most popular | The Female Grail with Durga Holzhauser - Part 8
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A small gathering for celebrities from heaven

starts at La Lumière
September 15th

A new way to live the ashram lifestyle of heaven on earth in South France.

We need to inspire our future. We raise new vocations and unite spirituality and the mundane life. So we come together to inspire small revolutions.

The Soul Series is a creative workshop, wellness retreat and salon at La Lumiére. It offers you 5 days of inspiration, cooking classes with the Michelin star chef Michael Spiridon, our one-of-a-kind Nature Spa, shared meditation and soul art. The Soul Series is 4 evenings of outdoor dining with sparkling conversations, led by Sophia-Shomani Elmlinger about “living food” and a “Your Future Book Salon” with Durga.

The air above La Lumiére tingles like Champagne.

A firework of senses will shower the South of France like glittering rain. September 15 – 19

the package:
cooking + nature spa + inspiration

: you will be seduced

by Michael Spiridon and his 3-star gourmet universe.
An internationally-renowned chef, Michael combines raw food and the 5 elements in a vegetarian food explosion. Your senses will be enthralled by his sophisticated recipes, healthy and so yummy. Back home you will remember your new love with easy menus for the season.

: you will be pampered

body and soul by our Nature Spa Team. Dive into the calmness of the Mother and recharge in nature’s wildness. Your cells will tank up power and stillness.

: you will be bewitched

by Aliana Devi and Durga and our Art temple. We dive into a sea of soul art creation. Your body becomes part of an art work and we unite body and soul.

: you will be mind-washed

by our inspirational, world-changing ideas. Three 15-minute evening terrace talks followed by inspirational conversations over dinner. Topics include “living food and beauty,” “pioneering local organic farming” and “living your vocational dream from heaven.”

about your hosts at The Soul Series ::


I have a fire under my bud. I cannot stop finding ways to revolutionize spirituality, clear off dusty layers and fall deeper in love with world changers, revolutionaries, earth savers, tree huggers, idealists, dreamers, thinkers, leaders with vision, nonconformists, artists, stargazers, trailblazers, fire spitters, Masters, Gurus and all who see things differently. I am the Lady of the salon and creator of The Soul Series with celebrities from heaven and world domination festishists. Be my guest and inspire the world.


A taste of classical French and Italian cooking.
: He cooked at Roxanne’s Restaurant in San Francisco.

: After Roxanne’s he joined Lydia’s Organics, a small vegetarian restaurant that later became the premier vegetarian restaurant in San Francisco.

: He is a passionate advocate of 100% local and organic. We stimulated growth for organic farmers and growers and we love him for his pioneer ambitions.

“I believe that a good cooking class should cover a basic understanding of raw food and some basic recipes that one has to know, but also to combine this with cooked foods, because some flavours cannot be created with only raw preparation, and some more elegant textures and experiences cannot be obtained without heat or grill. The same way goes for raw preparation; some elegant and vibrant flavours can only come from a raw preparation, so to combine and to share what to focus on in the kitchen is something I feel I want to be apart of, both in a cooking class and in a cookbook.”

about your days at The Soul Series ::

We’ll start each morning collecting herbs for green smoothies with a light breakfast outside, then you will enjoy the Nature Spa until noon. You’ll break to cook with Michael for a healthy lunch, then dive back into the the Art Temple and Nature Spa until 5pm. Each night will feature the evening’s Special Guest for a night of fine dining and conversation. All 100% organic: the food and the nature spa treats.

The registration deadline is August 30, 2013.

The cost per gathering is EUR 1,450.
All meals are included.
If you have questions or want to register, please contact us:

Your Soul-Gathering package EUR 1,450

: 5 Cooking classes with Michael
Nature Spa:
: 2 Massages (Facial and Bamboo)
: 1 Clay enveloping
: 4 herbal foot baths
: 4 morning yoga sessions
Art Temple:
: Body Mapping
: Soul art
4 Soul Gathering Salons:
: Dinner with a heavenly creative boost, laughter and serious world changing ideas.

