Category: most popular
Swipe the inner critic
from your hard drive.
“You can’t be criticized.”
“Right” I say, “definitely not.” (Deliciously self-assured.)
Because the critic is always wrong.
My virtual assistant Jess Larsen reframed my critic mythology habit (inherited by my culture and parents). When I started to work with I her and asked her to peak the performance of my writing. She was totally irritated: “WHY should I? The strength of your voice stands alone.” It took her 1 second to unmask the mythologies of this world that deform artists, performers, writers, creatives, musicians, singers, entertainers, inventors, all atypicals.
We were born creative: insatiably painting, experimentally writing, talking to trees, uncensored and singing loudly with joy, living as the incarnation of women who run with the wolves. But we were thwarted by self-proclaimed experts, ambitious parents, cynical teachers – all people mostly unhappy with their own lives – pretending to be more God than we are.
A whole industry has killed Art and Creativity. Critics measure art by money. But we are at the end of that road. We are now at the horizon of a promised land, bringing art back into all areas of life without selling out. We need art and creativity to reform business, money and the global society. Creative idea hunters wanted.
For the sake of experiment.
Drop perfectionism. It never worked. We just build a frozen and inflexible form that is too tight for our souls.
For the inner and external critics, next time you have criticism going again ask yourself:
Is this my own shadow I am pointing at?
In particular, be wary of these four mythologies.
Mythology one:
“This person puts herself on airs, she always want to be the center of attention, it’s all about her.”
Ask yourself: Do I undermine standing in the spotlight of my light and refuse to take my place in this world?
Why not shine, I ask you, and warm the hearts of those who can see.
Mythology two:
“This person is manipulative. She pushes people in one direction.”
Ask yourself: Am I not taking my responsibility to lead?
Baby, the whole universe is about manipulation. It’s how we start movements of creation and ignite innovations. Let’s move each other in the name of the Lord.
Mythology three:
“I cannot stand how she talks, she dresses, she acts. “
Ask yourself: Do I express myself in the ways I’d wish to?
Dare to express yourself, preempt the critics.
Mythology four:
“This offer is not as good as I expected,” or “My husband should change.” (Uhh, attention here!)
Ask yourself: Where was my inner leadership when I decided to buy something or choose the partner of my life?
Or ask yourself: Am I honest with myself? Is our time over? Has my time to leave come?
Create space for what does not fit you anymore.
Job, relationships and life situations.
Dare to Change.
Critics, go back and fish in your own waters. We want to have love marriages with all the people we work and live with. Raise up your inner critic and confront the killers of creativity. They never were right and never will be.
New ways require a new language.
Maybe the whole universe was and is an experiment.
God is madly in Love with his creativity.
That’s why he is unpredictable.
We choose through resonance. Forever.
I was just in India for 2 weeks. I spoke at the Win Conference and met wonderful women from cultures that are so different to mine. What do we really know about life in Afghanistan, Africa or India? Still, the commonalities are powerful. I listened to their sorrows and hopes. Me, I was born in a peaceful country full of turbulent hearts.
I want to tell you a story I learned while I was there. On the last day I was asked to jump into a modern play called Seven Women. I decided to leave my comfort zone and out there I met seven women activists coming alive on stage as we walked in their shoes.
I came out of the play with respect and love for those who really change the world by creating their own power of faith.
teach us.
Farida Azizi teach us
the Siddhi powers that carry you through night and fear. You deliver medical supplies to women giving birth at the potential cost of your own life amid and in defiance of the terrible jungle psyche of the Taliban. Teach me your fierce fearlessness in knowing what is right to do, what must be done. (She fights the marginalization of Afghani women under the Taliban. Under death threats, she now lives in the US with her 2 daughters and her undying mission for peace and human rights.) Watch her video here.
Inez McCormack teach us
to raise our hearts above the war of religions. Teach us the prayer of the hearts in the streets, the one that obliterates dogma. Show us the courageous heart that made you an activist where religion failed. Human rights rose in the fire of your faith. (She grew up in a protestant family in Belfast and married a Catholic. From 1960 on she was an activist for changing the lives of the most disadvantaged, for social justice and human rights.)
