Category: evolution & future trends
My soulvision program is underway
A preview of beauty to come
Just for you

Art by Steven Daluz
My loves, as I promised this week I have been tucked away, writing with the flow of the universe. I pop in now just to share with you a taste of my writing, a glimpse into the multimedia program I’m building.
It’s about your Soulvision: how you can bring it down and use it to fuel your work with business, family, lovers, and yourself.
Why for yourself? Your Soulvision brings inner guidance.
Without being connected with your soul dream, you’re not connected with inner guidance. You do not live from your essence. When you’re connected you know exactly what is the right thing for you, and what is not the right thing for you. There are a thousand possibilities out there, and many great teachings. When you know your soul, you’ll know where your soul belongs. You don’t attend events or trainings out of a sense of obligation or possibly “missing out,” because the right thing sparkles with clarity.
What belongs to you, you will belong to. Your Soulvision points the way.
It’s all coming together. Soon.
Wild love,
How to use the creative life force
To move a challenge into giant growth
: Are you somewhere you do not want to be?
: Are you stuck in a situation that pulls you down?
: Is where you are just sucking away your resources?
Ok. Tired of it?
You can transform.
This is the element of evolution.
So. Let’s go.
The biggest challenge is the jumpstart. To do that, you just need a new understanding. Let’s change the horizon and I will show you how to turn your biggest challenge into a blessing. The bigger the face-to-face demand, the bigger the jump in our evolution.
Remember that this is how it’s meant to be.
Starting with this, we turn difficulties into creative possibilities and grow into a bigger version of ourselves.
Happiness is the ability to embrace both: the dark things and shadows that may pop up and demand attention, and the light that carries us into our greatest potential.
You are a whole being. To rise strong you are going through a rage of emotions and experiences that build a natural and healthy resilience. Embracing the challenging things is a tool for becoming whole and then nourishing the whole being of you.
First: The present truth
: Remember: what is your real dream?
: What are you dreaming of now?
: What is your current desire?
Represent it. Breathe it.
There are no limits here.
Remember if you dare to dream you dare to create.
To grow we face two sides:
One side shows us the the power of gratitude.
This is the soil we have already tilled many times over. Often in times of challenge we lean into what is negative and what really sucks. It’s a human response. But this is an unhealthy pattern; we need to shift into considering what is good.
Write it down. What is good right now?
What you love about yourself, what you love about your life, your business.
Remember the small things every day count when we see them in gratitude.
The things that make us getup in the morning, the people we love, the great things we have already done with our own hands and devotion.
The second side shows us the the power of growth.
The gate into a bigger version of ourselves.
This is the horizon of powerful luminescent possibilities. Usually what wants to grow into the biggest best version of yourself shows up as the broken pattern. Where there is a lack we can remember the power to rise. We need to bravely face what sucks and challenge it like a creative competitor.
Ask yourself: what is most challenging?
Write down what is broken, what do you not like, what is disconnected, what sucks, what is just not working. Where do you see your failure, frustration and anger, your worst emotions; what makes you grumpy?
Life is not about a positivity overdose.
It’s about holding both, the best and the worst.
And hold onto them strong.
Dark things and shadow may pop up and ask for your attention.
Now relax for a second. Just be.
To evolve
To transform
To be more who we want to be
and more of who we really are.
To transform first you need to embrace your whole self
you cannot transform by uttering endless positive affirmations
because you lock out a part of you +
the ones who have to power to transform.
postive + negative
Shake off the fear of being disliked
and hug the things you do not like
until you own them.
Claim it.
Shift it.
Second: The transformation
Remember your dream. Hold the space.
We need to know what we desire in order to get there.
We need to dare to dream and expand our soul.
The bigger circle of possibilities, the endless zone of developing the muscle for the magic. The support of the cosmos, the chances, the open space. Allow these to dream you out.
Hold the space.
Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.
More, even more,
Feel it as a tangible energy and texture of yourself, your body, your relationships, your business, your money. Name it.
Breathe your dream.
now is
your life
your body
your reality
Now prepare for magic:
Let the creative life force flow (the Shakti that moves and creates the universe) into Your self, the present, the past, the future.
