most popular | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser - Part 13
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asked my friend Pema Teeter.

“Can you teach what is natural?” I wonder in reply.

Let’s presume intuition occurs naturally.
We muddle and jeopardize our natural intuition with endless “how to’s” and lists of ways to feel the ways we miss feeling, or know what we don’t dare to understand.
Instead of creating another glittering “How To” or “100,000 Ways to …” by promising Credos, let’s go back to the essence. Let’s bravely jump right in the middle of the flow.

The essence of intuition
is nature

The 5 Element teachings of Chinese medicine teach us that the CHI flow (flow of life, the natural way) will come back naturally by strengthening the element of the mother. The fire nurtures the earth, the earth nurtures metal, the metal nurtures water, the water nurtures wood, the wood nurtures fire. These are the official rules of creating life. But when the circle is disturbed, a cycle of de-naturalization begins and lays the ground for destruction. According to Chinese wisdom, the mother element is the cure for this disruption.

In a similar way, natural cycles of intuition need to be fed and nurtured.

Intuition is often misunderstood as a safety net protecting us from life’s troubles or a follower of the easiest, safest path. No: she is the contrarian. She is the troublemaker.

Intuition lives in the core of change. She is a sea without boundaries, unlimited communication of the creation. She is evolution. She will lead you to power. She is a navigator to the place where your soul wants to meet you.

Courage is the mother
of intuition.
“To know” is the cure.

When returning to the center of ourselves, we know intuition has never left us. The bliss of the moment of recognition will remind us to enter life fully and to dare bravely. We will win and we will lose. We will live in challenging earthly clothes and die in heavenly bliss. The heavens are open when intuition is our passport.

Intuition is remembering.
She knows when to stick it out and when to quit.
She confidently trusts you no matter what.
She knows procrastination is friction against real evolution.
She knows the way through when everything is against it.
She knows.

Intuition knows when to wait and when to push.
She knows when you push without discernment you create deficiency
rather than abundance.
She receives instead of dominates.
She has a hot liaison with miracles.

Intuition perceives truth directly.
She does not believe in needing reasons to justify.
She is independent.
She has immediate comprehension.
She wins competitions of keen and quick insight.
She has quality and values.
She is untangled.
She knows learning is understanding, and knowing is fuel.

Intuition stops the train.

She is a wake up call.
She is pleasure and revolution.
She creates what comes naturally.
She waits.
She refuses to be controlled and loves knocking you out.
She is a master of beauty and seduction.
She likes to live everywhere.

“Can you teach intuition?”
asked my friend Pema Teeter.
I do not think so.

I think we already have a perfect internal guidance system: speak your truth and time will expand. How much is possible if we expand the moment? Nature knows best. Just one moment of shifting is enough to come back to the pool of intuition and miracles.

There is no such thing as a work-free transformation. We must burn to the ground one way or another, and then sit right in the ashes of who we once thought we were and go on from there. We need to act and live and take the risk – and also to fail our intuition. (The only way to learn is to gain confidence that we can always return to intuition when we do fail her.)

Customize your our own credo. Write your own life handbook. Or fake it till you make it!

And for the praise of intuition, Tastasta.

Danielle LaPortes credo for making it happen

(Klick to download the PDF)



I believe that beauty heals our broken hearts. One moment spent in the presence of true beauty will leave us breathless. We know when beauty is awakened from her sleep: we become real again. The universe has us back.

Beauty is the reason why.

When I opened the humble post package Stefano Bolognesi sent me, I discovered a little book. He had written it secretly and silently. I never even knew he had published something.

Poetry was my life’s savior then and is still today.

It had been a chaotic day. I settled down with this treasure in my hands, slowly swallowing those poems, my medicine. Word. By. Word.

I was breathless, and my heart opened wide to the answer to all of my cravings. I was reading true beauty.

The business of Beauty

I am now preparing to continue my “beautiful book plan” and murmur my mantra:

Beauty is the essence of all business.

I will start in the center, with beauty and focus; I promise myself not to stray. Not to veer off course in attempts to please others, but staying true to allow the real to become reality.

I want to share two of Stefano Bolognesi’s poems with you. They are two delicacies from a box of sweets. Eternity is held between the lines.

It’s where God breathes.

Flowing fires

by Stefano Bolognesi

Published by puntoacapoeditrice 2012
Original text in italian.

