most popular | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser - Part 4
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4 reasons why money does not flow
the way you would wish.
And 4 remedies.

Lately so many friends and people have revealed to me their worries about money. I care about them deeply, so with my love I send an eager prayer to God: Oh, please come on, give them all they need and more… Please!

But this is not how it works. We come to earth to expand like the universe expands. We are here to learn and to evolve. We learn mostly through challenges that polish our rough edges. And God wants me to understand that I cannot rescue anyone. We are all called to take responsibility for our lives and actions, for better or worse.

Freedom is not found in liberation from difficult times and situations; it is in growing our capacity to take our lives into our own hands.

The 4 reasons why the cash flow may not be flowing in sync with your thoughts and actions:

: the unforgiven thought

Lingering guilt haunts you. It may be a karmic knot in your love lines or past incarnations holding you back. If your love is blocked in the past and pulls you back, it may obscure your view of the market.

The remedy

Do not punish yourself anymore. Stay in the present. Observe your thoughts: are they compassionate and favorable, or judgmental? Are you building loops of accusations and cyclical dramas in your mind? Solve everything now: forget what’s unsolved. It’s yesterday.

Pay your karmic bill. If you caused someone’s ruin once you need to pay it back for balance. If you created harm or suffering to others in a former life, even if you led the Inquisition, healing doesn’t require becoming a victim now. Instead it’s your work to teach others how to heal what was broken.

Try this: inhale the thought deeply now “all is forgiven,” and relax in a guilt-free zone. Failing is not comfortable because you planned to win in this lifetime. But the truth is that we all failed badly, once or many times.

Let us get clear, we rise from the ashes not where we have won; we rise from where we have lost.

Where to find help?

A spiritual teacher can help you with bounded karmic effects and forgiveness.

: the refusal of your greatness

You think too small. You have outgrown your shoes, and you are meant to play bigger. Your soul has already decided and your soul plan provides for it. But you remain hiding behind an invisible wall called your “comfort” zone.

Maybe somewhere along the way your treasures and dreams were lost, or your song was silenced. Maybe you are afraid to feel other people’s desires, so you tighten and restrict the flow. There is not enough porousness to move with the divine flow.

Perhaps you have forgotten that to grow is to experience pain. We were born with pain. Every step into the more evolved version of ourselves brings with it the pain the bud endures to open up into its flower. Pain is our initiation into our greatness.

The remedy

What is shrunken needs to expand. Call in the pain. Yes, love, it hurts. Growth hurts. It’s the symptom of expansion. Find your courage and go into the places where fear tamps down the pain.

Move with it. To move is to expand. Call up the purpose of your desired greatness and take action into a bigger dream of your future. Instead of collapsing into the back hole, emerge with the opportunities, relationships and environments that serve your higher good. You are meant to be powerful and great. Nothing less serves your soul.

Where to find help?

In every safe, productive, forward-moving space that reflects your greatness.

: the image of yourself is blurred

We all know when it is real, when the authentic hits us, and when we are being repelled by parts that are not true or authentic. Sooner or later most of us instinctively sense the ways that we betray ourselves: jealousy and envy are big players here.

What you have forgotten is a part of yourself. There is a vulnerable part in each of us, and she is the one who makes our real connections. You may have given up your inner authority to know and care for the insecure parts of yourself that we all have. In those times and places, the shadow, or the parts of you that are unloved, are running the show.

The authentic self is plural. It is all that we are: our shadows and our light. We all have many layers, and we are all precious and unique. You may be afraid that when you take an honest look inside you will be ashamed by what you see there. I promise you will find universes.

The remedy

Explore your authentic. Forget about the extraordinary, the sparkling. Do not copy. Just one honest act affects all worlds when it comes from you, the real you. Love yourself and reach for your essence that is you. Love who you actually are. Grow out of your false, artificial image and recall it from its projection into the world. Shining brightly doesn’t mean not having any stains, it is the acceptance of all we are. Make a friendship with your shadow. She is the gateway to explore all the parts of yourself. In fact, our shadow is a powerful teacher to walk with, showing us the dimension of our real essence.

Where to find help?

I am big fan of the shadow work of Debbie Ford.

: you just do not love it anymore

You may be trapped in your own desperation. You do not love the people or the work and think you must do it for the money and for the very short-term success. But you have lost your love and you are damaging yourself.

Because, look: we are meant to create aliveness. Money likes aliveness. What is loved will live and breathe freely. What lives and breathes, attracts. Control is the antidote. Control it and it will stifle and die.