Ask her:
: What do I have to move to transform?
: What to I have to do to rise?
: What do i have to shift to change the situation?
Let the wise creation power give you advice about where to move from now.
Her tips may be unconventional, surprising, beyond mind.
Write it all down and take her very seriously.
Let me tell you one thing:
Once you trust her she will guide you and show you the magic to evolve from each situation into a more creative happiness.
Make yourself a plan for how to put it into aligned spiritual action.
What are your action steps now to step into the biggest version of yourself?
Go do it; make it happen.
I cannot wait to see you rise.
There is no time to wait anymore.
Fulfillment’s right time
Applying pressure vs. divine timing

photo by Camilo Villegas
Some things need time to grow.
Sometimes we just have to wait.
Sometimes the energy of our future creation needs time to build up above us in the cosmic spheres.
You’re ready when you’re ready. Resisting this truth doesn’t move things along any faster.
Applying force or pressure rarely leads to the spiritually-aligned action we seek or the change we want to create.
This is because everything comes at its right time. When we are connected with our soul vision, we trust its arrival. A soul vision needs time to prepare on all levels: energetic levels, light levels, meta levels, human levels, grounding levels.
When you encounter tension that’s caused by perceived urgency of action, you can only spiral into more tension and less presence. In those moments we act out the past or the future, but not the religious moment of pure inspiration we are tuned into now.
Sometimes pressure is for monetary relief, yes. But in the end this panic leaves a legacy of heart attack, burnout, and products that are imitation rather than divinely inspired. To be sure, there’s a lot of pressure to be ready right now, even already yesterday, and ASAP.
If we really want to create something that is ours; that comes from the deepest, surest place of our self, we need time.
And then comes the moment where the gates open and we can step in.
The return to the right timing, to the development required inside the cosmic Lab, is the solution of the future.
You know when it’s the right time when:
It unfolds magically and with grace.
It blooms in beauty and
You just have to stand and witness in awe.
And as we are dreaming a new paradigm and many genius thoughts are emerging, we still need to wait. They are simmering still, *Not ready yet.*
I personally feel it’s the time of preparing and cooking what is really ours. Naked, and bare and unplugged, wiping off all make up and dropping all pretenses.
It’s gonna be more beautiful than we ever have imagined.
*You’re getting ready.*
So ride the Tiger when the time is right.
photo by Schumata
Some weeks after the mastermind had finished, my friend said to me, “You would be the better person to lead the meeting.“
“No I am not,“ I knew it.
“But why? You are far more experienced and have more expertise than I do.“
“But still is you,“ I responded, “because the higher power is above you and not me. You are meant to lead this now, not me.“
For years I have been able to see when someone is destined to lead the way. At the right time a person connects with the fabric of all creation, her frequency rises. A light appears above her like a guiding star signaling that it’s her time to step in and lead. This is the moment when she must lean in.
All this changed my perspective about leadership.
I see influential leaders without guiding star energy, or whose energy extinguished long ago but are unwilling to pass on the reins. I see leaders who emanate power all the time and others who step back from the fire in agony. I see leaders who were meant to rise but reject the higher power above them.
Leadership is not about being bossy or being in control. (Pushing is overcommitting to the masculine.) My view on leadership showed me that a higher power is at play, working through a person for a short time to solve a certain problem, or through a longer period of change.
Leadership is not always being out in front. It can be top of the world for a while, then back among the team, allowing others to go ahead. It’s a flow.
A leader has the momentum of heroism: she is the person who takes on the responsibility to lead another person, group or community into a new solution.
Leadership is often mundane, and can be undertaken by anyone, even if they’re not recognized as a leader.
Great leaders inspire and create meaningful lasting opportunities and new ways of thinking. They believe in change. They have an impact on the future. Great leaders are connected with their soul purpose and know when the calling is theirs. They sit up in the right moment and blaze ahead beyond fear, beyond worry, unfettered by what other people think.
Because their soul dream is active, leading is never about them; it’s always about their people.
