most popular | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser - Part 5
Category: most popular


I believe
We are all born with a vision bigger than us.
Each sub-goal is a step on the pathway to your own personal heaven.

I also believe
That we are much happier living according to our soulgoals.
Because then we have the whole universe and all of our spiritual helpers on our side.

Your soulgoal
Is what you have dreamt in heaven for this life.
It vibrates at a certain frequency.

If you want to live your vision you must shift the frequency of your life
To the level of your souldream.

In a lower vibrating field or environment your vision cannot be realized.

There is a creation energy level needed to manifest your desires.
We are the only ones who can ensure that it runs at that energy level.

The new spirituality is the tool to do that, and embody your prophecy.

Let us start simply.
Find out if you vibrate on the level where the synchronicity of the universe can work for you.

Awareness is the beginning of change.

Imagine a scale from 0 to 12.
Your soulgoal vibrates at 12, the number of wholeness.


Check your inner landscape.
At what frequency is your state of mind and emotion vibrating?
Write down a number on a scale from 0 to 12.
Do not think; let your body answer for you.
(The remedy for growth here is a transformation coach or a spiritual consultant.)

Does your environment vibrate with your soulgoal?
At what frequency are the places you live and work vibrating?
Write down a number on a scale from 0 to 12.
Do not think; let your body answer for you.
(The remedy for growth here is a Feng Shui to match the frequency of your environment.)

Are the people that surround you vibrating with your soulgoal?
Go deep darling, this is live shifting.

Ask yourself.
How much do I have to shift my energy level in order to live my soulvision?

From (number) to (number).

To successfully work with all forces of Shakti (the creative power of the Universe), beam yourself up to that frequency.

When you start to feel the frequency of your soulgoal, the spiritual response will follow. twitter

Consciousness grows under awareness.
Cultivate it.
Have fun.
This is all about love and joy.



A new feminine approach
to learning.

Do you have an inkling for a new idea?
Is there a new concept sparkling in your aura that will reinvent your industry?
Do you receive fragments of a cosmic light pattern; are you going to start something new and revolutionary?

In order to succeed you have to look at your work from your unique perspectives. You must think about it in your own creative way. Do not accept what is already out there. Your perspective might be the only one from which you can see new art, history, music, business ideas, books, visions of new life.

Ignore old learning. Start thinking fiercely alive.
Intention. Choose aliveness.

Do this with the aim of creating a new theory. There is a trend in every human domain that will affect human life for the better. About God, sexuality, livelihood, the future of humanity and good living. Everything.

Learn and think.
Creative thinking.

“I got to thinking about the other story that has been told to me. I have to choose to listen to that other voice urging me to listen to my inner wisdom over my historical betrayer.”

The exercise

Don’t learn anything for 24 hours.
Choose a theme of your passion.

Unplug. Disconnect from the noise of the digital world.
Hear yourself love.
Choose nature. She is the connection to reality.
Tap into the wisdom of not knowing.
Forget what you have learned and what you have been told.

Go into a field of consciousness about your passion.
Address the field of synchronicity. Let the fields work for you.

Instead of thinking, be that field.
Follow your instincts like a wolf.
Be inspired by what meets you in this field. Pay attention to signals from people, places, words and images.

Let your mind go with your heart.

Dive into the meaning of life.
Choose slowing down. You are worth it. Every time.

Look, we have layers of understanding.
Open your heart into a larger soft expansion of sensuality.
Think about that field. Create something out of it.

Receive + Collect + Integrate + Imagine

Trust that the field sends you the signals.
(Do not analyze too soon; let the openness of the field orient you.)

Gather information. Trust that you are getting exactly the information you need.
(Opinion and judgments are too restrictive in this area of creation.)

Magnetize the good. Your body wants to recycle knowledge. Your energy will dissolve it and solve it.
(Deflect the negative. Identify with: Look, this exists.)

