November, 2011 | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser
November, 2011


Blast your future free.
(whenever something does not run the way it really should)

I was recently in Carmel, California with three other heroines. Together with Linda Sivertsen we dreamed into existence our winning book deals. They were four effervescent retreat days with embodied muses, wonderful stories and my “book shaman” Linda.

Of course I dream of Jesus the Book and the rest of the series landing a great book deal and becoming a bestseller. Every author does, just as a mother always thinks her child is the most beautiful and talented. I do.

The morning we left I woke up and before SHE could steal away unseen in the invisible world again, I sneaked a peak of her vanishing out of twilight. The shadow of her flowing robes had my immediate attention and I followed her traces deep into my inner worlds.

Voices from the secret chamber started to kindle.

“Nobody wants to read this book; no soul is interested in the real story of Jesus.
In fact, Jesus is not fancy enough for this world.
You will never find a big audience who loves what you burn to love.
Your heart-piece will never be as juicy and cool in the eyes of today’s world as it is for you.
You were always persecuted for your beliefs. What could possibly make today any different?”

I had secretly followed the “Goddess of Negativity” into her empire.
She is a goddess of illusion, seducing us to complain about our life circumstances. (more…)


If you could untie your wings 

and free soul of jealousy

you and everyone around
would fly up like Doves .~Rumi

In the past, old patterns of women’s absence and exclusion from power created a system of insufficiency. But there is a world beyond obsessions of competition, separation and inequality.
So why not create the antidote now! Success is a fire we burn for. Let’s start with a change of perspective.

First, kick the “not enough” mantra to the curb. It’s poison!

Success is a path of enlightenment.
It is the final fulfillment of the dream
we were born with.
Dream with me;
let’s comfort our souls together.

I believe in powerful tribal visions dreaming of change.
Our collective dreams are old and sacred, and it’s time they be revived.
We are due the long-missing female element of fulfillment that fully completes the pattern of enlightened success.
And dreaming of success together can spread the light of change all through our society much more effectively than any one could individually.

My healing vision

Universe is abundance. We each carry a pattern inside of what we want to fulfill. Each of us is born with a star inside that knows its own time to rise and shine, and is woven into a whole universe of dreams. Each star is unique: no design-pattern is like another. We sometimes more easily recognize the star inside others around us. But among our respective stars, there’s never an element of competition or overreaching, just witnessing and sustaining.

Today many women are born with a collective dream. We want to play big and be an active part in the change. For example, today more than ever we have female presidents all over the world. Women’s stars are rising and shining!

The fabric of feminine success is in our roots. Knowing that each one has her time to come, we come back into the knowing our right time to rise.

Now remember the fabric of creation!

We know when the star of our sister is about to rise; it’s a sacred birth. Instead of the subtle patterns of envy or competition, we remember:

We never did it alone. We will never rise at the same time, because the fabric of creation is wise: it provides the support of sisters when one star rises, carrying the burden when one sister is in holy times of transit, providing support when the climax fire of success burns bright.

is not rented. It is an eternal pattern of climax and withdraw, of birth and death. It’s nature in her sacred rhythm. It’s a natural flow. Remember, we all live in a network of our visions, our actions, our loves. It is a collage of impressions, feelings, memories, all small pieces of life. And deep within us lives a pattern of universal abundance. Supporting one another while following our own individual paths is illuminating and will open a space for all of us having big and small explosions of success, celebration and fulfillment.

We know we will not shine at the same time, but always shine together.

While writing this in a hotel in Carmel awaiting my book winning proposal with Linda Siversten, this song suddenly filled the lobby where I am writing.
And the magic is connected!



Synchronicity is always there. It is effortless. It is always available if you know how to plug in. Synchronicity is the ultimate business timing planner and a source of one-to-one inspiration. It’s a devoted collaboration with the infinite.

The universe is perfectly organized and always knows when to follow up. Our Universe is a whole pulsating network of connected encounters, intuition and mysterious guidance. It’s divine presence in the joint emergence of miraculous events. It’s a beautiful fabric of sacred stories.

Synchronicity is contrary to complicated.
Synchronicity is the opposite of clutter.
Synchronicity is the other side of controlling and overpowering.