Love and all Over Again

Love, she said
and all over again
we went back
through schemes
of delightful misdeeds
piles of light.

You for Me

For me you are an altar,
a shrine with pointed
domes and whisperings of dawn
and mosaics and steps
dropping down to the sea.

You are the sun of every tremor,
a forest overflowing
with mistletoe and birds in flight,
leafy branch, nest, wind,
fire of blackberries.

Your body is a fan of moons,
a hallelujah of hands,
you are the gold of the seven volcanoes,
poured and forged for me
like the terraces for the waves,
the darts forever in the crazy
equilibrium of your earth.

You are the clamoring chalice
the shell, the ivory,
the flowing fleet of crocuses
and hellebores that cloud over
the plains in the early warmth.

You are this wonderful display for me,
the perfect route of the swans,
the pure geometry of the swarms of bees,
the visionary journey of every shaman.

with fierce Love


Read More · May 21, 2012 · · most popular, offerings



We are proud and excited.
At the beginning of the year God (as I love him) talked to me:

“Do not wait with your visions any longer:
Start to make them real.”

I listened and invited a leader team to realize the first one of my the dreams.

Now we are inviting you!

The Nature Spa is online.

Reserve your place: only 10 women can join us in this extraordinary experience this autumn.

The Nature Spa

Healing of the feminine soul in the hands of nature and creativity

For women by women

15 to 20 September 2012

The Nature Spa is a wild vision for women. We leave behind all restrictive spaces and enter a nomadic world amidst Mother Nature. No walls. Our wild souls yearn for physicalness. We call for freedom of our feminine emotions. The magic of nature blossoms in the space of thoughtfulness.

A nomadic lifestyle honours our roots.

Massage in tents. Herbal bath under the open sky. No matter what kind of weather, we care for you. When it rains, you can cuddle up with warm blankets under the roof of a tent; when the wind blows, you can ride on its waves in the hammock; when the sun shines, your sensitivity awakens. Let us pamper you with culinary and healthy treasures. Worship of the Earth, as gift and spirit. Every layer that falls feels good. Sensuality and detox. Creative space for you and your soul.

3 or 6 days,
for the first time in September 2012.

Peel time free, time for yourself. Allow yourself to return
to a natural rhythm where magic happens.

Are you interested? Then click here and read more.


Read More · May 7, 2012 · · most popular, offerings


Choosing my religion.
Create from zero.

If I can do it, you can do it.

You have manifested your dream,” said Erin when she walked into our office. My new soul photographer had just woken up in our ashram for the first time. She is right, I thought. Awakened, I was telling myself: I have manifested my dream.

La Lumière is my ashram in South France. Last year in June, more than 120 souls from all over the world gathered here to celebrate our 10-year anniversary. My friends, my allies, my companions all share the same idea:

Love will win in the end.

10 years earlier, I arrived here with a deep knowing in my lion heart. My plan: build a house for God and people to reconnect with their souls. My friend helped me to get a mortgage and I sold my car to get started. I had no other resources but my vision, my trust and God. I resisted that it had to be France of all the countries in this world and the French of all global tribes. But God was clear about this and Agni too.

The night before the final decision was made, I had a vision of one of my 4 gurus that guide me through the universe and life. Swami prepared me: “You will go to a Holy Grail place to South France.” (Believe me, in this moment I had no clue what he was talking about.) The day after, when I was ready to ask Agni where my place is in this world, he took a needle and pinned it right to the spot in the South of France where La Lumière breathes peace and love every day now.

Against all odds, my heart knew. I do not believe in accepting what comes easy.
I believe in living what you know to be true. This may include things I do not like or even resist. And this knowing is the reason that all my visions and initiations manifest.

My dream was to build an ashram and inject it with the happiness and holy experiences I brought with me from India. I did it on my own terms. My dream was to unite the contradictions of daily life and spirituality, of modern life and God.


La Lumiére is the manifested proof that it is possible to create from zero. I started with a sold car and a loan. Miracles unfolded in uninspected ways. With the help of Agni, I discovered my talent to read the Akasha and orders after orders rolled in from all over the world. I read seminars, soul readings and workshops for healers, shamans, visionaries, world changers; women empowerment and whole healing essence worlds were born. I was reading and La Lumière was growing.
10 years of transformation, memories, up and downs, lovers, disappointments and fierce integration.


