Category: evolution & future trends
Why has to say farewell.
Why we need to peel old skins, to be born anew.
Beloved ones,
I wonder what is going on in your life and the lives of the ones you love and know.
Just right now in the life of my own beloveds and me, nothing is like it was.
It seems the old times are washing away their memories.
And we stand there partly confused and partly shivering in awe: What’s next?
So many of us will step into a new life.Â
So many of us are watching their old lives die. And still I know we dreamed this together, when the time comes we strip off the old and dedicate our lives to creating the NEW.
But it’s not easy, when old structures and timelines vanish and nothing new is in sight.
My step into the new realm.
I took me months now, but last week my inner voice was clear. has become an old skin.
Trying to slip and fit into it again made me feel frustrated; it has lived its life and now it embodies the realization of yesterday’s dreams.
I measured the temperature, the indicator, and traced alignment with my inner guidance.
The background story:
October 2016, on the Sacred Lands of Cerillos/New Mexico
I helped many people to find their soulvision.
And I will continue to do so, as part of my destiny.
There I stood holding my shawl tight to warm my body, under the magic sky filled with stars flirting with me. God, I said: “What is my soulvision for this upcoming New Age?“Â
The answer was formed in my inner visions by stars fusing and building two words, made by the purest light of creation:
I know:Â
In the subtle spheres our new life is already formed, invisibly filtering to us all the time. Looking up & ahead we see the larger picture, we can finally take a breath.
But this takes time take form, to filter, to come into matter and reality.
I promise to organically expand; to do this I need space to maneuver.
From these broader horizons we can direct our inner GPS toward our future, the new togetherness. Where inklings point, we go.
Let us become conscious observers of our own creations.
I bow to all of you.
I want to paint my gratitude on your doorsteps.
For reading and listening to me on all these years.
In times when I was lost in visions, when my overloaded 12th house was calling me away and times when I shared, always trying to be my best.
You were always with me.
I thank you so much.
I could never repay your dedication.
I will move on to a new space, fresh and innocent.
My idea is to start small and write about FEMININE SPIRITUALITY from scratch because I believe it has never existed. Shakti has faced opposition since the beginning of time.
Yes there are old seats of wisdom of the feminine, but they need a new design.
I am ready to stumble and fall, and begin the pilgrimage as it will be shown to me
and walk the path that is offered to me as mine.
I am ready to be surprised by the Divine.Â
For you,
I wanted you to know.
And as soon find my new skin I will be in your inbox again.
See you there, shifting into happiness as it becomes unconditional.
With comfortable fierceness,
(I must say I cry now.)Â Sniff.Â
#FeminineFuture, Feminine Leadership & Business Concepts
You may have already felt that we are at the end of the road for the old masculine model of work and creation. You may have felt its effects too: lack of creativity, flexibility, motivation, burn out.
But I’m a visionary and I can see the energies streaming down to the earth, new ideas and new ways of working.
So what does the feminine creation look like? What does a new model of work and creativity require of us? Let me tell you now… It’s beautiful, this feminine future.
Own your fear. Own your power to love your dream.
In my world, if you don’t investigate your inner wisdom and conquer your fears, we all pay a collective price. Every day now we see shadows and darkness that result from a cultural refusal to do this. So this week I talk seriously about the levels of fear that we all experience, and the promise of acknowledging fear as twin sister to your dreams. Because when you infuse your fear with love, when you befriend her, you become the most powerful change agent in your own life.
My name is Durga and I’m your guide to new dimensions. Let’s go.
Opening the channel to receive
We know abundance is out there, and we know that following our soulvision is the only real path to accessing it. But what can you do when the things we desire most do not become real? I was inspired this week to speak to you directly about what I do when I realize that my own channel is not clear and my work isn’t coming through the ways I deeply desire. You can do this too…
time is over for doing it alone
No matter the scope and container for your personal soulvision, this much is clear: the time is over for doing it alone. Now is the time to be connected with each other, help each other, do it together.