Soulful leadership comes from the belief that you and your team are made for something special at this precise time. It is the ability to inspire excellence in others, to encourage them to follow their own soul visions, and raise them up to a synchronous level of a soul dream.
Over time I also started to recognize that when a soul dream is activated but the person refuses to lead, things careen in wrong directions, or others have to step in and rescue the moment. Some people are addicted to leadership and take over all the time. Burn out begins here, when people are not supported by the universal flow of power. And when we do not support the one who is destined to lead, we lose the wisdom resources within our teams and we all lose the possibility to make the incredible possible.
Start to ask yourself:
When is the higher force above you?
When is your time to lead?
Start to witness:
When is the higher force above another person?
How can you support them?
Take a lead when the higher force is above you. Support soulful leaders when it’s their time.
Our times need many things. We need better bread, better kindergarten, better politics, better women rights, better water solutions, better social engagement, better timing, better structures, better relations to life and earth.
To access what’s needed, we start with better leadership.
Leadership with soul makes a difference.
Subscribe below if you are interested in the upcoming ACC Consultant education. In this training you will be initiated to see/know these energies clearly, plus much more about energies, spiritual leadership and and working in cooperation with the spiritual world.
We are at the portal of a new Age. Behind us is the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, wherein creation was bonded to a survival-based fear of separation.
But the new Age is now right in front of us and we are called to create new space.
Happiness is the new black. It is the foundation of new creation.
Timeless and cosmic happiness can be found, but not as we think.
It is not to be pursued.
The french philosopher Frederic Lenoir says that happiness does not depend on circumstances, but our capacity to work on it.
What will grant us long lasting happiness is to know ourselves and to work on our self-knowledge.
We can learn about our true selves beyond culture and educational schemas. Every moment is a sacred offering to become who you are when we are open to awareness.
Welcome to your conquest of happiness.
Think about a turning point this week, and our mantra is “happiness.” Let’s consciously cultivate little acts of happiness this week and wake up our endorphins.
One conscious conquest week of Happiness
For one week, take this diary out before bed and let it do its magic.
Fill in your insights and let them work for you. Take your conquest of happiness into your sleep. You will see, it can work true wonders.
No matter where we stand now, let’s start breeding the future culture, a happier culture. The full moon eclipse gives us plenty to work with; the rest is up to us.
Raise up your unreasonable happiness. I wish this for you.
With wild love,
A vision of connection, to heal the little cells of the world
: with the resilience of our truth
For too long the conversation between the feminine and masculine have collapsed, been distorted and lain fractured. They are still. Can we even measure the length of time through history that this has been so?
We all search for healing through an inner balance of Shiva, Shakti, and the world that surrounds us. But through the mists of time we forgot how peaceful balance could be attained.
Let’s re-open that inquiry; let’s allow the masculine and feminine to dance together in non-duality. I believe the future belongs to couples: the cell unit of families and the future, the inner Yin and Yang, the cooperation of women and men on a global level for the balance of the feminine and the masculine.
The holiest war that was ever fought was for love.
The love between man and woman.
This is where the story begins.
The War for Love
To meet each other in love and power
requires the ability to be vulnerable.
To be destroyed
by each other
is not playing fair.
But the risk not to dare
is risking death
from a loss of aliveness.
For relationships to function on a personal, business and leadership level the real partnership, the essence of “we,” requires fierce courage to be genuinely truthful. It requires the end of lies, half-truths, compromises and silencing-down tactics.
If you want to be genuinely loved,
you must be willing to reveal yourself
and be open to the revelation of the other
with uncolored respect.
Beyond being hurt or insulted lie the real feelings and our deepest inner worlds. (Reaching that place is not easy, but it is possible if you want to rise together.)
Maybe the feminine and masculine were never actually meant to fit each other, but to force us to leave everything behind: abandon what we think we know about ourselves, the worlds, definitions and languages. Beyond narrow fields of visions, discovering and opening to a raw and untamed truth of what love used to mean. Maybe there is a fertile soil here for the future, amid the rationality of love.
Shakti (the divine feminine) and Shiva (the divine masculine) may never have fit together; never had the same preferences and loves and passions.
