Category: most popular
I love to walk and inhale nature in my flesh and bones. I talk to nature, it is natural for me. She who is continuously awake talks back. Consciousness always agrees. These words were given to me during my beach walk in Florida.
Nature asked me:
“Let them know I will never harm my children.”
I listened.
I am passionately visioning these days. I flirt with ideas from the streaming golden light of a new world. The spark from heaven in my core was caressed by a rough blowing wind and is inflamed. I have fired up evocations and pray. I conjure God, the creator, within me to guide me, in eternity.
I miss the feminine leadership values. I remember inklings and something deep unknown and long forgotten. Nothing fits any more. My wayfinder (I sing aboriginal songs—loud—inside while I walk) is linked to the world of souls.
Facing the lion, being the lion.
The world situation room.
We have created a society of unbalanced bigness of masculine power and feminine smallness. The masculine overdoses are “breaking apart” (for me a masculine semeiotic). The sacred feminine, on the contrary, knows about the wounded rhythm of sparking, distinguishing and relighting of ideas, projects, businesses, dogmas. She witnesses with a broken heart. The feminine is awakening, rubbing eyes from a thousand years in sleeping beauty. She just slept, she was never gone. (more…)
fired up & inspired by Danielle LaPorte
I want my day to feel like just shaken bottle of rose Champagne inside sparkling love bubbles.
I want kissing to feel like St. Emilion red wine melting on my lips.
I want my next success to feel like Ghandi when he won his nonviolent revolution.
I want my body to feel like immanent power flow in the yoga warrior positions.
I want smiling to feel like exhaling rose scent.
I want my friendships to feel like dusting flower pollen tickling in the nose, honey, sacred heart in flames, a summer night fiesta in south france.
I want my nervous system to feel like warm golden sacred oil flooding my skin.
I want my gigs to feel like dancing in the center of a vortex, the eye of a tiger, shaking hands with everyone, with the mesmerizing love of Jesus.
I want my neighborhood to feel like a juicy ashram life.
I want my integrity to feel like grace.
I want my money-making to feel like a river that finds his sea.
I want my word to feel like a sword forged of love.
I want my laughter to feel like a belly tickled by sunshine.
I want the end of the day to feel like mother earth when she rests in the arm of the stars.
I want being of service to feel like a cornucopia.
I want my philanthropy to feel like the dancing Durga showering peaceful Shakti.
I want my challenges to feel like my greatest opportunities.
I want my love to feel like a daily honoring each other.
I want my writing to feel like a kiss of the muse, forgetting my self, surfing on stardust.
I want my ideas to feel like being irresistible.
Danielle LaPorte’s firestarter sessions was my initial start for
“I just think it’s fucking hot.” …
I did not need more to kindle the sacred fire.
Her Q’s are shaping the diamond and brings the YES I WANT & YES I KNOW HOW to the surface.
The burning Q’s are essential. I did them. I recommend them to all my friends & clients.
One Self of me is a mystic. I would say a very powerful quality of mine is being a mystic. But she is stigmatized. I hid her in shame for years, nevertheless meeting her secretly in dark corners, proud of her burning truth of never leaving herself and being true to herself without any sign of shame. Always wanting to know more about the adventures she experienced on her own.
mystic (ˈmɪstɪk) — n
a person who achieves mystical experience or an apprehension of divine mysteries
I have hidden my mystic for years. She was eccentric and not suitable for a flock that wanted to create rules and fit-in’s for mediocrity. I was ashamed for her because she is different.
By learning to live in a harmonious environment with my soul I have re-socialized my mystic soul. Now she lives in a flock with my cosmic nomad, my 21st century goddess, my eccentric super player networker charmer, my really shy looser, my laughter and my multicultural artist soul. (more…)
we are healing inside.
heaven & earth are melting within.
give birth to your soul.
chaos outside.
transformers wait.
resting inside.
everything will make perfect sense.
give yourself room.
pray. heal. take each other home.
trusting the beauty.
Photo: Georgia O’Keefe
2012 is destined to turn our dreams into luxury. Designed to enrich the happiness project: another earth.
A devotional letter to my tribe.
Holy mother!!! The universe means us! Yes you! Let us start now!
My personal 2012 started with what I call my personal Fukushima. My inner fire withdrew me from currency. All of the sudden I was standing there in my full light and all my left behind most ugly shadows showed up disguised as inner and outer saboteurs. I became awfully sick and my heart decided to stand still one night, until I wished to receive recognition. I took refuge to my inner knowledge and lighted fires in the dark nights and prayed. I devoted my tears to the Divine Mother of all.
Soul space clearing and visions
“Jesus The forgotten Years”,
the long-awaited sequel to
“Jesus The Book”
is launched.
A gift for your friend…
ISBN: 978-1-936060-05-4
Price: 12USD
Share Jesus The Forgotten Years with
a loved one.
Withdraw and receive.
Choose both.
Willpower is limited.
Sovereignty is gold.
Stare holes into the dark night sky.
Wait and see.
Destiny unveils itself.
Skin sensations of a life-wave shower.
Let your soul swing freely.
Learn to see in the dark.
Enlarge your glass.
The bigger, the more reality you can see.
Grow the authentic.
Turn willingness into a sacred fire.
Expect miracles.
Surrender. Die. And embrace the unknown.
Universe/God has left me with big question mark on my forehead. For two weeks now I’ve had more questions than answers. Usually my insistent WHYs to Universe/God provoke a chain of illuminating events and insights that grant me an understanding of wholeness and shifting answers.
A missing Business plan for the feminine.
This time it is different. Let me tell you the background story. On the 6th of December we started our book launch for Jesus the Forgotten Years, the sequel to JESUS the BOOK. We were a team of 4 women rocking WordPress backstage: virtual assistants running on high octane, others studying the latest internet launch strategy games on the market, and me running design strategy. (You must know I used to be an art director in my past life.) We were a fast-paced train of action.
: Everything in your life is something that you want!
Now a word about timing: our book launch wanted to take place during a time when energies are climbing up to winter solstice; when the longest night opens deep initiations for our souls’ lives. Something inside me knew that this book wanted to be born in the dark, like a shining star arises from the sacredness of black holes. You can see how that might change the game…
In the middle of gearing up for a busy deadline, all indicators were a go for getting it done with fire. Suddenly, even with our devotion level increasing and high speed momentum building for even more manifestation in short time, my voice (I call him God/in Me) interrupted and clearly said:
Stop the train!
Get out and listen to the grass grow and swallow light blue air of the sky’s endless expansion.
Nothing will happen if the train does not arrive on time at its destination.
Receive instead of doing.
Truthful presence will open greater miracles
and expand time.
Honestly! No Google research will help you with this inquiry.
we love to announce:
“Jesus The forgotten Years”,
the long-awaited sequel to
“Jesus The Book” is online.
Download the forgotten love story, either on:
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Here is our prayer:
Wherever you arrive shower blessings.
Travel far, the more you will be home.
Reach out.
Walk and pray.
Carry your love to the streets.