Your Soul-Gathering Concierge package is EUR 2,200

: 5 Cooking classes with Michael
Nature Spa:
: 2 Massages (Facial and Bamboo)
: 1 Clay enveloping
: 4 herbal foot baths
: 4 morning yoga sessions
Art Temple:
: Body Mapping
: Soul art
4 Soul Gathering Salons:
: Dinner with a heavenly creative boost, laughter and serious world changing ideas.
Hotel accommodations
: We book your room at our chosen location and will mail you details.
: Airport-Transfer
: Transfer from Hotel & La Lumière

Click here to have a walk in the Nature Spa

Click here to have a walk in La Lumiere

We welcome you.



My name is Durga.
It’s my spiritual name.
I am named after the great mother goddess of India.

The tales in India say that Durga manifested herself out of the light of the Mother of All when the Gods prayed for revelation. The Gods of the demons had enslaved all worlds and the Gods of light were powerless. They had lost their empires of light to the Demons and wandered around the Earth helpless and forgotten. The praying Gods blessed Durga’s appearance with weapons they gifted to her. Durga killed the Demon king and restored the worlds of light.

In India worshipers praise Durga for her glory. She is a warrior goddess who protects the children of the light. She is the Goddess of empowerment who transcends the loose, lost power game.

I am weaving golden files of recycled stories

I weave my own fantasies. A thread of stainless steel and transparent glass pearls are the beginning of the memories.

My version of the Durga tale:

The war went on. Nobody noticed that the Gods and world of Light were infected. Their thoughts began to cloud over and create demons themselves covered in luminous armors. Uncontrolled thoughts took on a life of their own and perpetuated the war against darkness.

Durga fought on the side of light to protect the children of light. After all, this was her promise since she was created. The war was the worst in the history of the universe but Durga was invincible in the midst of devastating attacks between light and darkness. Her style, her battlefield. But the sound of the war endured so long it seemed to be the sound of the universe. Loud and destructive. The death of endlessness would not cure the tears of the mothers.

In the worst battle of all, Durga suddenly stopped and stood still while bombs and destructive arms danced around her in an evil Tango. Still, she was not afraid of being hit. She watched the children of light and the children of dark brutally destroying the creation. She saw God in both. She shivered at what had happened to the children of the light: those she was fighting for had become the same slaughterers they feared. “This war will never end, it will destroy everything,” she said, and she walked out of battle with her weapons lowered in desperation.

Furious and full of anger Durga headed to the throne of God and banged her forehead on the crystal stairs so they splintered and instantly, perfectly reassembled themselves. (God thinks himself complete no matter what happens.)

“I know you hear me, God father. This war is eternal. We will never find a way out of fighting and killing the other side. The pain of the mothers will never be healed. The temptation to fight hatred with rage has won over creation.”

God’s throne stayed silent and calmed Durga’s answerless soul. When she looked up a beautiful man walked out of the eternal light, one she had never seen before. He was no God, no angel, no demon.

Durga fainted. This feeling was the most beautiful she had ever experienced. Blissfully inhaling pure beauty, she was healed.

“This is my son. He is my love.”

Love, uttered Durga for endless ages.

“Is this the solution out of this war, father?”


“I want you to teach me love, father.”

“Are you sure you want this?”


Durga rose.

“This is the most difficult initiation path you can walk. You will experience the worst and I will ask you again and again: Do you still love?”

“This is my path.”

Durga was sure. If there was any chance to end the war between light and darkness, she would walk the path.

Durga did it then and she still does.

She walks the path of love.

The curtain falls.
This one ends for now. As I recycle my stories the way they come to me I ask myself what I want to be today, I who am named after Durga.

I made a decision. I walk back to the battlefield. What we have once left we must take up and weave the story till it’s complete.

I draft my manifesto:

I am back.
I will neither stand for the children of light nor for the children of darkness.

I ask the children of light to remember the eternal traditions that have always nourished our souls. I have no patience.

I ask the children of darkness to end the ignorance and remember the will that carries us all in beauty. I have no time.