Voila. May I present:

This is La Lumière: Durga’s Ashram
Now online. Shining.

We mediate in the morning & evening.
The essence of our daily life.

Are you searching for a spiritual time out?
Are you craving for a fusion of spirituality
and freedom?
La Lumière for you: evolution!

Our Temples are the heart of La Lumière. Visit:

The Temple of Divine:
Melting pot of Hindu passion, Bhuddhist reflection and eternal love of God.
Durga dances.

Jesus’ prayer room
and its story.


This is the beginning. We are working to fill up all rooms about La Lumière, so they can shine in the web universe. Gradually, we will open more insights for you.

I dream and create visions about community, a Nature Spa, an art festival, a spiritual women conference, pilgrimages and…

New spiritual waves roll towards and over my ashram.
We can stop circling around our own axis.
We are ready to create and live spirituality on our own terms.

Do you want to align with your sacred path and learn how I shaped my own religion?

Do you dare it? Receive the “SIX WAYS I SHAPED MY OWN RELIGION”
when you subscribe.

more visions delivered
to your inbox

With wild love,



I know.
It has been 4 weeks.
I was out of space.
That happens to me from time to time.
But I am not sorry.

Dyana Valentine about not being sorry.

One thing you should know about me:
Have you heard about mystic visionaries?

Reminder of shining lights!

A mystic visionary is a seismograph for energies and universal waves. Spiritual themes that come from beyond our worldly boundaries. The visionary listens. She surrenders to the higher dimensions. She is a translator. She is a channel for the spiritual worlds. She works continuously on new translation programs to communicate the new energies. She knows that spiritual planes break through in unpredictable ways.

People think she is erratic. But in reality it’s her way of universal devotion. She loves God. She is a translator for the people, her wildness has to be untamable. She is rebellious and unconventional. It’s in her nature.

I am a visionary channel for our time.

I am a translator. It’s my life. I am grounded in heaven. I am constantly searching for a form to communicate a synchronic message and to transport multidimensional thoughts into linearity.

This journey has taken me far.

The signs of Now:

Mother Earth is right in the middle of a contraction.
She rebirths herself. The Earth gives birth in waves and Heaven is delivering in rhythms.

Gold is delivered to you:
The “dolce far niente” (Sweet doing nothing).

When Heaven meets Earth: just relax.
It’s a huge chance for our society if we are willing to open up to a new dimension. Right now we experience Earth’s labour. We are rebirthing with her. Flow with it. Rock with Earth’s waves. You don’t have to do any more.

My mystic visionary tool is stillness.
When I am gone, I listen.

The shift is on.
The vibration rises.

But I’m not idle while on my rollercoaster trip through the dimensions.
I can accomplish quite a lot:

: I bought a new Earth.
: I made some sacred Shakti fires to help the transformation of this new space
  and Mother Earth. I cried with witches and the collective pain of women.
: Through healing the land and a part of Mother Earth, I healed my self.
: I have set the wheels in motion for the creation of a Nature Spa.
: I have built several pages to give La Lumière a new home
(to be reveiled very soon).
: I redefined my relationship with La Lumière. Now we are clear.
  We have visions what future we want to belong to.
: I dreamed about spiritual leadership and Zeitgeist.
: I was in heaven: lost & found.
: I melted with Earth.
: I worked on a translator for my cosmic language.
: I received and I collected.

Darling, I love you more than ever.
Remember: We are one.
Even though, now and then I am not here.
Nobody home.

But take this promise:
I will always come back.
With fierce love.
And a new vision.



I want to be at your service!

It’s celebration day. Today, the FUTURE BOOK went online. With emphasis, my friends kept asking to offer this to a greater community. {Thank you to all my friends for loving what I do.}

: The offer

From now on, I offer my visionary abilities to you and your business. The FUTURE BOOK, born a while ago, started with a small group of people. I helped them see the bigger vision of themselves and unwrap their life’s mission. Today, those people have successfully added an unique ingredient to their business or even started a new one that was invisible to them before we worked together.

: You are a natural leader

You know there is something big waiting for you. But you cannot grasp it or name it. Now is the time to kindle our missions’ glowing sparks and with its fire ignite the answer to the big “WHY we are here on earth” question, turning it into a blazing North star. A guiding light that you are ready and dedicated to follow. All you need is a plan to put your mission into action.