Mukhtaran Mai teach us
the Sutra that crowns one’s head and erases a thousand eons of karma.The forceful waterfall Sutra that made you rise and face the rapists that stole your family’s honor. Teach me the Sutra that rises above all and heals all cruel regrets, the mantra for a world of innocence that gives you the courage to fight for justice and become an advocate for healing your society. (She took her rapists to court instead of committing suicide, then decided to live and build schools for women and boys to educate both about their rights in Afghanistan.)
Hafsat Abiola teach us
to end the drama of forgiveness. Teach us the final liberation of seeing the two-faced goddess. One face forgives the enemy; the other face forgives oneself for the long-lived drama of staying small and refusing to forgive. (She became an advocate for human rights after the murder of both parents, honoring the heritage of democracy in Nigeria.)
Annabella de Leon teach us
that truth is an eternal law of order, that those who falsify the truth will be punished in the end. Teach us the strength to stay with the deepest truth we were born with. Teach us not to compromise and lose the gospel of the eternal dharma. (She raised herself and her family out of poverty by getting educated. She become a congresswoman and has received death threats for her fight against corruption and for the rights of women, the poor and the indigenous in Guatemala.)
Watch her video here.
Mu Sochua teach us
to be the Shaman who holds the secret of the broken soul. The prayer that calls the soul back into a body split by rape. Teach us the mantra of caresses that carries women through the rest of life after and closes the wound that never heals. Teach us that karma can be misused when used as an offense, as in: “This is your Karma.” Here our religions end. (She was nominated for the Nobel Price for her work against sex trafficking in Cambodia.) Watch her video here.
Marina Pisklakova-Parker teach us
to listen to the voices, the real ones, not the loud ones. Teach us to listen to the unheard voices swelled under the scared sacred. Our society swallows what we do not want to hear. Your blazing hotline in Russia saved many lives and made Russian men listen anew. (In Russia the myth still is alive that women need to be beaten to feel loved. Undercover. And silenced. So she fights a giant’s old myth that had become a religion, and her hotline has provided crisis counseling for more than 100,000 Russian women.) Watch her video here.
What these women have in common: they broke from the destiny of their ancestors and made peace with it.
Then they started to heal the dry soil they were born on.
Wherever you are in this world, you and your life have chosen this too. Rise from there. We need you right as you are. Break the karma of our parents and grandparents. Make miracles out of faith.
This world needs leaders in every corner.
If you want to be a leader, you need to be a healer.
First heal your inner world, then shift your environment.
Then lead what you want to change.
Tell your sacred story.
Travel from trauma to sacred healer.
The way we feel God.
OMG, it’s shaking. Ever realized that the darkness is not in the world? It’s within. Where there is pure love, no hushed dark spots have power.
But if there remains an obscure dark spot within, we perform the art of attraction of shadows. Honestly. The upside is turned and disturbs the clean surface of our mind. Our deepest shadows are out.
How do we deal with our shadow? The shadow specialist Debbie Ford says the shadow is all that resists fulfillment in our life. The dark shadow disguises itself in shame; the light shadow consists of all we envy and do not dare to love.
The shadow is the keeper of our lost power.
So wrap yourself warmly now. Go dark + deep.
Oh lá lá, we do not like the shadow. What he doesn’t allow us to live we dislike even more. But crying, trembling and shaking the drama is fruitless. Shame turned into a mess of accusation is a short-lived, sinful delight.
Baby, take a walk on the dark side with me.
Face yourself. Face reality.
The shadow in us is a place where God is not seen.
Be a dark poet and embrace the time we live even more dramatically. Transform your fascination with the darker side into a vote for life over shadow. Enter into a love affair with the trauma of deepening existence. Compose colors of obscure ranges with contrasting shadows and lights. Breathe in and feel God there. Expansion is release. Ahhhhhh…
Invite God into your failures, your inadequateness, your shame, your indecent fears. Offer up your weakness.
Where we are not enough, God fills up the holes.
So release troublesome moods and your desire to articulate the future. We do not need to do it all, we just have to pray. Ask him to see the outrageous nature of horror, terror and fear. He is our wholeness; we do not need to be supernatural. Pray for fillings.