The remedy

Remember the maze. The zone. Get back to the genuine. Be honest with yourself. Are your thoughts and actions not aligned? It’s no drama not to love something anymore, but to keep it going past its natural time is. What you cannot outpour your love on, let go. Where your excitement and fire does not burn, let it free. It may take awhile to experience the difference of what stokes love and what does not, because we have been overriding our instincts and intuitions for a long time, but it’s worth it. Dare to love.

Where to find help?

In inspiration and good vibes that make you feel good.

In the end Love sells.
Just because she makes us feel so good.
Love attracts.
Just because she is sweet like honey.
What you love will grow.
And money will be attracted to follow.
Feel good.
You deserve it.



A meditation to enter your personal peace, for the beginning of peace in this world.

Happy 2015

We are ready to send off the shadows of our losses.
We are ready to plant peace into the hearts of our enemies for all eternity.

The origin of world peace is you. When you enter a state of presence everything enters and departs at the right time; the right people are attracted at the right moment.

We call it flow.
We call it the presence of you.

The Golden Age is built on a collective peace, starting with ourselves.
Most of the world’s population dreams of an end to all wars: certainly most women and children do, and many men do too.

Locating the peace with yourself makes the difference.
Being in harmony with yourself, you vibrate a radiant magnetism out in the world.
This world is changed by vibration, so we have the power to unite our vibes and rock. We can fly together for a collective and transformative energetic shift.

The real change is not made by action; it cannot be forced out of a place of peace. Rather, it comes gracefully from the flow of inner peace.

You are a peace hotspot.

Your solar plexus is the home base of your peace beacon.

Within you is the instrument of divine peace. Positively charged, your solar plexus core brings great wisdom, clarity, and love. Negatively charged, your core depletes your power and weakens your spirit.


: positively charged
The core of your personal power is peace.
You shine. The sun shines inside and outside of you.
You radiate your star power. You are a peaceful shining light. You know your place in this world and in the universe. You are a river of joy. You are magnetic in your presence. You attract all that belongs to you naturally.
You own your place. You deserve it.

: negatively charged
You are a victim. You feel without power and depressed.
You are trapped by the things that do not belong to you.
You are anxious and have no inner peace. You are arrogant and insecure.
You fear and refuse to grow. You disempower other people.
Your health is weak. (It’s time to strength your core, baby.)

This is my present for you.

Intention for 2015

Imagine your desires emanating from your positively charged core.
Stay in the present moment from there.

Become a vast river of peace.

You are the river and you walk in the river.
She surrounds you. She walks with you into every shopping mall, she whirrs around you while sitting at your desk, she accompanies you on every flight and into each negotiation.

You act and operate from there.
You walk in that flow, you dance in that flow.

The golden presence of sunlight reminds you of the truth:
You are the beginning of peace.

Peace is a river that flows you into synchronicity.

(Download this meditation to your iPhone and practice it until everything runs like a current in your life.)

You are here.
You are surrounded by golden light; the golden ocean of energy.
It’s the purest love you have ever found.
You are beloved.

Feel it,
breathe it into your body.
Whatever you do, stay in this presence.
Making breakfast for your family, commuting to work, launching your supergoal, driving your car, writing emails or getting lost in Facebook.

Fill your whole body with this golden yellow light.
Choose a yellow tone that is yours and leaves you feeling juicy and peaceful.

Let’s go.

Return to your luminous synchronicity.
Return to the place where you are always and already at your core.

Download the script here.

You are welcome to repeat this meditation.
Peace is a muscle that needs to be exercised and trained.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful, and exciting 2015.





We celebrate the love that glues us
and this Universe together.
We celebrate Jesus because he was love.

As for me,
I wish all the love of all the worlds
for you and your beloved ones.

(Love rules.)

Also, I have a surprise for you.
It is the right time to announce:

You are invited
to come to our first ever


April 17-19
at La Lumiére, South France

For the first time people from JESUS THE BOOK & THE SACRED SERIES will gather together. You will meet me, Simon, Fee, Essenes, Women of Ephesus, the loving circle of the 108 around Jesus. For three days we will show how we live the Christlight today.

I had to wait more than 2,000 years.
I cannot wait any longer to make this real.
We came here to find one another again.

Will you come?

I invite you to dive into a celebration of love and life as we gather to build a new communion. Be part of live readings and fire rituals, ancient ceremonies coming alive today.

You cannot miss this.