Meager compatibilities are just not enough for this cosmic love.
When love is based on expectations we place on each other, sooner or later it will fail when we don’t want to satisfy expectations anymore.
….. and this is not what the Universe ever intended.
A new vision for the communication
of the new feminine and the new masculine
A bold attitude and a headstrong position will take you further than open-sourced blandness. We need an uncompromising and directional stand towards the beloved, rather than just a sticky-sweet collaborative and conversational one.
Resilience grows when we can face the other without accusation or blame, and with both on board (the feminine and masculine), find a a common plan. Yes, you heard right.
Political correctness, take-it-or-leave-it ultimatums and a resistance to hard truths make it nearly impossible to articulate what we actually want from a relationship.
Instead, cultivate willingness to pull with the same strength through difficult times. Walk out on narcissistic patterns, habitual or persistent denial of problems, fights and power struggles designed to make the other small. Destabilizing the other’s self worth creates inappropriate, disrespectful hierarchy.
Let us avoid a utopian vision of the world of women and men. Instead let’s find the power and the good in friction and struggle.
How to behave in an uncertain world of women and men?
A compass for times after fleeting passions and lovebugs,
through the problems that will come up for sure,
because this is life.
woman + man
100% + 100%
Committed to love,
each deeply dare to encounter
the woman’s worlds
and the man’s worlds.
The power of the
feminine + masculine
meeting each other
encountering each other
from face to face
from bones to bones
from soul to soul
without destroying each other
without submitting to each other
without manipulating each other
without hurting each other
And here is my personal declaration of WHAT I STAND FOR: ruffled feathers.
They are not a bad thing. Sometimes a good ruffling creates the most positive outcome.
The revelation of our most intimate thoughts is the antidote for boring, unimportant rubbish. The ability to open ourselves to expressing true fears, anxieties and desires will build self-assured intimacy.
And yes, it requires inner strength to grant access to one’s innermost feelings and thereby risk rejection.
But memorable, poignant, surprising experiences win out, increasing our emotional impact on each other. That aim is no longer wishy washy and “nice to have,” but an essential aspect of the real new feminine and the real new masculine.
the raw feminine + masculine
We are becoming rebellious. Tired of playing by the rules. We grow resilient when we face the truth without accusation or blame. We crave real encounters based on the incredible openness that comes from being open and truthful.
WE have to bear the challenge of loving the other fully in their truth;
to bear our darker fantasies and doubts about the other,
knowing our wounds cannot protect us
or gain us ground in self worth.
A good team is based on perceiving our autono-ME /I and
stabilizing it. Know your own weakness, fears, offenses, your own foolishness, and then step in.
We want to foster new visions of shared goals for the women and men in this world.
We want shared visions for the feminine and the masculine, for the new women and the new men, for the collective and vibrating truth, for the new shores of human fulfillment.
100% SHAKTI + 100% SHIVA
FOR A Vision
of a common
A short love note.
I trust you know that you are on my mind always.
Behind the scenes we are joyfully developing what comes next in my universe.
For now, I have a small offering for you, in the spirit of the feminine leader initiated.
Do you remember the Gospel of Feminine Leadership? It’s a three-part series* offering 108 pearls for the balance of the feminine. It’s so vital that we thought we’d put them all together, easily compiled for your inspiration.
Wild love always,
Just click a button below to download your preferred format, PDF or PNG.
*If you’d like to read the original series, here you go: Parts 1, 2, and 3.
A story about the transparency of life.
A new way of reflecting on dying.
My great-grandmother on my mother’s side was my teacher of life. She was our rock in the storms, a shelter of care. She was 83 when she died, having no signs of disease or sickness. She was simply ready to go. She had fulfilled her life’s work. So her body weakened visibly, and within two weeks it was ready to let her go.
I was 17. I was there 10 minutes before she died. She was shaking herself into a trance and I listened to her murmuring, “Mama, yes, I will pack my luggage and come home.” I felt her Mum waiting for her in the other world. I left the room and started my homework for the next day while the family stayed with her.