We need to be the truth of our authentic self. The higher self is king and queen.
(Awareness changes when we embrace our memories. No time to ponder, wait or imitate.)

We cannot wait to see what you express.
We want it. Always, it’s worth it.

The un:hearable un:seeable things. Tiny micro-cosmoses vibrating soft magic. Just one small, connected liaison with your mystic soul each week can open, affect, and attract positive interruptions for the new creation. You can do it. You must. To connect with your soul, to feel your own cosmic rhythm of calling. To feel your thoughts. To let aliveness find you real connections. Love holds it all together. For every one of us.

The muscle of our feminine learning needs a regular workout.
You must exercise it. You must experiment with it.

(I am telling you this from my pilgrimage to the 3rd volume of JESUS THE BOOK & THE SERIES. Landscapes, people and memories cross dragonlines in unexpected ways never before imagined.)



Ask yourself:
How will I make a difference?

My visions of a new spirituality.
The Future trends of the golden Yuga.

I have something important to show you.
It is important to understand the evolution we live in right now. You need to understand it to recognize its symptoms and its effect on our lives. When we are able to read it and wield it, we can co-create with the heart of the cosmos.

The critical evolution is happening now and affects our everyday lives. When we identify the layers of understanding, it’s easier to open our hearts to a more meaningful expansion of imagination and words.

This involves crucial hope, new models, the significance of remembering, the Shiva-Shakti immersion, the Christ Consciousness grids. Yes, this is big. Our future matters.

And you find it in yourself.

Why now
We are the ones, and we have been waiting for this time. We as humanity have walked together through past evolutions. At one time the old seats of tradition gave us all the knowledge we needed to live within the laws of the Universe, the dharma and the earth’s resources.

But now we are the ones who must hold a conversation between earth creation and the creation of the universe. We were born with the knowledge that only when we bring the two together, the earth-creation and the universe-creation, can we live in harmony and bring to life all that we wish: thriving communities, fruitful environments and sustainable lifestyles.

Ask yourself: How can we work with the earth and Universe so it does not stream against us?

Our time is both a blessing and a challenge.
Everything is popping up at the velocity of our time. It’s a bloom of new visions and rapid shifts amid destructive, outdated systems that we ourselves created.

What is so special about our time?
It’s about everybody. Not as Buddha came, Krishna came or Jesus came, as individuals to shift our minds. We are about to shift humanity with the collective. Everybody will be a leader in their way to create new collaborative communities. We need these in every part of our lives: our partnerships, our society, our ecological systems, how we farm, how we give meaning to money, how we grow as people.

Gratitude is the new religion.
When we surrender fighting the status quo, we can disconnect from the noisy world and enter a moment between the dimensions where everything is right. We will build on that soil, all the while inquiring: “What do we need to heal? What do we need to support that brings forward the life of Universe and Earth together?”

My bigger vision witnesses what is going on in the cosmos:
I am seeing big changes.

: Everybody is rising

Ideas that will not shift the collective will die.
Leaders have to listen and knit together the old seats of tradition and power with new meaning.

: Shiva-Shakti Immersion

Our society has too long ignored the Shiva-Shakti balance. Shiva is the masculine power of creation; Shakti is the feminine power of creation. When Shiva-Shakti do not kiss in eternal union they dance disconnected and fall in succession into self-destruction.

Our world is overpatterned with the masculine. We are in charge of raising up the feminine and re-understanding Shakti from an initiated female leadership. Only then are we are able to uncover truth from deep within.

The rise of the Shiva power in us is actually disoriented, because what we thought was a masculine role has lost potency. So the masculine reaches out with softness. The feminine is too fierce and the masculine too soft.

When we consider how balance is created, we can see that it is first provoked by extremes. But this time we will not experience the feminine becoming so fierce that it becomes self destructive; we will not experience the masculine falling apart.

Instead, we are all part of a bigger evolution. We are rebalancing Shiva-Shakti with new ideas to unify with the universal.