Hovering in the 5th between-dimensions we create a new nature, new revival, healing.
I will be speaking about “realizing you.”
22, 23 February 2013
Women Shaping the Future of India
A Woman’s Leadership Event
Meet you in India. We’ll be rocking the future.
For more details click here.
My dear. I still fear disappointing you. Stay with me.
Close to the heartbeat of Zeitgeist, we break through the machinery of production. Many stars cracked open already, and we have decided to rise beyond convention. We need to stay with our values to create the essence of something new. We have to stop producing and start creating.
Moreover, I refuse to create for the sake of pleasing. When we pretend we will lose every time. I will stay tight, lean, focused. The aliveness hurts so good.
I will never resign my seemingly-paradoxical work of marrying Jesus the Book & The Series with business life. I can never bridge the paradox of being an addicted specialist – a mystic visionary – and being fractured by the hustle of online business.
I work from heaven down to earth. Following the circle of creation is a bold choice not to please for pleasure. I still do not believe in broadcasting mechanically, only with trustworthiness and reliability.
Come out when you are ready.
Be unpersuasive and vulnerable.
Keep the space open.
Our book proposal is now our love proposal for this world. After month of sweet holy asceticism, I am home and it’s completed. Jesus The Book & The Series’ #bookplan left me with bliss. I was writing daily, guided by Your Big Beautiful Book Plan a la Linda Sivertsen and Danielle LaPorte.
In the span on one month I have passed through each circle of devoted inspiration, humility, avidity, mastery and disillusion. My head is still a vacant place. My spirit is open, filled with a new space of creation. I have never felt so good. I am a #desire map.
Try it. Dedicate yourself to one thing for one month. Celebrate liberation.
Writing down my vulnerability
(finally, a foreword for the books)
Forword for Jesus The Book
There is a chapter of love where the ink never dries.
– STING, The Book Of My Life
“I do not believe in you, Jesus,” was my first reaction when he appeared to me in a splash of light at the age of 24. I had turned into a non-believer after many heartbreaking disappointments in the church’s fraud and dogma. My spirit was revolting for freedom and aliveness. But he had already turned my life upside down. Twenty years later I hear myself saying: “I remember precisely my first encounter with him…” It was the beginning of my story of walking with Jesus 2,000 years ago.
When everything – or the truth of how it really was – is lost, someone has to walk through time and space to remember the real story. As Jesus once did, I am here to start a revolution.
I was raised Catholic but I rebelled from religious education at 14 when it slipped out of my mouth: “Mary was everything, but no Virgin.”
Filled with pride, my wild hot truth was saturated. My music teacher found me silently sitting in the church. Alone. She asked me: “What are you doing here?” I told her, “When the noisy thoughts of the people are gone, I can hear him talking.” I was 15.
Saints are for the church. But we are on the trail for an intimate and vivid relationship with Jesus Christ. He was a feminist, a revolutionary against the establishment and fraudulent political order, and an inspired spiritual activist. He was love and when one was on his radar it was impossible to resist his charm. His presence transformed us all.
This book had to be written. I was privileged to be the first person on this planet to read it. But before all that, I had to follow my own prophecy and re-meet Agni, the man I was married to by Jesus himself. He is my master and reminded me of all I know. He believed I could read the Akasha and threw me in the deep end. I was re-reading my own sacred chronicles.
You have to trust me. If you do, I can take you with me into my vulnerable story. I had to walk the unbelievable. I deliver the miracles I have lived. When I opened the first chapter I was reading the intimate and still new. Reading my story from the Akasha unshackled my memory. I desired it: the tastes, the textures and the moods. Now I remember it all. How it was.
Jesus The Book is my personal memories of Jesus’ real stories. Let me lend you my senses and feelings to read and watch Jesus The Book in 3D. Experience Jesus close up as never before. This book is my personal heart’s treasure. My prayers are out: May your personal Jesus rise.