I can help you read your soul vision and find the mission strategy of how to express it. Sometimes it is only one missing fragment to understand the whole.


The FUTURE BOOK is already writing new stories for my clients:

Crosis is a healer. She added her artistic nature creations to her healing passion: Crosis Lebensblume
Her unicorns, cornucopias and crowns spark magic and joy. She is happier and her creativity was the secret ingredient that was needed to make her business complete.

Sun Ya has built her empire based on a vision I had read for her in collaboration with Agni. Today her essences are hyper successful and she has created an organic beauty line: Akasha Chakra Essences

Nohila was looking for what to do. I said your destiny is to build a network for women. This was a fire starter and I am proud to show you what has grown out of this light’s seed (for the time being it remains a German project).

: I believe

We are about to create a revolution.
All you need is your willingness to say YES.
Jump into the frame of your greatness.
The time is now, to live fully.
Transform your mission into action and ultimately
into your very own success story.

It will be the courageous, independent entrepreneurs who will embody the change. The cracks are open to receive the vision.
The mystic visionaries are back on earth. We have de-dusted our monastery withdrawal; we are back to serve the change with our abilities. We update lost spiritual abilities for a contemporary version. More fancy and hype.

I am ready to vision for you. Together we can open new dimensions.

: Any questions?

Enter the conversation.
Email me: moc.liamgnull@liargelamefeht



flirting with Christ in 2012. A soul photo shooting sloughs too tight skins.

It was time for a fresh dash for The images of my self portraits by my iphone smacked of an old patina. Lately this provisional arrangement had lasted longer than initially expected. The cover of, Jesus The forgotten Years, was born within this session when I was running against my own walls while reading the 3rd volume in the Akasha (Still without title. It links to our now time, I may reveal). My announcement: Sepia tones and 2000 years old dust off.

Erin had contacted me by Facebook (a laudation on social media!!!): “I love the” I was instantly captured by her art, when I clicked her site: “ Would you also photograph a shy diva goddess?” I mailed her. Notice the people who approach you, my spirits had told me kindly. magnet works and my gratitude too.

“I see you”:

the infectious mantra is whispered by whole word since “Avatar” had opened a trunk of secrets of long missed recognition.

The moment Erin held her lens and her loving view on me I was recognized. Every click of the camera carried me deeper into of trance of diving into long hidden layers. I peeled and the camera melted.

Soul photography is a future business idea. Re-invent your business. Add your soul spark to the recipe. Create chances.

For me it was more of a soul retreat. The camera lost her terrifying fear to capture my soul. A new light was put upon me and made my soul shine.

When I first viewed the photography 2 days later I felt liberated from a long search. My memoirs walking with Jesus had projected a quarry into my life. Since then my search for the Holy Grail was for and of Christ’s love. A contemporary one, spiced with a wild love. It was my dream to find a new imagery for my flirt with the Cosmic Christ.

A soul photographer will make your souls shine. In her/ his reflection you can recognize your soul and light. A new business tool for spiritual junkies and enlightened business visionaries is out. Devotion and Ur-trust.

A new light is on me. I shine. Courageous.
I am flirting with Christ. I do it my way.

My style statement is born: A momentum statement of wildness and funky invitation.
I know.

When light shines, attraction comes naturally.
One photo hit 162 likes within 1 day on FB, the other one 78. Within me still blossoms a sense of beauty: how great collaboration is when love for each other marks the brand. Erin and I are richer now, from our playful experience of work.

Meet Erin Allen on

on her web site

You can see part of the album on Facebook



You think you are complicated person? Soft correction of thoughts:
You are world-changing soul! The future belongs to us! Unpack your gifts. Be eccentric. Shine your light.

For witches, princesses, fairies, mothers of culture and wonderful children, creative fire priestesses, artists, girl warriors, marvels, igniters, women on fire, crones, goddesses and angels (feel encouraged to add your fantasy, and dare to live it):

You are one of a kind!

: remember

Change is always ignited by troublemakers and trailblazers who questioned the status quo. From inside to outside, I dare. I want to encourage you to do the same. Only the uncomfortable can provoke the sleeping dragon in 2012 and light the Olympic fire for our future.