Bringing soft masculine and hard feminine into balance.
A New Masculinism. A New Feminism.

Ask yourself:
How can I balance my Shakti?
How can I balance my Shiva?

Christ consciousness

We are done with healing, transformation, forgiveness. The teachings are connecting us with wholeness now. The love that created the universe and actually holds it together will change our society. Earth herself is rocking the Christ-light from the inside out. This love and the Shakti that was suppressed will change our approach and understanding of ourselves, our business and work, everything.

We have dreamed this cosmic dream together.
We as soul society have dreamt that universe. We mediated in unison on this powerful new dream of a new earth that we have never seen before.

You are part of this collective dream.

The story of the Universe continues
The cosmologists know our universe has a story of beginning when in one moment of eternity all was created from one singular source. A fire expanded into the whole universe filled with all that ever was and ever will be. Peaceful beauty was the source of everything. The cosmos had her secret of spacing time and timing space. It is woven into the universe and is always there.

I tapped into something when my friend and courageous-thought sparring partner Mary Garvey Horst created a live recording of me as my mystic vision opened. I saw into the heart of the universe.

We are now connecting with the beginnings of all times. The moment of God; the beginning of all. From there all our stored data from our past changes, and we remember.

Do you think we are walking backwards?
We are actually fusing together.

We were born in this magnificent glory. Luminous and golden.

We are connecting with the genetic origin of times to create a new evolution. We are walking backwards into our knowledge. We will carry it forward into an update for our age. We are about to reinterpret the creation on our own terms. We will apply it to our daily lives and take it from ashrams into our businesses, and from monasteries into daily life.

Everybody is in the game.
We are doing it together. Everybody is responsible for his and her part.

Reconnect with your soul vision.
Silence is our souls’ refuge these days.
We are healing the data of our past and transforming it into pure light.

We are about to create the data for a future
that we do not know.
We know less than we ever did.
The promise: It will be wonderful.

When we remember who we really are, we automatically quit our destructiveness.
We are complete divine beings who can shift a disconnected society toward mutual support, leaving behind exclusion and competition.

Acknowledge what has always been there.
Acknowledge your soul.
Acknowledge mother earth.

We have a lot to do.
Start with yourself.

I love you.



The backstage story

Some weeks ago I tapped deeply into the big Question: “What am I here for, and why was I was meant to be born? I am ready.”

The process simultaneously activated a countermovement of feelings. Instead of standing up to grasp the big vision of my soul, the opposite happened: I withdrew, back on my couch positioned like a cat, frozen. My body stiffened and I felt incapable of making the next move.

As an energy seer, I untangle my cover stories quickly. Sitting on my sofa I could see my emotional light body around me crystal clear. I myself found trapped in a paralyzed state of mind and my emotional light body stood still, paralyzed too. An arctic palace around me reflected emotions of the Ice Queen when I asked, “how do I want to feel?”

Completely fascinated by my own visible aura, I reached out and touched the light body with my fingertips and felt a membrane structure of patterns there, in textures and knots like another skin about 50 centimeters (20 inches or so) from my physical body. I know about the emotional body, and now I was in the middle of an interactive movie, seeing it. Eckhart Tolle calls it the pain body. This body is making us feel. But it is more. It vibrates with the resonance and information that comes into our space, and it gives us feedback about what is near. This light body also swings into action when cosmic light information is coming in for us.

When left unconscious the emotional body is like a garage filled with memories, neutral and flavorless, simply potential. Good things and bad things are stored up in boxes ready to vibrate when a similar energy comes around. It can evoke fear when we step into bravery or freeze when old traumas are resurfaced in our memory, even if those experiences are long past.

That day my pain body was activated with the data of old memories.
It shut me down.

We all have it. Emotional body pain, or fear stored in our pain body, affects our lives and can render us unable to move or act.

But there’s good news.