We know what belongs to us.
Our world needs us all.
Let us end the war.
Now or never.
Everyone is at risk.
Anything can happen to the beloved characters and to the evil ones.

(This is why we love Game of Thrones.
The good guys do not always win.)

What do we do when we face two good paths?
Will we honor keeping our world or let our inner demons win?


I carry my name with pride.
I am back on stage.
I love you.

Dear you, tell me – do you like my fantasy stories? My fantasies have many more chapters. Would you like to read more of my endless repertoires? Then I will count on your comments below to fire me up. As always I write for you because I love to, and your comments help me to come closer.

Love always



Read More · June 30, 2013 · · fiercely feminine, most popular


As we witness the uproar and troubled burning spots in our world, our desire to stay open to the existence awakens.

I live in both worlds: the dying and the eternal one. Do not measure me with limits; I cannot respond to them. Instead, I long to unite the worlds.

A precious message of eternity reaches our souls: the Patina of God.

It’s a reminder that life is present in the darkest days to sustain us through seasons of change. What’s considered ephemeral is sparkled with golden glitter, covering the aura of our oblivion.

I crave spiritual gold. Gold is my survival blanket, my ray of light that helps me resurrect memories to serve a bigger aim.

Eden sank so deep.
We need to dig deepest.
They say nothing gold can stay.
I do not believe so.
The glow of The Mother will never be extinguished.
Recurring rituals are an approval of life.
And behind beauty is always survival.

Reflecting on my own personal ethics, sustainability and my role in today’s world, I think we have to remember the traditional seats of wisdom. To open up to the Golden Age, we need the old-culture insights from all tribes to crossroad with multicultural disciplines.

Golden ideas include

: intentionally collecting ideas from an ancient tradition
: full-scale integration of recycling
: fostering organically grown material
: rescuing endangered know-how from extinction
: restoring imaginative skills
: cultivating communities
: growing ecosystems in every life area
: constructing bridges between cultures
: exploring new design ideas for the world community
: creating new markets

Gold is the color of the future.

In a chaotic age that still cannot find its way it can appear there is only one way forward: to take one single direction in one way or another. No. We have to merge the opposites and erase contrasts to embrace the idea of gold.

We’re crossing the threshold of a revised vision of universality and gold is our map into the future. It is not enough to recover past golden days. In the grounding of our intuition we reach the expansion of our mission.

We are modern Alchemists. And the future is dignified by fingers respectfully mending the broken pledges of care and commitment all around this world.

Be careful here: alchemists can be overly attached to the outcome. The attainment of gold is not important. Rather, the process is our point of power – understanding our part in co-creating our lives from inside out.

So listen to a flower, a butterfly, a fallen star. These are glimpses of the divine that mark the way forward.

Your golden blanket is the fabric of humanity with your stories embroidered on it.

Think Gold

: the paradox of future
: perennial nature of ideas
: high-value creativity
: a statement of your own rights
: value that endures
: rarity in abundance
: perseverance

Gold dye is sourced from Kobunsgasa, a Japanese grass.
To wit: Gold is the profit of GREEN.

For an initiation to the feeling, build a Pinterest board with the irrational instinctive aim of feeling total gold, Heaven online. Here’s mine:
After you have done this, will you share your board with me in the comments below?

Create golden projects.
I am infected. Gold forever.
YOUR FUTURE BOOK© is growing in my laboratory, and it sparkles.

Fanfarlo “Shiny Things”

Thank you to @katcsengo for inspiring my adventurous thoughts to think this.


Read More · June 21, 2013 · · most popular, visions & prayers


How to know which vision to go for.

Right now we get the craziest ideas just before falling asleep or just upon waking. The veils are thinner since we called for new visions for this earth. The web of life is knitting a lot of yarn. We are exposed to a vision shower. Ideas pop down from heaven like comets of grace. It’s a universe overdose.

My brain feels like a blackjack jackpot. My visions are sketched out in a two-year plan that lives an Evernote folder called “New Visions.” I will focus on writing “Write Your Future Book” for three months and translate it into English, launch it in October while planning “Write Your Future Book Live” (days of high-voltage creation in May 2014) and a women’s conference in 2015: SHE EXPLODES HER UNIVERSE. I decided I want it all.