Soon after my Mum opened the door: “Granny is dead.”
As I walked up the stairs slowly it came to my consciousness that she was gone. I would not see her again. I froze as I realized she was truly dead. In this very moment, a wave of light embraced me and held me motheringly. She was standing behind me, full of radiant light. She comforted me: “I am not dead; I am alive.” Indeed, she was vibrating with life.
For years she came to me in my dreams, teaching me things and giving me advice when I was desperate. My sister was 9 years old when Granny died but she never cried, not even at the funeral or when her body was given back to the earth, forever unreachable to us. I never asked my sister about that, thinking maybe she was too young to realize. One evening when my sister was 16, we had an evening alone. In bed before falling asleep I asked her, “Why didn’t you ever cry when Granny died?”
“Because she was with me all the years after. She played with me every day. She never left me.” Believe me, I bowed to my little sister for her young wisdom and connection to the transparency of life.
A new way of reflecting on being born.
17 years later I was in the ashram in India amid a thousand people, and my Granny came to me. “I am going to be born again,” she wanted me to know.
“Not to me please, Granny.” I said.
“No, no I will be born to … (a friend of mine).”
My friend had an appointment to be sterilized and became pregnant three days before. I learned this upon my return from India. I did not tell her what I knew and just enjoyed her belly growing with this beautiful soul inside who was always flirting with me. My friend asked me to be the godmother, because the baby wished it. It was time to lay the cards on the table.
Later my friend invited me to the birth. I had a tight schedule and only had three days free around when the birth was expected. My friend called me and said the girl had told her the day of her birth, and we trusted the message from the baby from heaven.
And so I was there the day that she was born again. I witnessed her light coming into this baby’s body, being born in a conscious return to earth with a plan for her soul. She was just waiting to come out and open her arms to embrace us and life again. She had made sure I was there to meet her where she left me.
My great-grandmother has become my teacher about life and death. She didn’t teach me through theory; she taught me by dying and living again.
I have learned that you do not need to meditate your whole life to encounter and make the transit of death. Nature knows. You simply need to live your life fully.
Nature brought you into this life when you where born; she will bring you back to the world of light where you once came from.
You may take courage in the face of the unknown.
And still…
We are here to share a limited time of togetherness and a story we only live once. Share it fully. Fight for love and for the presence to encounter all we have.
Give it all.
Written with my deepest love for my great-grandmother.
And for you.
For a new way of reflecting on life.
It’s not pain.
It’s a burning seed of your future.
Here’s what I believe:
We are about to create a new world.
New leaders are rising from the unknown,
having long incubated their Destiny.
Does your heart feel like it’s burning?
Does it burst into your thoughts?
What we know from experience doesn’t always help us to identify what’s happening for us. Particularly now that the new creation is the energy.
Our Inner Child wounds from the past float on the surface of our realization. But they do not speak for us anymore. Beyond them, in wiser and deeper parts of ourselves, we find our promise.
Every wound is a teacher; there lies wide expansion there for us.
What I see, I saw and did.
I woke up to see gold in my heart, in many other hearts. My universal existence and my soul dream packaged in a small condensed seed. It feels like golden stardust, exclusive and luxurious.
“Explode your universe,” she said.
Because I was open to my mystic self, I knew this was not pain to lose myself in. It was the labor of my heart chakras giving birth to my soul’s visions. The dreams died, the ethereal took form. When we have done our preparations, we are ready.
Healing comes at very station of the crossroads to unite the sacred, while drama boosts trauma. What is calling is this: new leaders are giving birth to their visions. Therein lie thousands of opportunities to create the future with their destiny.
So you have a seed in your heart too?
There is no way to avoid the labor pain. Walk through your pain. Ask your seed, “What am I giving birth to?”
If you are not so deeply connected to yourself, no worries. Just do what is in front of you. Your soul sends you fragments and, like a thread, you must weave them together to create the fabric of the future.
How I do it?
It is not easy. But your future is in your heart.
If it gets too painful, lean back and breathe. Just breathe into the golden seed of the future.
As we face new creation there is no right or wrong way, only ways that inspire us to take a hint and find our own solutions.