Fear is shifted by love twitter

We have a deep longing for fearless living. We aim for the higher self.
Change your past-embracing memories into future-building energy.

Let me tell you the truth.
When you tap into the powerful dream of your soul, it will frighten you to death because right then you are at the core of your own prophesy.

This is where some people start their personal fires. And many stop there, and leave the work behind.

But we are now willing to remember our dream in heaven, knowing it will change our lives.
 Maybe when we were 6 years old we knew it; when we were 16 we thought everything was possible.

And maybe the world around us became so loud then that we disconnected from it. Now we need to go back to the time before we stopped knowing.

It’s your time to call out your soul. Here’s what I did when I was frozen in my pain body.

The Shifting Visualization

I sat there and focused on my heart.
The heart chakra is the source of liquid love.

I let this liquid love pour out of my heart and take on the color and quality it wanted.

I expanded the light love so it covered all my emotional body from inside.
(Imagine it is all around your body)

I melted the frozen parts with love.
I steamed over the patterns and structures and watched them dissolve.

I kept on going until my emotional body was free, flexible and expansive like the open sky.
My emotional body became a soft liquid membrane made of a porous material for traveling light.

I want to show you how to turn the frozen state into fluid emotions.

Try this.
Easily wipe fear away.

Unplug from fear.

Reach out your fingers and feel the texture around you.
Feel the patterns with landscapes of your soul’s memories filled with sound, color and scents.

Scan this body. Feel whether it’s fluid or frozen.

Let your heart pour out the most compelling fluid of persuasive love.
It will spread over the emotional body and melt it into wholeness.
It may have any color and light tone, even beyond our color palate. Celestial.

Take time for this.
It may take days or weeks to melt down.
You will feel how it comes back to fluidity.
And you will come to a new state of mind.

Connect to your reality.
The feelings of the past and the old data do not need to affect you.

We are always free to love.

Love is presence. Not future. Not past. @agni

Fear is with us all the time.
We confuse fear with reality. But this is an illusion.

We are now ready to understand that we are made of stardust; we are made of energy and light. When we are unplugged from the noise of fear, it’s easier to face this reality:

We always have the truth to be our authentic self.



Presence is important. The power of your divine existence lies in the power of now. If you want to live your dreams and see your vision to fruition, the unique frequency of YOU is crucial.

I want to offer you my daily meditation to keep the expansion of yourself alive, so that you can live your life from your soul and your brightest light.

This meditation is a 2-minute instant recharger. You can do it everywhere and anytime: in your car, under the shower, before or after yoga. Your soul is omnipresent, and you can help anchor her where she lives.

So let’s do it together, right now.

Standing preferred. Stand for yourself.
Breathe in and out. Do not force or change it.
Feel the energy of light streaming through your whole body.
Aliveness fills every cell of you.

Let your soul-light shine from every cell in your body.

Your Presence

Now feel your aura in front of you.
Anchor a light marker to feel your space in front of you.
Fill it with soul presence. This is not about expansion; it’s about compression of your existing energy. Sense your light vibrating.
“My soul presence is before me.”
This is your future. This is where you are going.

Next feel your aura behind you.
Anchor a light marker to feel your space behind you.
Fill it with soul presence. It may be unfamiliar, but feel how good it is back yourself up with the love of your soul presence. Your light is vibrating. Lean into your soul-light.
“My soul presence is behind me.”
This is your past. This is where you come from.

Next feel your aura to the left of you.
Anchor a light marker to feel your space on your left side.
Fill it with soul presence.
“My soul presence is on my left side.”

And feel your aura to the right of you.
Anchor a light marker to feel your space on your right side.
Fill it with soul presence.
“My soul presence is on my right side.”

You stand balanced for who you are.

This is the moment to expand above your head.
Anchor your space in the freedom of heaven, the universe, God.
Fill it with soul presence. Feel protected and guided.
This is where your soul comes from.
“My soul presence is rooted in heaven.”