As we come together, we are finding that the ways we used to work together aren’t effective any longer. The patterns we are in are much too small for who we are and who we want to be.
So ask yourself for the big visions: what are the new collaborations, teamwork, communities?
Each of us has a different container for our vision. Some of us are here for the immediate people around us, for our families. Some are here for a small group, to affect 20, 50, 100 people. Maybe your vision is to teach energy work to a group of 10 people at a time.
Tell me, what does your new collaboration style look like?
This is the most important question.
I’m living my way to the answer bit by bit, and I hope you are too.
Why positive affirmations don’t work
Why They have the opposite effect, or just don’t have the desired result
When you dutifully recite a positive affirmation like “I have wealth and abundance“ yet money still refuses to come, or “I am purely healthy“ but sickness still takes all your energy and there is no cure, it’s easy to see that something is not working.
Lately I have been highly inspired by a new mantra I adore: “I am happy, I am love, I am light.” Yes, it vibrates superhigh.
When other people started to meditate on it suddenly the other side of the light popped up like the hidden shadows were waiting in the dark.
This has been on my mind for a long time.
If we try to boost low energy with super high voltage in one jump, it seems to backfire.
The solution became evident to me when I read the book “POWER VS FORCE” by David R Hawkins.
He started to test attitudes: their vibrations, their energy vibrations. He started to demonstrate that change takes place when something (or more precisely, somebody) vibrates at a higher frequency. In his world, everything that vibrates below 200 will pull down consciousness, will pull energy and frequency down, and change is not possible.
So if you want to shift your life into a higher vibration, and ultimately attract higher vibration-like effects, you need to go step by step.
Let me show you the steps, so you know precisely what to do in order to shift.
First realize, acknowledge, and accept the state of mind that needs to be shifted. Find out exactly where you are. Don’t be timid or bashful here.
For example, if you are stuck in fear, it will not help to affirm that “I’m fearless.” That’s simply not the case. Instead, have a look at the next step needed to take move yourself one step further.
This may be COURAGE or TRUST or HOPE. It will be very personal but your inner wisdom will guide you and your body resonance.
Now you may go one step further and choose FORGIVENESS or UNDERSTANDING or ACCEPTANCE.
When this takes you deeper, you can move on to step four: LOVE or JOY or PEACE.
Here are the levels, for your reference:
Step one
the lowest energies, the lowest vibration
shame, fear, blame, guilt, hopelessness, despair, grief, regret, anxiety, indifference, demanding, pride, anger, sickness.
Step two
the words of rising energies
courage, affirmation, empowerment, permission, release, trust, intention, optimism, inspiration, hope
Step three
the words of change
forgiveness, acceptance, harmony, mercy, understanding, reason, meaning, wisdom
Step four
the words and vibration of a changed consciousness
joy, one, bliss, peace, illumination, all being, self, is, pure consciousness, love.
If you want to shift go in tiny steps of consciousness and you will build resilience.
Let me know: how does this sound to you?
What is the scent of your future?Â

Photo from
Because we can smell it more than we know.
Some weeks ago I attended a fascinating workshop, “Awakening our Senses.” I was taken into a world of seeing thoughts, smelling the signature scents of peoples’ souls, tasting ideas and listening to the sounds of love.
Even a participant’s future shop became a potpourri of taste and texture, all available just from seeing an image of the invitations to her future clients.
That inspired me: what if we go deeper within ourselves to create the future; if we come to deeper inspiration through our senses?
I started to play with my own sensory intelligence.
Our world is not only to be seen, but also to be felt, smelled, tasted, and heard.
After the era of renunciation we are now diving into the age of sensual spirituality.
Where the feminine is disregarded or cut out of the spiritual experience, it shows up as a gap of sensuality. A lack of honoring the five senses and sacredness of the body. That’s what’s lost.Â
We are left with an imbalanced relationship between the earth and our lives on it. When we invite the feminine back into our lives (this is actually true for men and for women) we awaken to a more sensual spiritual path, with benefits to our emotions, our sexuality, the possibility of living more fully and richly.
We need to see the future.