If you want to know more and you come from far away, please contact our office for assistance.
email: moc.liargelamefehtnull@isarap
phone: +33 498 113162

I hope to see you there.
Jesus always said his teachings would be understood in 2,000 years. This means you.

Merry Christmas, my dear one.
I love you.



Because the real one makes all the difference.

You know I am obsessed with visions. Everything begins with a great vision. The earth needs them and we need them to build our world consciously. We need new solutions for the re-balance of society, earth and money.

But is there a difference between visions and visions?

Yes, there is.

Our visions and God realization

We are all born free; we are all divine.
God lives within us, waiting for us, keen to shine like crazy on who we really are.

We are also born with free will.
And mostly we are born to forget who we are.

Visions are there lead us to our God realization.
And to remember who we are.

There are two types of visions.


SELF-MADE IDEAS: The Plan B of Creation
We are able to create many things. We certainly can create visions and lay them on top of our relationship with God. But let me promise you, this is a limited venture. Self-made ideas are not visions; they are made by mind. The hunger will never end, because mind-ideas do not feed what you really crave, just like eating food that does not nourish you.

Self-made ideas have an expiration date. Too many mind-ideas created devastating pollution, the world money crisis, poverty and a particularly human kind of destructive distraction.


IDEAS FROM GOD: The Plan A of Creation
I once heard Donna Karan speaking about how her URBAN ZEN center in New York got started. At her turning point, after her beloved husband died of cancer, she was all alone with his atelier (who was an artist) in their home. The idea suddenly came to her, and was an “idea of God,” as she called it. “You know these kind of ideas!” she said.

This is an example of what I call the real visions. They are born in the heart of God and fallen from heaven. These visions belong to us and God is their promised keeper. The real visions serve you, the universe and humanity from the deepest desire.

Each moment of your life turns into a passion of love and fulfillment. Once you have felt it you know the particular satisfaction: you vibrate, you align, you know. Real visions carry you and you are carried. This is when we become a vessel of God, a channel for the divine.

These real visions will create a new world; in them you find your place and what you are really made for. We need many of them for healing, balance and new solutions.

You are entitled.
You owe it to yourself.
You were born with a vision.
You are desired.

We live in collective dream.

…time to remember.



I believe we first dreamed our lives in heaven.
We are part of a collective dream.
We are dreaming a new earth.
I believe we are here to share our greatest sacred gifts.
We are called to serve deeply.

At this time of the year I always gather myself and remind myself why I am here.

Our life on Earth is meant to be unique and irreplaceable: we are here to come out of hiding and play bigger. The universe is expanding and so are we, growing out of our skins into a greater dimension of experience.

So the questions I ask myself every year at this time are:

What 3 things in life do I want to fulfill?
What am I building that will still be here in 100 years?

I write them down. I get very clear.

Take note: the golden rule of 3 is magic;
it is essential.

Three life-fulfilling tasks that span our lives and all we dreamed and planned in Heaven: how do we bring them down from spirit into matter? We are creators; do we remember that truth?

All that I plan and do must fit into the bigger vision of my soul.
My rules are simple: serve earth, humanity and God. And me.

And listen, because this is important.

My soul visions must last for at least
100 years.
I want to build sustainable and enduring legacies.

: Jesus The Book & The Sacred Series. Invite the world to remember Jesus as I remember his real stories.
: Feminine Leadership. Raise the Shakti power for feminine enlightenment. Bring balance to patriarchal societies.
: Soulgathering. Nourish the movement to inspire the future Golden Age, a civilization and time of remembering who we are and our collective dream. These friendships are my most precious jewel.

I do not care if I never fulfill my soul visions, because each year they lift me up to do what I do.

The new Age rescues a long-term vision
for humanity.

We are so tired of rushing through creation just to throw things away. Seasonality, planned obsolescence, cheap production, unsustainable work practices and short-termist CEOs are out.

We now must remember why why are here, and embrace change as a long-term vision.

Are you ready to construct 100-year concepts, join forces with 100-year clients or build a 100-year monument?
Say hasta la vista to living just for now.
Make a commitment.
The world needs us.

Then prepare to be amazed, astonished, delighted, invigorated. Everything changes when you connect with your 100-year soul goals. The rush is over.

The end game feels far away only because it’s the future, but in truth it’s so close it’s just about to happen. The important part is that you still have time to challenge and change the future. We are part of a collective dream here.

So what if you sometimes forget the big picture and slip back to short-term thinking, seasonality, money and planned rushes. Just return to your 100-year soul goals each year and ask “what can I do this year to keep building it?”

