one missing fragment to understand the whole.


The FUTURE BOOK is already writing new stories for my clients:

Crosis is a healer. She added her artistic nature creations to her healing passion: Crosis Lebensblume
Her unicorns, cornucopias and crowns spark magic and joy. She is happier and her creativity was the secret ingredient that was needed to make her business complete.

Sun Ya has built her empire based on a vision I had read for her in collaboration with Agni. Today her essences are hyper successful and she has created an organic beauty line: Akasha Chakra Essences

Nohila was looking for what to do. I said your destiny is to build a network for women. This was a fire starter and I am proud to show you what has grown out of this light’s seed (for the time being it remains a German project).

: I believe

We are about to create a revolution.
All you need is your willingness to say YES.
Jump into the frame of your greatness.
The time is now, to live fully.
Transform your mission into action and ultimately
into your very own success story.

It will be the courageous, independent entrepreneurs who will embody the change. The cracks are open to receive the vision.
The mystic visionaries are back on earth. We have de-dusted our monastery withdrawal; we are back to serve the change with our abilities. We update lost spiritual abilities for a contemporary version. More fancy and hype.

I am ready to vision for you. Together we can open new dimensions.

: Any questions?

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Email me: moc.liamgnull@liargelamefeht