However, some of our ideas take years to come true, even longer than the lifetime of our desires. Without obligation to lifelines (my word for deadlines), they can take ages to mature, like grapes on a good vine. And some never come to fruition and burn down like shooting stars.

See, ideas are manifest creation and flow freely. Ideas can fly as free agents, but some visions have destinies that are bound inextricably to our own. Heavenly ideas are made with purpose: their goal is realization.

Cool your smoking brain.
Let me show you how to systematize soulfully and identify ideas for hot pursuit.

Your Status Quo Manifestation Map

Here’s a piece of business advice for your idea. Start by picking the right one at the right time. Put the others into a waiting line.

You need:
: blank paper
: a pen
: a space open to you and your soul
: 20 minutes for you and your pleasure

Where is your idea right now? This exercise helps to locate where a vision is in the Universe and follow its destiny.

The process:

: Get clear on which idea you want to locate. Take it one at a time. Give it a symbol, a name or initials. For example, for YOUR FUTURE BOOK, I use #YFB.

: Draw a circle to symbolize mother Earth in the center of the paper.
Make it as round as she is.

: At the top of the sheet, draw a symbol for heaven, God, the throne of God, the Universe, the higher source. I like to use a crown as my symbol. Leave enough space for your visions in between heaven and mother Earth.

: Bring your idea into your mind. Now move your awareness to your belly. Check the feeling and instinctively put the pen on the sheet where the idea is right now. Draw your idea there.

: Where is the idea? It might still be up in the Universe, down on earth, or somewhere in between. The degree of its closeness to earth will give you information about whether it is wise to:

: wait
: get it going, or
: address what is there to do before you can start making it real.

(When I first did this while finding a publisher for Jesus The Book & The Series it opened my eyes. The book was right in the middle between heaven and earth. I was able to understand: You must wait, the seeds are still sprouting in mother Universe.)

:: Ask: who supports this idea? Who helps you?
: Draw your spiritual guides on the sheet. You will feel their support.
: Draw the people who support this idea on the sheet. Where are they?
: Feel the energy of how they support you and write it on the sheet.

There is nothing to manipulate or change.
Ideas grow naturally.
Observing the status quo is eavesdropping on the sounds of growth.

(I see spiritual support for my books. Some first followers and helpers for Jesus The Book & The Series are in North America. My best business advice was to expand my love across continents. This is the beginning. New York twinkles.)

: Now write, draw or paint whatever else comes to your mind that is important to know. Analyze the insight. Receive.

You can do a Status Quo Manifestation Map for each idea. It will show you if an idea is growing nearby or off in the distance. You can also ask about time and note it on your sheet. When will this idea start to manifest? When is the time to plan, concretize and ship it?

I wish you a lot of fun with this; it is a really effective method.
Just in case, some images to help spark your imagination.

My Status Quo Manifestation Map for the #YFB



Remember why you are here.

Why now?

Because the stars are in the best position for living our soul’s desires and creating success on our own terms. When the soul infuses what we do, our business becomes soulful.

People who live and create according to their destiny are different. The collective power of the universe is omnipresent in their lives and pops out in perfect moments that manifest purpose. They seem to flow on an invisible current of their life’s vision. Surrounded by a magic aura, their life goes beyond chasing goals to an implicit knowledge that everything they desire is ripe for fulfillment. With a heavenly pulsing of electric joy, they boldly meet challenges, fear and setbacks.

Why now?

Because it’s your time. You are here and reading this. The cosmic fire is burning. For the record, let’s talk about the origin of the universe. A big silent fire from the beginning of time filled all it brought forth. The Vedic scriptures call it Agni. The fire of Agni is powerful creativity that nothing resists. In the unfolding of the universe, creativity is essential. And so it is for you. Without creativity, the fire of the universe goes out. Without the creative fire, we extinguish like passing stars in the endlessness of a black hole.