We need to feel the future.
We need to make contact with the future, with our fingertips.
Ask yourself:
What is the scent of your future?
How does your future sound?
What does your future feel like?
The poetry of my future composed this :
My future smells like caramel and red Bordeaux wine. A promise to feel comfortable at the fire with the best friends of my life.
My future sounds like a compilation of all sounds of happiness digitized and edited as one. A symphony of sonic joy.
My future feels like the touch of wet earth after a heavy rain, so touchable, so drunk on life.
My future has the taste of a late summer evening: my impregnated dreams of eating together, laughing together, crying together and gathering together. Forever. For nearness for friendship.
And yours?
Share it in the comments below. Let us be part of the surfaces, scents, flavors and full awareness of life. What we feel will come true.
Manifesting Your Soul: Your Soulvision for the Golden Age
If nothing works for you
the way it used to,
this may be for you.
We are standing at the gates of a new world. Now we may try to tap into the old structures, habits, ways of living and working that we’ve always relied on – only to find they seem old, somehow. Outdated. No longer quite right.
But we do not yet know the new. The universe reboots simultaneously as it activates.
There has never been a time like this before.
I know that the old does not fit you or your life anymore.
I know you have an inkling of something bigger. Or maybe, like many others, you are simply experiencing your life “falling apart.”
The fever of our souls activates our calling.
Now it’s important like never before to remember:
We dreamed this time together.
As you remember your Souldream, you awaken.
What there is to see:
There is a new vision for the Golden Age above you.
Above each of us is a golden matrix, a vision we have brought with us for this new world that we are all co-creating. The Golden Age is the age of awakening, love and peace, communities and new noble friendships.
This age can make you feel as if your life is falling apart, but on the contrary: it is the process whereby you awaken to your true self.Â
What there is to know:
We prepared this life in heaven. We dreamed it before we came to earth. We are part of a collective dream. Remembering the soul dream we brought into this time of awakening will guide us to part of this new earth.
You need a vision to guide you through these times.
Your soul vision is your part of this new world.
Your soul vision is your mission.
Your soul vision is what you have decided with your soul.
What I offer you now:
To receive a vision of what will change in your world.
Discover: what is your part in the upcoming transformation?
Articulate: what is your mission?
How do I know?
I am a visionary and a modern mystic. I see ahead of time and see myself as a guide to the new shores. Now is the time we all have been waiting for, and our mission is to create a world of peace and happiness.
This program is for you if:
: you are searching for your life’s calling. You have the feeling you are here for a reason but do not know how to access it.
: you are successful and have reached a certain level of success, but you are missing a bigger cohesive vision that will glue it all together.
: you feel like your life is falling apart and you need a vision that will save you.
:Â you live in fear amid this shaking, insecure world and you need a vision that carries you on and navigates you into the future. (Fear only can thrive on a ground that lacks a soulmission.)
The program
My sacred 7-week process will guide you into your soul vision and birth it into life.Â
Every week, you will be given an assignment designed by me personally. I will be there with you throughout the entire program to support you on your journey and make sure you arrive.
1: Preparation
Declutter emotions and thoughts and dive into stillness. Learn how to enter the Alpha State and clearly receive the impulses of your soul.
2: Dive into your Soulvision for this Golden Age
Through a guided meditation I will guide you directly there and show you how to download it in a very creative process.
3: Embody your Soulvision
When we embody it, our Soulvision becomes real. People feel our vibration. We use art to unblock the creative DNA in a sensual, ritualistic approach to spirituality.
4: Vision & Chakras
Visions land in your chakras and germinate there. But more important is this: where they land will tell you something about the essence/quality we want to manifest.
5: Dream Reality
The power of imagination. Dreaming is an essential life force. When we are not able to dream we are not able to create.
6: Stay on the frequency of your Soulvision
When we vibrate at the right frequency we allure the right people and right opportunities. We need to detox and learn how to become a lighthouse.
7: Share your Soulvision
Talk about it. Tell the story and invite people to be part of it. Project it in the world and walk into it.