Ground your soul down into the earth.
Anchor your space in safe streams of earth, the creation, the fruitful mother.
Fill it with soul presence. Feel desired and loved.
“My soul presence is grounded in the earth.”
You are home.

Your heart pulsates.
You are here, now.

Walk with the presence.
Check in a couple of times a day.
Strengthen your frequency.

We all want you.
You are the love of your soul.
This is our prophecy.

I will meet you here.
So simple and easy.



Come to send off Jesus The Book & The Series on its pilgrimage around the world.

The “Tour of Wonders” begins in Santa Fe, New Mexico on May 7th at 7pm at the brand-new Agni’s Shiva Shakti Center.

Meet Agni and me and ask us your burning questions in person. We will tell juicy behind-the-scenes stories of Jesus The Books & The Series. We love to surprise and shift Christ Consciousness.

We will start a fresh conversation about our travels with Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and what it means for all of us today. Whatever happens, the miracle is designed for and of you and your friends. Expect to feel the side effects of Christ-love, including bliss, joy, magic, and feelings of unity.


Come. Bring your friends. It’s free.
May 7th at 7pm

Agni’s Shiva Shakti Center
172 Los Vaqueros
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
Let us know: moc.liargelamefehtnull@nioj



Decipher your promise.

What the Blood Full Moon resurrects for all of us.

This is the time I have been waiting for. Seven years ago we started to write down our memories of Jesus, our memories from when we were there. (“We” includes my love Agni, me, and many who lived at the time and remember it.) Jesus always predicted that his teachings would be understood in 2,000 years. The seeds are popping now. Jesus’ prophesies are online.

The message Jesus seeded for this time is encoded in “Jesus The Book & The Series.” It is revealed upon reading. Whatever you are searching for, it is in there. But you must find it for yourself.

The story of Jesus resurrects these days from darkness. It comes not as a messenger, nor a preacher, nor a rescuer from outside. It rises within us. The promise Jesus made for our times is living in the books made for you. So when you read the books, the promise is somewhere in there and will emerge in your dreams, your insights. Maybe Jesus or one of those who walked with him will talk to you. It was locked up till now, but the blood full moon on April 16th deactivated the light code.

The Blood Full Moon resurrects
& The Story of Jesus

Easter, April 2014: These weeks are the probably the most intense and most powerful of the year 2014. A big cardinal cross of initial planets intends to initiate us into higher enlightenment. The blood moon calls out to the red Shakti powers of the Universe dancing in wild ecstasy. And Easter, the feast of resurrection, charges the air with powerful energies. Reaching backward we touch long-ago planted seeds of divine wisdom and rebirth them into prophesies come true.

Recently Bono, the singer of U2, declared he prays to Jesus, the personal one. He believes Jesus made promises that will come true. He and many more: the collective spirit of optimism is more powerful than ever.

We have written our memories.
So you can remember.

Decipher your own promise
for the new heaven and new earth.

How to open your miracle yourself

Get your books for free as PDF download.

Start to read.
The promise for you is in there.
Read and trust it will find you.
Be open for the miracle.
The book will talk to you in a scene, in a sentence.
Images will stir your soul.

When you finish the books for the first time, start again.
I promise it will be different the second time.
The light in you is now activated.
You will find what you are searching for the second time through.

Then join the community that’s collecting now.
Post and tell us what happens in your life.
Our promises are important now.

Tell us what comes to you.
We enter the collective Christ Consciousness together.

Join the communion.

Here is more about Jesus The Book & The Series

The books are free to download for 21 days from now.

Your personal message in there is infinite.



Redefine your feminine leadership.

12 SPOTS. 5 DAYS. 

Universes of possibility.


in La Lumière, South France

Your time has come to rise
as a feminine leader.