Synchronicity is the knowledge that everything you need arrives just at the right time. All information is omnipresent. When you shift your head into a pool of surrender, you will learn how to plug into the right network of geniuses. All you need already exists and is available; you simply make the right decisions and create organization for it to emerge.

I use Synchronicity for my business.


Read More · November 14, 2011 · · enlightened business, most popular


photo by emmanuelle linard

This photo of happy Emmy knitting socks out of a de-knitted sweater in the middle of Occupy Wall Street made my heart sing.

We knit revolution.

We listen to a call for universal activism on the international squares.
If not now, then when?

“Occupy Wall Street might be the switch many expect, spreading like wildfire to Europe, igniting Rome, France, Amsterdam and many more cities to come… some sort of a worldwide soft French revolution out to topple the bankers… a movement with no hierarchy, no violence and lots of creativity; a good first major example of the “we are family” concept discussed in the trends. (more…)

Read More · November 10, 2011 · · evolution & future trends, most popular


“A culture of fancy self love”

I call myself a cosmic nomad. After all those years of stripping off too-tight skins quilted out of the conventions, conditionings, and opinions of others, I feel really good in my own skin, woven of my own stories.

Cosmic nomad (ˈkɒzmɪkˈnəʊmæd)
1. a member of a universal people or tribe who walks equally in heaven and on earth from place to place to find freedom and fulfillment
2. a person who is continually a sender for the universe and loves to discover the world; madly in love with non-conformity and universal law

A cosmic nomad.
The story of finding one’s own terms.

It all started when I was a graphic design student. My final and most ambitious university exams required that I be ultimately creative. Or better said, I wanted to be. High-pressure polishes diamonds. During these times, I discovered that when my inspiration flow dammed up, I could find immediate relief literally on the move. I just had to jump on the next tramway and my ideas would bubble again.
Later in my one and only employment I tried to convince my boss that inspiration comes to me much faster when I can move. When he refused to give my inner wolf space, my cosmic nomad made the final, life-altering decision: to be truly inspired, I needed to be unbound.

Cosmic Nomads are free.
No borders, just horizons.



My path has taken me to India many times, which I adore. I love the devoted ashram life and the spiritual deepening that happens there. My first time there, I fell in love with the beauty of Indian temples all over the country. I love having this sacred space to express one’s love to God. And I love the Indian style of natural dedication. Their altars are full of bewitching perfumes to seduce the Gods, the beauty of flowers as offerings, and sacred vibes of magic chants.

From that visit to India on, with encounters of all these wonderful Ganeshas, Shivas and Goddesses, my life transformed from a godless desert into divine celebration of my Self. For me the revolution was in seeing that Indians believe God has not only one form. God has many forms. God has a thousand forms. This made my world much richer. Indians themselves reflect the abundant faces of gods and goddesses. They say every one of them is an expression of Oneness. My world became a fiesta, awakened in the face of God and the universe.

Growing up as a Catholic, this was my final “goodbye” to enormous pompous churches. Later when recording “Jesus The Book” I learned: Jesus was his own altar. His soul was a bright flame of unending prayers ascending to the father. Everything fulfilled itself within his inner altar uniting heaven and earth. He was set alight in the most beautiful shining allures when he prayed, with his arms raised to the heavens, embraced by nature’s fields of wildness.

the altar is you

God’s flame is also burning in your sacred heart, located in the middle of your heart chakra. This is eternal truth. As the nature of fire we need to nurture with what make the fire burn bright with our love as activity, devotion as expression, prayers as evolutions, offerings as liberation and mediations as endless stillness.

May your heart be an altar, from which the bright flame of unending thanksgiving ascends to Heaven. – St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, Embrace the World found in Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions.

To dedicate oneself to the divine is to tap into the energy stream of all good vibes in the Universe. Turn the radio on!

May I invite you for a Meditation?

Close your eyes and
imagine a burning flame in your heart-chakra (in the center of your chest).
Expand it with every breath you take,
knowing this fire is nourished by the streams that flow from Mother earth into that fire with the blessings of heavens showering from above.

It is within you,
it is your love,
your inspiration
and your life force.
The flame is you,
burning for the divine.


Read More · November 3, 2011 · · juicy ashram life, most popular, offerings