And more…
Forword for Jesus the forgotten Years
In the silence she appears through the dark blue mists. Close up to her face. She is peaceful and serious. Unaffected she walks. Her eyes are lowered in prayers. The camera pans out a wider view. More than two hundreds people walk down the steeped hill. Their faces are frozen, some cry, some utter their benediction. The camera is still with her. She comes nearer a dark knight: She searches his eyes enquiring, but he stares into the pyres burning and waiting. His face is marked with disgust. She stops in front of him and before he can prevail she falls on to her knees before him. Her people’s voice rises to praise the Lord. The roar of the lion was heard trough their tender light of purity when she murmured: “I forgive you, my worst enemy,“ before she ascended the fire herself.
When I opened the first page in the Akasha to read the sequel to Jesus The Book, I froze. I found myself in the year 1244 in South France during the final days of the Cathars. The popularity of their teaching was a thorn in the flesh of the church and the King of France. A dark crusade moved out to literally extinguish the roots of the pure believers. The last surviving Cathars fled the blood-letting to Montsegur where they finally were burnt after starving and refusing to renounce their faith. Mysteries were woven about their manuscripts and treasures, which were never found.
Landing in the thick of this darkness shackled my emotions and cut my voice. For three months I refused to go back to the readings, from which our books are first recorded. I lacked not forgiveness but understanding. My beloved and heartfelt truth was reviled in those days and the life roots I planted in those soils was to be extinguished. I had to feel the hate leveled against me. I desired and suffered from my core, reliving this life in South France.
Death and suffering are woven into the very heart of this Universe. Dying as an act of living service to a greater community is an act of passion. The power to refuse to pass on suffering is our legacy from Jesus himself. We have to make big decisions. Today.
In spite of the wave of doubt in my heart I heard my name. I needed to know that this book would glue together the forgotten sacred history without letting it fall apart once again. That it would offer connection and comfort to our entrusted reader. We have the power of participation in this life on earth. Each of us has the power to make difference. The day I decided to “walk the pain” was the day I went back to our readings.
Even so, feeling alone is a suffering stigma on our immaculate heart. It teaches me to cross the boundaries and break the walls of my loss. Each page I was reading from heaven down to earth shredded my heart. I took the risk. I chose aliveness.
From 1244 in the last days of the Cathars, the legacy of Jesus The Forgotten Years was to build the bridge in a fading world of desperation. The teachings of Jesus and his God are still blooming in secret lands hidden away from the church. I read for the need of healing.
I walked through my memories of Mary Magdalene and me left alone in this land after Jesus’ crucifixion. We had to fight with a normal life, facing problems that women have still today. Mary Magdalene was pregnant. Jesus had survived and traveled to India. Mary Magdalene had to walk through her sadness. As women do for each other, I walked with her. Other women of the sacred circles came to join us. We supported each other there, trying to remember how to raise the light in a desperate world.
I had to walk this book. We have to stop to reserving our stories for special occasions. We rob others’ grace when hiding the art of pain. Big visions grow at the edges. When we stop wanting it all, it all begins. Love takes shape in the wild silence of destructive beauty.
One real reader is enough to affirm why you do what you do. Thank you Althea Treakle-Provost for offering me salvation when you posted this on Facebook:
“I grow tired of reading books the repeat the saga between the light and dark, and how the light must yield so the darkness may continue its power play. Even a short sentence that hints of such saga is enough for me to close the book and offer the symbolic yawn.
Today, I began to read your book on a Nook, a gift from Tim. Double blessings. Aleka, my daughter back from Costa Rica came into room, crawled into bed and unbeknownst to me was silently reading along. The page, just so happened to read in Oneness. Aleka offered her heart felt agreement. My heart felt the full measure of your words, as they mirror the depth within my heart. Thank you. A gift indeed.”
We have to trust each other. I need to be honest with you.
Wild love
Ask yourself right now:
Whom do I trust?
Do I trust myself?
Do I know things that nobody can prove?
To trust ourselves is an art. We are unsure after so many breakups with our beliefs. To trust oneself is a difficult love affair. Religion, society, politics have broken our hearts. Burned by our beliefs, we are exhausted.
But our knowing has never died.
You know
: the glory of the sun, the moon and the stars.