From June 7th to 11th we are gathering an exclusive group of visionary women to open a sacred symposium of new feminine power. Together we articulate and co-create feminine leadership. We seed our own permaculture to synergize money and real embodied spiritualty.

Are you a leader with a new idea, a souldream, a mother, a boss, an entrepreneur, female, male or divine? We need you.

my INVITATION is for you.

: Get initiated into Shakti powers of this Universe and learn how to bring them into your leadership: Durga, Lakshmi, Kali in rituals for daily life.

: Tell us about your life dream and present your visionary work.
Meet other visionary leaders.

: Receive inspiration for your personal wholeness and wellness in the 100% organic Nature Spa and cooking classes. We care for you, lavishly.

: We will reframe patterns of leadership in sacred conversations.

I will guide you through these days. I offer my sacred communication to the world of spirits to ferry answers about new patterns of time and soul presence.

We begin our experience together online, when you will receive a sacred journey workbook and it will continue 14 days after you leave to integrate your new leadership into your life.

This program is yours.

The cost: 3000 Euros
For more information please click here.

Bring your best friend

We think BFF-ship is divine. We invite you to dive into feminine leadership with her by your side. You know who we mean: she who is there when you cry, when you are lost and when you triumph. We believe women friends must raise each other up, and in honor of that we offer a twin set.

4.500 Euro for both of you. That’s 2250 Euro apiece, a 750 Euro discount.

This offer is open through May 1st.

Read here about the creative, the inspirational, and the sensual experience that’s waiting for you.

To sweeten the pot, I will offer you personalized spiritual readings that inform your leadership style and awareness. (All readings are completely optional, only if you wish.)

I’m offering a reading to identify and describe…

Who are your power animals?
: For your leadership
: For your wisdom
: For your feminine power

Which 3 past incarnations most influence your leadership today?

What Goddess accompanies you in your current life situation? How can you contact her more deeply to lead?

The feminine leader initiated:
timely and crucial.

We must do better. Our world is masculine-dominated in terms of money, leadership, the steep gaps between rich and poor, between the sustainable and destructive. No longer can we rely on safety nets to catch us. The crisis of the world is everywhere, but it opens fields of possibilities.

What is the missing link to turn this world around?

The feminine voice of leadership. She has not yet evolved in her power to create change. That’s where we come in, together.

What can you expect?

This is where spiritual leaders and business mavens gather to give birth to new visions of feminine leadership. We ignite a sacred communication about nurturing the baby roots of empowerment. Together. We want to spark impactful change, not by fighting the status quo but by building parallel worlds.

You want to reconnect with yourself and the right people?
You want more spirituality and creativity for your soul?

: Is it mine?
: Is it my time?

Yes. We are so looking forward to seeing you.

For more information and for booking your place please click here.




3 laws of cosmic generosity.

: Why duplicators can never touch you.

You invented it. You built it with all your ambition and love. You imagined it till the baby was born and you proudly revealed her to the world. You created the most beautiful website, a brand new product. Boom.

Shortly thereafter, the imitators came online and stole from you. Today’s web-brain is even more wide open to idea hackers. It is impossible to protect our spiritual goodies.

It happened to me and maybe to you. The most creative trendsetters are always hunted.

Luminaires will be copied millions of times by the nobodies. twitter

But why don’t self-made icons like Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte care about this?

: Nobody can steal your light.

From a spiritual perspective, see it like this:

When you are howling into your cushions because somebody stole your idea and design, you have not yet arrived at the place where you radiate your light.

The sovereignty of your presence has not yet dipped into your hot truth, your inimitable voice and the full expression of your irresistible identity.

Better to shower these copycats with gratitude for pointing you out.
You have found your sparring partner until you shine your fullest.

As long as you can be confused with others, your unique soul expression is not grounded.

: The unique copy of you is divine. twitter

The Art of War
for creative entrepreneurs

: Steady, now. The one who avoids, confronts or flees will lose.
They can try to steal your light, but this is impossible. Decide to stay put. Keep going toward what you believe in. Make it even greater. Then surrender and radiate. The only way is to cultivate and expand our own light and be self-assured.