My personal inner soul healer Dr Clarissa Pinkola-Estes reveals:

3 Secretos and says:
“Nobody will tell you this until we find them out ourselves.”

: 1st Secreto
You will never lead an ordinary life.

: 2nd Secreto
You were made one of a kind and you were meant to be precisely so, your eccentricities, your strangeness and your audacities, because eccentricity is the first sign of giftedness.

: 3rd Secreto
If you seek normality please get over it, because normality is the enemy of giftedness.

You are a leader in your field. Create a universe. Teach from the center of your soulfulness.

: my 4th Secreto for you
I dare to reveal you the last of the Secretos.

Our time has come. The veils in-between the worlds get thinner. Now, the Zeitgeist and the energies work for us and not against us. The in-streaming light of the Divine Mother (the mother of all, the Goddess) is opening new dimensions and creative spaces to enter. A new world is just about to evolve in front of our eyes. The veils melt into transparency and light becomes more and more visible.

Your crown is out.
Polish your light.
Keep shining.

And thanks for being here on Earth with me in these great times.



Why I think Pinterest will shift our global look and feel.

You always loved cutting out pictures from magazines and make them your own.
You are crazy about scrapbooking.
You love coffee-table books and pictorials.
You love magazines for their world of images.

I do.

I am obsessed with cutting out great pictures from magazines that feed my inner emotional visions. I keep them in a box and go through them regularly. Some of these cuttings stay for years. They become loving visual reminders. Others serve the short-lived purpose to light up an inspirational resource.

The power of imagination is for soul visions what words are for creation. In the night we dream up movies and slide shows, we do not read books. For inhabitants of a glorious visual universe: Our world is about to take a glamorous shift.

Consciousness shift at high speed continues. I say, move on Twitter & Facebook. Make room for Pinterest, the playground for contemporary visionaries.

I vision beyond all possibilities of wildest viral growth in the social web scene. Fashion, design and product labels exude the scent of countless possibilities for marketing destinations. We are about to witness the next generation of social media. We should all grab the opportunity to feed the global vision board with our visual interpretation of this world. Why? Because we can create change on this globe that reaches deep into our collective energy field. Our visions become part of the global resource for information flow. The social platform to create tendencies is born.

Your personal vision becomes global.
And provides you with the opportunity to become an infinite trend maker for change. The market will soon listen to what we visualize (or not).

Let us meet on .

Make it easy & fun. Play with and recycle pictures. Find them, pin them. What starts small will soon grow into a unified visualisation of what should become of us, the Earth, our consciousness.

Here is my new palace on the web:
When you visit, say a word or two. Pinning and re-pinning is the new form of communication. My vision travels, is added to yours and together it becomes a more rounded, more dazzling picture. My core twirls dancing like a dervish.

Give your inspirations a new palace.

Start here.
Dance with me.
Discover and marvel.

Set frames for your project and dreams.

Build your vision board by creating a series of mood boards.

Be free!
There are no limits or judgment of good or bad taste.
Just you, your playfulness, your fun.

Show who you are.
Share what you love.
Spread what inspires you.
Celebrate what attracts you.
Design your spaces.
Believe in miracles.
Send good vibes.

Let’s do this together.

Practical guide
Facebook page



A manifesto of quitting for
a new beginning.

Following up things I have given to the bankrupt estate of my past lives:

: I have been in the arena of fights with the toughest shadows. Uhhhh. I cannot deny I was frightened to death. I was willed to re-conquer my power, free to fight till the end.

: I have forgiven. Shameless. Like the sea that embraces all. Have set my prisoners free and felt love for their pain. I have forgiven my Self.

: I have fallen apart thousand times. I know I can get back on stage.

: I have embraced my mother, healing in her arms.

: I have embraced my father, feeling secure, beyond wanting.

: I have listened to much good advice.

: I was touched by many wonderful divine healers.

: I have cried with my stone child.

: I was obsessed with being frozen, and frozen in my endless traumas.

: I have created thunders of anger.

Now it’s enough. Sold out.
Shakti is powerful in her vulnerability. Strength.

The goddess of pain is the doorkeeper of our wholeness. She blows directly into our velvet belly and disturbs our dreamless soul. We take each other home.

:I am soft & :I am really tough
:I am highly vulnerable (ouch) & :I am invincible
:I am fluffy & :I am repellent

I am alive. I live. I am in love with live’s stories.
Here starts the manifesto of life.