: the sound of what you hear.
: that you tortured the Bible with your pen when you were six.
Even then you knew about the untruth.
: that every master has a limited reign.
: that your dream will be fulfilled. You are prepared to wait for it.
Don’t give up on your spiritual life.
It only seems that you are wandering lost
in a forest.
You are already found.
To believe what we know may challenge the contradictions. I promise you, the times you were burned by belief are over. Sisters and brothers who are made of stardust, the pulse of time beats for us now. The world asks now for what is yours. Deliver your beliefs.
What do you know that nobody can prove?
(*also for men who are ready to live life to its all.)
I finally found her after searching for the crème on top of feminine leadership. I met her in the wild mountains of Santa Fe. She said: “I am your forgotten Empress. I do not rule this wider world, but I do rule your world.” She completes my Gospel of feminine leadership, continued (If you have missed part 1 or 2, here are the links.)
Dedicated to the forgotten empress
- You are a sovereign empress of your kind. You know your empire: it is an impermeable empire of authenticity. You have the power to say no and to invite. You safeguard your boundaries and borders. You powerfully protect your tribe and promote their self-realization. In your empire every soul finds its own place of bliss.
- You are a creative new breed. You build empires and show others to do the same. Empires of fresh content and uniquely inspired ideas, desires, glamours, magnetism. Wishcraft reigns. You harness white magic powers.
- You are creating a new world. Your vision: A better future our children can be proud of. Creation. Value. Innovation. You show up and shine. You are a revolutionary, life-changing force. You are the dawn of all and you know how to experience, relax and receive. No reproduction, always creation.
- You are a wild sister of God. You were born with a prophecy. You awaken. You become aware. You grant presence. You are clear on the purpose of your prophecy: to hold a lifelong, shameless conversation with God.
- Your empire’s stars shine bright and inspire others to create a better life. You are your own teacher. You know all the answers; the answers are in you. If not, you know who carries them and can find them. All happenings are part of your teachings.
- Embodied bliss: You embrace sensation and sensuality. You nourish the five senses. You are a mother of fiestas and pleasures.
- You are the maverick of evolution. Your power is divine, transforming fear and an impulse to control. Whenever you enter a new stage in your life, you simultaneously die and are reborn. Aligning with your own sacred path is salvation. Your life in all aspects is initiation.
- You are life: epiphany and incubation, illumination without words.
- You are medicine for the world. With humility you know you heal only a small wounded part of life. You grew the medicine in your soul garden and your potions are distilled from experience. Your healing comes at the beginning of each project, not the end.
- You are the sovereign ruler of your inside world. Wherever you walk, inside you remain untouched. From this steady space, your outward love commands respect. You embrace all you are, were and will be, and are forever rooted in light guidance. Your vulnerability is your strength. You listen carefully. It’s your secret.
- Grounded in your faith, you just know. In that knowing, you are connected to the source and knowing what to do *right now* is your currency. When you doubt your instincts, you know you are not snapped into your pivot point of faith.
- You create your own religion. Your life is your initiation path. You make your recipe: Christianity in its purest sugar with some Hindu spices and Buddhist medicine. You are a visionary, shamelessly. You take what an Empress needs. You know the sources of power. You do not reveal all your secrets. You do not deal in conventions.
- You plant your ideas and cultivate gardens of unmatched splendor. God is a genius and had no talent at all for repetition. Uniqueness is your authenticity. You are proud of your individuality, as it will show you who you are. When you do what you love it creates an abundant harvest. Success naturally follows.
- You create space for growing and thriving. You contribute love-filled spaces to others’ empires, wiping out falsity, destruction, illusion. Others look to you to create the right environment.
- Centered. Whispering silence. You oscillate gently in peaceful waves, receiving calm insights into the heart of the matter. Your greatest resource: listing deeply.
- You only leave your empire when the balance of earth and universe is in danger, and even then reluctantly. While you’re gone you crave a return to your own environment. When you walk too far away you feel in danger of getting lost, ultimately forgetting your true purpose. To do so would be like a death; you have to return to your spiritual home to be nourished to health by your tribe.