Wake up, be receptive and ready.
Be part of the 100-year soul goals program.

What are the 3 soul visions you were born with?
Dive in, and trust your images.
You are here to last.



The cosmos finds its expression in their form.
These temples embody the power of creation.
They are temples of all possibility.

The Shakti temples in India are built in circles, concentrically spinning Shakti power.
They are dedicated to 81 to 64 Yoginis, feminine embodied powers, who await us on an adventure.

I tapped into the existence of the Shakti temples in India some months ago. Though new to me in this lifetime, they simply would not let me go. They followed me in my dreams. Later as I was writing Jesus The Seeds of Christlove, I finally remembered: I was there before, with Jesus 2,000 years ago.

Now it’s time for me to return. It’s time for a new conversation.

On December 9th I will board a plane to India and travel to the Shakti temples. Join me, and I will take you on my travels. Together we dive into the lost power of the feminine enlightenment.

Click here to subscribe and travel with me

In just one week’s time, I will enter the field of Shakti in India with my Yogini sherpas Seema Kohli and Stella Dupuis. Equipped with my iPad, my Moleskine art book, water colors and pens, I will explore ancient rites and initiations, and decode old sacred symbols.

I leave without expectations
of what I will find, but with faith that the spirituality made by women, the goddess power, is spinning for us. It opens the veils of mystery that lie over the Yoginis and Durga. (HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR KNOWING)

My spiritual name, Durga, hunted after me following my first trips to India. I went to see Shastiriji, who had a magic bracelet given to him by Babaji. He called me Rada (considered an incarnation of Durga). Once I dreamed of being with Sai Baba and I turned into a golden goddess with ten arms. In that dream, he called me Durga. Later I asked Agni, one of my teachers, to tell me my spiritual name.

“It’s Durga,” he said. “She who goes up to the clouds and brings wonderful presents down to earth.”

So, here I am. And here’s what I am offering:

I will share my travels with you. We will spin and dance in the Tantric power. I will make movies on my iPad as I go. The videos will be in your inbox and posted to our own online Shakti temple as soon as they are created and we have internet access.

I will travel to far beyond places while I am there. The truth is that I do not know what I will discover, but I am ready for what may come. I have burnt for the spiritual feminine many times, and do not fear death or anything else.

You are part of my journey.
The stars are aligned.
The times are fortunate. (See below!)

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  • The Opening of the Tantric Bridge
    Open or Close

    The Opening of the Tantric Bridge …
    by Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó

    We would like to let you know that during the next few days, one of the relevant and complex stellar constellations of the year of the Stellar Nation of the Female Serpents, namely the Serpent-bearer (Ophiuchus) and the Serpent (Serpens) constellations and their mysteries will turn into messages as their stars come into alignment with our Sun one by one.

    This heavenly star-dance begins with the conjunction of the Yed Prior and the Sun between 23-27 November, followed by the Marfik-Sun alignment between 26 and 30 November, joined by Han (30 November – 4 December), then Sabik (9-13 December) and at last Cebalrai (15-19 December).

    According to the message of the Heavenly Goddess, the art of pleasure is related to this star. The opening of the gate of pleasure, the knowledge of the secrets of the tantric mysteries with the art of touching.

    The whole tantric mystery is about joining and uniting the mystical Two, all the polar and dual antidotes, so that finally they should all become One again. One – with each other, through each other and one with the being of the Source of Creation. The female serpent remembers its male partner too, stretching over the cosmic sky, and it longs to reach the gate of enlightenment and redemption by uniting these two qualities. This is a very important wisdom of the female serpent and the Goddess, in which the body-and-soul born from a completely intimate experience – in the ecstasy of pleasure –, and the separate particles are united again, they dissolve in one another and in the absoluteness through the gate of the heart.

    Another related knowledge that belongs here is that the pleasure is nothing else but the joy of remembering the Light. And what happens when reaching the tantric ecstasy is that the couple uniting in the experience bathes all their cells, hearts and souls in the joy of remembering the Light, and by that they reach the Realm of the Light. …

    Thus the sacral knowledge that is connected to this mystery can awaken within the next period in those who were once initiates, but also the memories of the related wounds and oppressions can come to the surface, because the moment of healing has just arrives in this special year.

    Therefore it is useful to take this opportunity and consciously ask for the healing to happen in everyone who is related to the messages of this stellar world and their sacral rituals. (You can read the detailed teaching about this in our book Stellar Nations – Soul Families, Volume I, pages 425-430)

    Click here to subscribe and travel with me


Read More · December 4, 2014 · · fiercely feminine, most popular, offerings


And also how God plays
his tricks.