What I also know:
We are at the gates of a new Age.
We are the ones that will change the world.
We have to awaken and lead.
This is why I developed this program: for you to remember what you prepared for this time.
Why not before now?Â
Because before now everything was preparation.
Now we are ready to wake up and remember our souldream and take leadership.
This dream will help us to create the new paradigm.
Are you ready to remember?
Are you ready to create the new?
Are you ready to lead?
I am your spiritual leader to help you.
Price and schedule
€399 for Beta Program, billed if you are accepted into the program
(Conversion varies day by day, approximately $450 USD.)
The 7-week program begins June 20. You will receive course materials each week and have access to a weekly live webinar with Durga.
How to apply
There is room for 7 more people in the program, and these spots are for people who are seriously committed.
As noted above, this is my Beta program, the first time I am offering this material in this way. We will learn from each other along the way.
I would love to see you there.Â
If you are interested, please fill out the short questions below.
The promise of walking your soul path
How soulvision is sight for visionaries.

credit to
Enlightened soul visions, cosmic ideas and golden concepts will change the world. It’s already happening.
We are the ones to fill the gap between enlightenment and the modern world. But it will be our inspired actions and decisions in service of our soulvision in every arena of our lives that actually create those changes.
Now is the moment to connect with the creative fire. We are so ready. We are prepared. Now is the best time to reconnect with our soul dreams and manifest miracles.
When you align with your soul path, what happens?
What difference will it make:
For you as a Leader?
Leaders are called to serve the sacred.Â
A leader without the connection to a soulvision loses the magic he/she needs to unite his/her people. Leaders who are not connected with their soul vision will be egoistic, dominant and even work on the dark side. They’re working for themselves, for their ego and not for their people; an emergence of wounded patterns of loneliness and control.
What is a visionary leader, anyway?Â
When you know why you were born
you know the particular tribe to serve
and how to align your aliveness.
You are here to sustain life.
What difference will it make:
For you as an entrepreneur or business professional?
If your business is not connected with your soulvision, it will fall apart every time. When you are connected with your soul vision, you walk nobly through frustrations, setbacks, and failures because you understand the end picture. You accept these setbacks and challenges as necessary lessons to reach the goal.
What difference will it make:
For you as a part of a family or partnership?
Without a vision or common goal for your relationship, this too will fall apart. A relationship imbued with a higher vision, a divine vision, allows partners and parents to guide the children. Parents are leaders; children are leaders too, and all leaders need a vision.
There are always difficult times, but with a vision that is aligned we have the force to believe in each other and walk it through. A common soulvision will improve the relationship and will grow you together instead of growing you apart.
What difference will it make:
For you, just for yourself?
Without being connected with your soul dream, you’re not connected with inner guidance. You do not live from your essence. When you are connected you know exactly what is the right thing for you, and what is not the right thing for you.
With this ability and level of discernment comes great power.
No matter the team you work for: a personal or professional partnership or something even more organic, soulful leadership comes from the belief that you and your team are made for something special at this precise time. It is the ability to inspire excellence in others, to encourage them to follow their own soul visions, and raise them up to a synchronous level of a souldream.
It all starts with soulvision.
Is your soul calling you home?
The place to begin
Are you called you to start a new reality, to change your life path?
Maybe the path of your life is taking a new direction towards your souldream for the new earth. Your heart is now your GPS towards the new shores.
Dare to dream it.
What does your soul calls you towards?
Feel your heart awakening in joy when you dare to dream it.
Welcome the dream in its return.
Imagine you are in the cinema, watching your life movie, your soul plan.
Acknowledge inwardly, “Here is the dream I had before I came into this life, and which I chose to bring with me to earth. I allow it to come back to me now. I can see the powerful visions I held and now hold for this life.”
Remember you wanted to bring change.
Your love wants to deliver happiness for yourself and humanity. So with what and whom do you want to serve?
You have a quality inside that compels you to serve. Remember it.
You dreamed a big change on earth. You’re part of it.
Take your time. You remember.
Become very still and watch.