- You fearlessly go into the war zones: Inspiration. Artistry. Information activism.
- You are generous, knowing that to give yourself is to give a gift of God. Your generosity comes from your greatness. You give away love, light, community, fun, knowledge, motivation, courage, mystic, depth, focus. An Empress gives away acknowledgement, the feeling of being wanted, needed and loved.
- Your mission: to develop a concept in the service of enlightenment and good feelings. In this world money tastes like honey and business feels like worship. You turn real dreams into liquid assets. Doing something exceptional & authentically yours plants a small seed for a happy, enlightened society.
- You know that the size of your empire is not what’s important. It’s about YOU having the big picture in mind.
- You have faith in divine timing. You do things only when you want to do them, when the time is right. You know that the ripest, juiciest movement happens at the right time. So you expand time; you wait.
- She who cares less wins. You are relaxed. You find refuge in faith, trust, and confidence.
- You come together with the right people. You foster new collective leadership. You invent and innovate your industry together. Connections are the most precious jewels we share. You pray: May the Universe bless our encounter and give us both the grace to grow.
- To you competition is irrelevant. Your origin is your inner space, where there is no competition. You grow with and through others in your tribe.
- When others doubt you, you know you will change their minds. They will fall in love with you. You create vast blue oceans. You improve life for others. You are wild, you are highly respected. And your divine visions are needed. So be prepared to make opportunities, to fill them with sacred stories and trends that will change the world.
- Your leadership style is based on intimate, peaceful conversation. Associating. Creating acquaintance. You heal the conversation that once stopped.
- A master of complexity, you pick the right answer at the moment, and the solution is yours. The next moment may be the contradiction, you know this. Wholeness may be discovered in an instant, so you look to the future, not the past. And you find simplicity in every complexity.
- You discover new continents everywhere from your bathroom to your desk, the shopping mall, your friend’s eyes, the clothing you slip into each morning, the smile you wear.
- You are blessed with such expansiveness that it is no surprise the limitless number of talents and outlets through which you express it. You do not want to tame it. Harness it into a single voice or message. Meet your wildness with your purpose. Help them fall in love and work together. Create a channel in your life like the Grand Canyon to contain their force, and grant access to the sacredness, beauty, and monument of your messages.
- You weave your soul’s dress. Honest, truthful, ethical. Live long and remain curious. You maintain your stainless ethical core inside and love the wider world passionately. Bow to birth and death in every single moment.
- You acknowledge the sacred in the ordinary. You can see the connecting force between all living things, and ordinary rituals take on great meaning. Simply sharing the ordinary wonder of daily existence, taking time to experience life becomes your second nature.
- You find spirituality everywhere and in everything: in a scent, a touch or a sphere, in a color as much as in a journey. You make the spiritual in everyday life visible and tangible. You touch on the rare, suspended moments of bliss in which we know why we are alive and celebrate our own existence.
- Your future is moldable. You rest in a cradle of opportunities. An eternal dream activator, you fiercely protect your sacred inception times. You embrace the magic of the moment and the fluid currency of bliss.
- You write the script for your life’s movie. You are the actor, not the re-actor. Enjoy the costume, the scenery, the sensory explosion. Give in to seductive enjoyments. Everything you learn you turns into wisdom when you are a conscious participant.
- You trust that the universe works for you and you reciprocate with forgiveness. At the end of every single day, you come back to human kindness. You can have it all, but you will never own it. Life’s passion for love dictates the economics.
- You are a universal dreamer. Success is a your path of enlightenment. It is the final fulfillment of the dream we were born with. The Universe is abundance. We each carry a pattern inside of what we want to fulfill. You make the ordinary extraordinary.
Om namah shivaya. Endlessly.
We want to flow. We want to be like liquid moving in our daily, hustling life. And we can sense when instead we merely trickle into our work, our projects, our lives. It’s in the painful resistance when writing down a new concept, the tension of pressure that contradicts self-love, the day when everything collapses, the printer goes on strike while you’re trying to deliver on lifelines (ahem, my new word for deadlines) and unhealthy finances that continue to break down the world’s economy.