A too-long story dedicated to our readers and loving followers of the books.
A letter from my sacred heart to your sacred heart.

The timing.

It was this May.

I knew from the beginning of 2014 that this year would be a wild horse.
The more clear this became, the more focused I was on understanding what it is really all about: why I am here, ultimately.

You must know I am typical scanner. I have a Pandora’s box full of talents and like to have many simultaneous projects growing in my garden. I am the type of gardener who likes to raise extraordinary, exotic flowers side by side with shameless and wild weeds.

But by May it was clear that I had experimented too much in my garden; some plants crowd others out and keep them from growing and blooming. I made a laser-focused decision to focus only on YOUR FUTURE BOOK: We Dreamt our Lives in Heaven, and offer its online program with tools for remembering and aligning.

The JESUS THE BOOK & THE SACRED SERIES book proposal would wait, even though there were only five pages missing before completion. Book 3 in the series had been in the pipeline for two years, and that would wait too. So far, so good.

Proud and clear, I boarded an airplane from Santa Fe to France.

Usually I sleep on flights, floating airily with heaven. Not this time. I could not close my eyes and slow down. The mantra JESUS THE BOOK started ringing loudly in my ears. It flew around my aura and vibrated high like a laser.

“But we had an agreement!” I protested. “JESUS THE BOOK must wait.”

Let me explain something. I believe all truly-aligned ideas come from God first in the form of light patterns. From spirit they take form as an idea, then into projected images and then they crystallize into matter.

For years now I’ve observed how my books are realized, escorted to their birth, and grow into this world. I see things as a vision when they are still in the universe long before they happen. And timing is the greatest challenge for mystic visionaries like me.

This time JESUS THE BOOK hit the ground with a crash of thunder.

But I got it. I saw a vision of the future once again, and went back to my planning.

I got home to La Lumiere in France, for a meeting with the wonderful hundred and eight around Jesus.

“We have mail, Durga. A guy who came to the film festival found our website. He wants to stay and meditate with us.” My assistant Parasi looked at me with questioning eyes.

“Then invite him to come,” I replied.

Let me shorten this part of the story: two days later I had an offer to make JESUS THE BOOK a series on HBO and Netflix. But I had to write two more books in order to complete the series. I didn’t have to ask Jesus if there were two more books in the series: I already began Volume 3 two years ago, and Volume 4 is our story, of how we all re-met.

Typical of movie people, they wanted it yesterday and sent us an offer. We did not sign, because we wanted a solid foundation based on legal advice.

But I started to write and planned my withdrawal for three months to complete the series.

The miracle opens.

For two years prior I’d had no images for the books.

All at once I could see what was so obvious, but had been hiding from our eyes: Jesus The Seeds of Christlight is the lost story of the Christian church.

After the crucifixion, the omnipotent temples of Jewish High priests, kings and Roman emperors did not find much resonance with the “Religion of Love” Jesus was teaching, nor the existence of heaven here and within each of us, nor the concept of divinity within each woman and man. The early Christians searched for shelter from persecution and spread themselves over Europe, Asia Minor and Asia.

The church of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was hidden away, innocently embraced in Gaul, South France and planted into the groves of Celts. We still find many traces of The Church of Mary Magdalene, the Celtic Symbiose of Christianity and Druids in France and England.

The Christian church of Rome started to grow parallel and its roots reached into South France.

Years later the Inquisition, aided by the king of North France and the Pope in Rome, invaded the Occitane (the name for South France in the medieval Ages). It exterminated all the roots of the church of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We have no idea what happened; all memories from there were brutally extinguished.

In this part of our story the companions go to India. Jesus does not go to the Hindu temples of the Brahmanic priests; he chooses to walk with us down the path of the old Shakti temples, the living breathing vortexes of powerful Shakti.
The book tells the story of our Shaktipat into initiation. We walk till we meet the most powerful place of Shakti in Hirapur. There all prophesies come true. We walk our footpath back and return with the secrets of the Black Madonnas. It is the story of the traveling church of Mary Magdalene and Jesus planting Christ light seeds in Asia minor, Ethiopia, Egypt and South France.

This is the story of the “seeds of Christ light” that Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Essenes and the early Christians planted. Our time is destined for harvesting them.

I restore the image.
I remember.

The messenger

And then.

My producer disappeared without a trace.

Now I see how God sent a messenger to open the floodgates of my writing.