I let the pain move in freely when it comes.
I ask my heart to flow out and then I flow the creation to wherever it leads me.
Then I do not search for results, but for creation.
We need leaders in all corners in the world, opening up new solutions for change. We need them working locally and globally. Define your orbit. Your new visions will fill it in.
First stop and feel: what is my inflamed heart really about?
It’s not about having more to do.
Stand for it. Collect it.
The rest is on its way.
The future leaders will lead with their hearts.
Open wide. Open your wings.
Let me show you how to re-collect it.
Copyright @ Robert Gendler
The theory of all things:
You are a traveling soul. You lived before and experienced former lives. You are the sums of your past experiences, and you are a traveler to the future. Your soul is on a journey to expand, learn, experience. See life as ongoing learning, because it is exactly that. You are well educated. You are a defined character. You prepared yourself very well for this life. Remember your potential.
You are your past.
We can slow down and collect our memories. A diversity of cultures is your heritage.
Your are your present.
Enjoy the now. Also try to be a better person. Expand who you are.
Your are your future.
Experience the changes and witness the speed of the future. The excitement, the unexpected, the eternal unknowing. We can create things that unveil the inexpressible.
Let’s get to the good karma. For a long time I did reincarnation work with people. I always had the ability to see others’ former lives that shine through the transparency of today. I have always been most interested in the power that souls have embodied, and how people can bring that power into this life.
See, we think it’s all hidden from us, or maybe hidden within us: why we are here, and who we are. But you have the ability to connect with the incarnations that have prepared you for this life.
Your essence is embedded in layers of time, connected moments of your own synthesis, telling the power of your original story. It’s all linked together and these things influence each other.
It does not matter what stage of life you are in, or what job you are doing: you are the sum of all you ever were and will be. We dissolve our slavery to time when we realize the parked potential we have stored for ourselves over endless cycles of life and experience.
The beauty of all things
A soul is a seasoned, multicultural being. With beautiful ethnic explosions you remember the potential, power and wisdom you bring with you, and you’re richer for it.
You are already an expert shaping the future. You may have built temples, found liberation in caves, written books, invented the wheel, saved many lives. You may have been a leader or an explorer of new worlds in your former lives. With a new experience of our true Selves we can move into a forward-facing history of our potentials. Within you are dormant gene genies, true innovators. Delve into the places where you are still asleep and you may start to access an eternity’s worth of beautiful data within you that’s just waiting to create an ultra-bespoke future.
Let’s find out where you have developed greatness.
You can do it.
What potentials have you brought to this life? Come into your dreams and trust the natural interlinking of your personal and cultural history. You have continuities of culture and the archeology of our souls, just linking future and past.
Your tool to protect the prosperity of experience is just to remember.
The ease of all things, or How to ask the right questions.
In which 3 or 4 lives did I reach the highest potential qualities?
Take a diary or a piece of paper, and let God lead your writing hand:
In which the part of the world?
Now scan the world, you can use google maps to help you until the place lights up.
In what the time did this take place?
Write a number. Do not be shocked if you write 10,000 or 30,000 before Christ. We had highly developed civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria.
Your indicators may be books, movies and cultures that fasciate you and resonate with you.
In what culture did I live in?
Who are you? What are you doing? Describe it. How does it feel? Paint images.
What do I need to know about this life?
Ps: Not everybody was Cleopatra, Mary and Mary Stuart. Just get over it. History was written by impersonators and imperialists. Cultures are traded by memoirists.
What potential did I cultivate in this life? What kind of genius did I live?
Give your potential names, qualities, colors and flavors.
How can I bring this potential into my life life now? What actions do I have to take to embody it?
Flow into it. You have reached it before, it has traveled with you. Use it wisely.
I hope you are having fun. I am writing this with the spaces of eternity as my punctuation.
I write as a former deep lover walking with Jesus #deeplove, a former queen who had a lion heart and many enemies #feminineleadership, and a woman who lived in the caves of Mount Neru teaching self-healing #poweroflight. These are some of my own incarnations that influence my life today. What are yours?