Let’s talk cosmically. The universe is a pattern of life-organized dynamics, a prevailing and self-organized flow. It’s intrinsic blossoming. The rhythm lives within. Every other person owes her/his rhythm, their every idea, every project, every motion to it. Everything has roots in a universal flow. Everything.
New think-in demands new habits. Life has learned to learn and adapt with the flow. So must we.
Float on.
The universal flow is mysteriously formed. It came Before. The silence of the blank, waiting alone and without expectation. Ever so present. The mother of all creations. Let’s call it life.
Knowing her greatness she flows. Far. Always coming home. The Mother of all Mothers returned.
The greatness is her secret of sharing. We go after fulfillment on Earth. Earth strives for the fulfillment of Heaven. Heaven strives for the fulfillment of life. Life goes for what is natural.
Ideas flow openly.
Embody the rhythm.
The outflow of God is his will manifested in our expressed qualities.
New think-in about tension
(because ideas come from God):
The law of generosity says: tension is part of the natural flow of creation. When liquid assets from Heaven flow into us, they rub against our body and blood. This friction cocktail is needed to inspire communication with our bodies. First it flows through our bloodline and veins and awakens us. Before we go into motion, we first have to embody the prophesy. Flow is manifestation, naturally.
Ideas + blood flow = circulated greatness.
New think-in about pain (because fire comes from God):
The law of vastness says: pain is a vision from God of lost horizons. Ideas are fire. Daydreams are creative flow, causing us to embark upon the endless sky. We burn until we set our pain free to return to the source.
So pain is life’s recovery under fire. Pain is the movement of our soul against stingy timidity, bigotry, narrow-mindedness. We roast till we are free to flow with the divine.
fire + vision = awakened greatness.
New think-in about leadership
(because guidance comes from God):
The law of bliss says: all rivers end in the ocean. The river implicitly knows his destination. I learn the freedom of leadership from the river. I understand mutual leadership in leading and being lead. In one way the river need not think about his destination. The ocean cares for it (i.e., the Law of Attraction). The river cares only for the current, its currency.
Freedom is knowing when to give up to a higher source and when to lead. The nature of pain is freedom and liberation, the sweet pain of the mercy of surrender, the bondage of devotion, the dependence of happiness, being injured by love, abused by grace.
receive + share = enlightened leadership.
“We are seeds of the endless devotional flow buried into Earth to grow and awaken as lovers without boundaries.” – Agni
Now let’s flow.
The liquid teacher
Put your hands on your heart, palms facing inwards and feel the rhythm of your heart. Feel the rhythm of the parts where you want more flow. Feel the existing flow there. Do not measure or change it. It may feel fluid or stuck. That is your status quo.
Check in with:
Your private life.
Your biz life.
Your body life.
The life of your current project.
Now have a look on the list below and find the medicine words that will unplug the flow.
Then add one or more of the words to each bullet below. Trust your first choice.
Listen to the story it wants to tell you. Honor the words’ advice.
Your private life: __________________
Your biz life: __________________
You body life: __________________
The life of your current project: __________________
The list of medicine words*:
*(This is my personal check-in list when I ask a dammed flow to release. The word itself teaches me what will heal the flow.)
dive in
flow, awakened
move when necessary
concentrate: build essence
invest in reflecting the detail
settle down: ideas, yourself
fill up: powerful
slow down
stand still
give up; entrust leadership to another source
wait: open to patience
burst forward
let go
clear up
collect: contact the collective
flexible: adjust
change rhythm or dynamics
contemplate, reflect
breathe, just breathe
give up
start anew
you can add your own healing words too…
For a moment go back to the original pain. Release it.
1. Feel into the new word.
2. Let it flow: Escape into an open horizon of freedom.
3. Feel the escaping emotion. This is the sensation of your pain set free.
4. Dive into the open horizon of possibility. Its rivers run like the promise of an endless blue sky.
Collaborate with
the spiritual world.
Quit overwhelm.
My daily lessons in Miracles.
“You do not trust us. But you push and control.
You are disconnected and so unproductive.”