Out of my hands, stories tumble over stories. We decided to end it at one point, and still the book has no end. There will be another book.

Seeds of Christlight will come out next year. The book proposal is ready to go. And more changes, more promising developments: I met the wonderful filmmaker Mary Arose Comstock and together we started to play and dream. We find ourselves at an open end of a thousand opportunities.

What I have learned:

: God keeps us on track. He is the keeper of our real soul dreams. It may not end up as you think it should, but it will always be best for you.

: What glitters most is not always the greatest path.

: We need to plant gardens instead of pouring industrial concrete.

: You will always come back to what is yours. No escape.

I love you



Unlimited Love
Love pours into truth, truth is love
Love desires feelings, to feel is love
Love is the will of God, will is one with love
Love touches us, under the skin flows love
Love offers, she does not want anything but love
Love reaches territories where she has never been
Love asks, the answer is love
Love is where you come from, love is where I am
Love knows me, she knows where I come from
Love liberates me, freedom is love
Life is love, love is life
Love needs love to survive
Love is the will to love limitlessly.

*Poem from JESUS THE SEEDS OF CHRISTLIGHT, Volume 3 of the Sacred Series, coming out of the beyond next year.

Dear readers, wonderful souls:

I had my sabbatical, and it is always a big challenge to come back.
The right gateway must to be found, to re-enter.
But now I miss you so much that I’ve decided to come back.

I have been writing and will continue until this untamable book is complete.

JESUS THE SEEDS OF CHRISTLIGHT has taken me on a wild journey through time and memories; surprising and familiar glances into Universes and the discovery of the continents.

Here I am;
get prepared.
More is coming soon.
Visions of #soulgatherings 2015 are growing
and more surprises are taking shape.

You must know, I really missed you. I feel you all the time.

I love you,


Read More · November 13, 2014 · · most popular, offerings, visions & prayers


Dear beloved ones,

It is, was, and will be a hard decision. I had to make it. will pause for three months while I am writing volume 3 of Jesus The Book & Series.

It was not my plan. I had other goals; I wanted to keep everything going at once.


I had shouted loudly, maybe too loudly, to my God: Show me what it’s really about.

And, do you know, He responded. Things started to roll. Small and big miracles happened.

So I am writing. I will dive deep to retrieve my forgotten memories: 18 years with Jesus in India, walking the Silk Road, our friendship with the Celts. So much that’s precious and forgotten needs to be found again.

In the meantime, I can’t make promises but I may be able to share new visions and writings along the way.

I feel speechless like I always do when I have to go far beyond what I’d expected.
But I feel your support.

Thank you, beloved one. We are always connected. I will be back in autumn with new visions.

I love you.



The feminine leader initiated

#Soulgathering is a new concept designed to bring us together in open fields of inspiration to co-create the future. Each #Soulgathering has a topic and destination. This time we played around with new feminine leadership and cruised our souls into creativity and spicy conversations.

“Leadership is neither female nor male. It is the ability and capacity to lead your team or tribe to the vortex of their lives where they experience their own inner leadership and align heaven and earth.”

Shakti inspiration

Shakti is the soul; Shakti is life.
Each day was dedicated to an aspect of Shakti, the divine feminine. Oils handmade by Durga opened channels in our bodies. The field of the goddess Shakti opened to guide us for one whole day in our experience and inner teachings.

Ritual for Durga: Invite the feeling of irresistible empowerment into your life

Ritual for Kali: Invite the rich freedom of patterns into your life

Ritual for Lakshmi: Invite the rich feeling of abundance into your life

Creative inspiration

Art for our inner landscapes. Womanhood intentions. We weave, we sew, we knit, we color our future.

Food inspiration

Women dive into landscapes of their leadership and chill out in creative storms. Meanwhile our star chef Michael Spiridon was the emperor of the kitchen and pampered us with healthy, nourishing, divine food.

Beauty inspiration

Inside and outside, 100% organic: pampering cosmetics and powerful anti-aging vibrations.

#soultalk inspiration

Fierceness, leadership, one’s path, visions, craziness, silence, the creative force and our part in all of it.

erin-gilesErin Giles
“You will be known for your compassion for this world.”

ann-mollerAnn Moller
Magic happened. She made the creative process real.

“Silence is where real leadership begins…”

#naturespa inspiration

The enchanted land. The healing of our souls.

Dining under the stars inspiration


#holygrailvortex inspiration

We experience wholeness and love.

Thank you to all the souls who made this possible.
We have planted a seed.
We will grow an empire.