: Be ahead of everybody. Be smarter.
You will do it again. You are a creator, after all. Even when you are copied a trillion times, you will create anew. While copycats are still duplicating you are creating the next trend. Stay with the maverick and trend line and you will be at the forefront every time. Copyright thieves will always fail in the long run, because true creatives consistently reinvent.

: Build relationships on loyalty and trust.
The only way to knock out copycats is through wholeness. Unreal people build on illusions. Cover your path with gratitude and generosity. Time will pay you back for your kindnesses, so don’t be afraid of generous gestures. You are investing in priceless relationships and collective experiences. Nobody can copy what you have lived through with someone.

When you radiate, people will be magnetically attracted to you. Expect it.
We want that light or least the clearest glimpse of it.

The moment they start to copy you, breathe in and enjoy that rich feeling.
You are not “nobody” anymore.
You are now at the beginning of your iconic star system. There, you shine.




When I started to wonder about the visibility of what we think and feel, I began to see – but mostly smell – myself and others (this is sometimes how I perceive energies). Though invisible to most, I saw thoughts coming out like bubbles from the solar plexus, or cloudy blue impregnable castles around the front chakra, or golden peaceful streams of Buddha-like emanations.

I became curious and playful.

What if…

What if I start to follow my thoughts and spy on what they look like?

Thoughts can be golden honey running down your body like an orgasm.
Thoughts can be sharp knives, cutting and puncturing.
Thoughts can go retrograde and push us around like thunderbirds.
Or thoughts can pull down energies till everything just sucks.

What we think has sound; the waves reach beyond distance.
What we think is perfumed with soul. The scent of thoughts can be like fresh heaven, fertile earth or the stink of disconnection.

What we think colors our orientation.
What we think creates thought-fabrics with patterns and shapes, like a second skin in our astral aura ornamented with personal tattoos. These are powerful symbols.

Thoughts are powerful vibrations we send out into this world. twitter

What if…

What if we use thoughts as potions?

We send thoughts out into the world like an armed dragon, riding upon the waves of chaos and through color explosions amid the greyish collective clouds of sad energies.

How to turn your thoughts into beautiful blossoms.
Make potions for a better life.

Find yourself in a delirium of soul-awakening scents, pulling them down. Let their color orient your life. Sniff around for the fragrance of the way you want your thoughts to make you feel.

for the
What is the perfume and the color? Dive into the fairyland of hibiscus summer nights, heavy oriental Indian summer evenings, fresh drizzling grassland and ask the kingdom of beyond for a Remedy that make you feel good, successful, abundant.

Feel around for the sensuously pervasive experience of conjuring up the burning, earthy, airy and liquid thoughts leading to a great creation. Choose thoughts that roll with your desired state for goal setting.

Start the movement with me.

My money thoughts smell like pollen tickling my nose, freshly fallen from the fragranced sari of Lakshmi. twitter

My money thoughts smell like roses and amber. Breathe in, break the barriers. Go free. twitter

My spiritual thoughts smell like premium red Bordeaux wine, filled with red obsession. twitter

My perseverance thoughts smell like pineapple and cinnamon: warm, exotic and exquisite. twitter

My spiritual normcore (normal + hardcore) thoughts smell like woods, roots, rinds and fresh pine needles. My toes sink into the texture. twitter

My enlightening thoughts smell like uplifting citrus and euphoric clary sage. twitter

My loving thoughts smell like a clove + cinnamon + cardamom orgasm on my palate. twitter

My paradoxical thoughts smell like crystallized water, clearing my brain. twitter

My contradictory thoughts smell like geranium. I want to be seduced. twitter

“A gourmet mind protects from the poison of dark thoughts.”

Now tell me, beloved.

: I want my thoughts to feel like…