My spirit guides were right. For days I had forced myself into deadlines for my Future Book program. My worst day was now my own personal Black Thursday. It was a hustle until the shock of freezing, hitting the dead end for creative fire and joy.
“So what? I have deadlines and the download of creativity is flooding me. Each time it gets more powerful and plentiful than I imagined.”
Aha. I know this pattern too well. I am tired of myself. I want to know how to change my anti-flow, the energy moving against the universal currency of the creation.
“We know your deadline. Who do you think creates and backs you up all the time?”
“You are working on my products, from the higher source?”
“All the time. We inspire the original genius behind all creations.”
“Oops. You mean business. So what is my part?”
“Create art. Perform beauty. Turn both into manifestation.”
“Your task is pleasure. Just take care of every detail. Search for God in there. OM-Joy.”
“Flow with the creation. Wait till ideas are ripe and then pick them.”
Silence. Honestly I was shaken and felt really stupid after all these years of spirit journey. How had I gotten trapped in my old pattern without any consciousness of what was happening? Each time my ambitious business goals come along I block out all my spiritual know-how. Fucking damn bold of me.
A breath. My Universal Sadhana reminder:
Standing stunned by vastness, moved by the immense majesty of the universal beauty. The ongoing activity, exploding creativity that permits even stars into existence.
Out of the stars everything comes forth: dynamic entities, they are born and even they die.
The circle of gravitational power, collapsing and creative, explosions natural and eternal. Atomic power shines and collapses inwards to become a black hole.
Deliver. The active pattern of creation itself is intrinsic. Life blossoms forward naturally. Inevitably. (Free from the Story of the Universe.)
Quitting overwhelm
I swallowed my Super-Detox-Anti-Anxiety-Stress-Relief Remedy.
In the days after listening deeply within, I flew with my intuition. I went back into synchronicity state.
I found Right timing for 2013.
I walked in my own writings (HOW TO HAVE FAITH IN SYNCHRONICITY TIMING).
Grace and miracles aligned and I finished all my work with time to spare.
So when creative flow is emerging, why stand in the way?
There is a big misunderstanding about living our divinity in this body.
And about what God really is.
I had to figure out answers for myself.
I had to make my own journey.
For your business goals: Flow.
We need schedules and plans in times of chaos. The beauty lies in rebirth. We create the new.
“Lay your dream at your feet.” – Agni
Make a list of all the things you need to do, then put it down in front of our Temple (or altar) and give it up to The Higher Source. Pray for it to be handled and cared for. Then take the most important things and fill them with joy and love, and forget the rest. Then flow onward and forward…continue this way. God shines in details.
…and if something decides not to be ready on deadline (what a strange expression!!!!), who cares?
I have practiced it even with my clients: “I’m sorry this is the state I arrived. The rest is in process, and you know what, nothing ever was not ready in ‘the right time.’”
May I introduce you to my personal spiritual team?
BABAJI: known from the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI. He is the incarnation of Shiva, without boundaries. Last time he lived till 1984 in the Himalayas.
He is a killer of mind ideas and focuses on heart desires. He says karma yoga work is the solution of our age. Let’s rock it.
SAI BABA: He lived in South India and went into Samadhi in 2011. He appeared to me in my room when I was 25 and since then I have seen healings and miracles.
I dive into his aura when I want to be golden. He makes you feels abundant when working.
JESUS: Memoired personally by me in JESUS THE BOOK.
He is Christlove and bliss of fire. He has the best modern ideas, guaranteed.
Each one is a real Avatar, a creator.
This is the difference between them and other guides. These are God realized.
If you want their consulting, a real desire calling is sufficient. When you reach out to their heart, they will contact you.
So now ask yourself: Who are your spiritual guides?
Contact them and see: they really like entrepreneurial business ideas.
Tell them what you are up to. Their answers will come from all directions and the inner voice.
2013. This year start the trend and prove the genius of this collaboration.

The Tao of Losing
I will lose it all.
My courage.
My control.
My temper.
My weight.
My money.
My morals.
I will be free. And
will be good.
I will be looked after.
Yes, yes, yes.
My blessings are out: May 2013 be your best ever. Positive change will bring new visions.
I will meet you there.
Wild love