Listen. You are meant to matter.
You crave aliveness. The fire is burning. You want to create business and lifestyle with impact. You want to unite heaven and earth.

The creative fire kindles with your visions. You are made of fire. It’s a matter of calibrating our dream of the universal fire with our creative pattern of conception.

The secret is:

each creation is dreamt twice. You dreamt in heaven, where God dreams creation. Your story was written in the Universe. On earth the magic GPS that guides us along our vision is…


Creativity is inherent in the fireball of this universe, it is for you too.
You were created by all elementary particles of the universe.

What we have to do is imagine, rekindle. The fire of imagination and consciousness is the key to visualizing the as-yet uncreated. Stretch back to the stars to the beginning of all, to the primeval fireball. Walk the path of ancestry and embrace the creative potential. Let fire pour the creative powers into you. I can help you do this.

In Write Your Future Book, I lead souls back to the cauldron of creativity, the fireball called Agni.

Remember your universe.
Remember yourself.
Remember the dream that brought you to earth.

We talk about creation, baby.

Spirituality is our greater context. Authenticity is a space without concurrency. Walk with me. Remember your soul plan.

Meditation to the origin.
Your bigger vision for this time.

Dream from heaven to earth. Stoke the creative fire. Take a fire bath. You have an appointment with heaven. Now. It’s your time. Find healing. Because you want to be big.

Script: Download the script here.

After a moment of quiet, will you please share with me what you have seen? I will hold your dreams with respect and tenderness.
Tell me 3 things, love.

(1) What is your soul’s dreaming for this life?
(2) In what way does your soul compel you to serve?
(3) What is the first small step or change you will make in your daily life to harness the energy of your vision?


Read More · May 19, 2013 · · most popular, offerings


What if everything that’s unfulfilled in you is just an unforgiven thought?
My ideas are revolutionary these days.

Have our resentful brains drafted the finical crisis; does my cultural anger about Catholicism influence Jesus the Book; does my lack of forgiveness for all religions’ suppression of women through history inhibit my growth as a modern-day feminine spiritual leader? Has our anger about not being seen or acknowledged spun a fabric around our sacred heart?

Perhaps an old wound on the ocean floor of our soul drives our fulfilled life away. It may be obvious when someone has broken our heart, but the stickiest bandages are the ones that are hidden away in our subconscious mind, eating up our desires.

Forgiveness has a thousand layers.

Every strip of unforgiveness lays a gauze of dressed sorrow around our sacred heart. Wrapping the layers protects our wounded pain, but after a while the compression immobilizes our feelings. It becomes strings that hold back the fulfillment of our heart’s desires and covers our dreams with an obscuring mist.

Search for the living inner wound that has stolen its own life from your soul.

“Lord in heaven, forgive us our trespasses, forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us to salvation. Not by seeking retribution, but by freeing through forgiveness. Let us see that we are children of your kingdom. Forgive us every moment, where we have forgotten about you. For thine is the kingdom, the love, the power and the glory.” (from Jesus the Book)

Peel back the layers.
Untangle your heart.

Sleeves up. I want it all. My inklings are true, I will go deep. There is no guarantee of fulfillment, but a commitment to serenity in hopes that the Universe may be tempted to plant miracles in pure and fertile ground.

Layer one: We are all human.

In Vienna there is a little monastery. The nuns work in the streets. When they return from the exhausting life outside the silent walls they ritualize a forgiveness every single day, whether the need is apparent or not. “We are humans,” they say, “We will hurt each other, we will make mistakes. But we forgive them at the end of the day, we will not take them to another day to live on.”


Detox for your soul: You can create a cure lasting 2 to 3 weeks in less than two minutes a day.

This practice is rejuvenating and builds more than 20 years of good karma in each session.

Close your eyes for two minutes and invite all of the people in your life who are locked in your inner prison. Who is there for you to forgive, to set free? People you share your life with, people you used to know and people you have forgotten about, even people you do not know. Take the chance to de-clutter even past lives.

Be really brave. This is not about open debts. It’s about setting each other free.

Freedom is opening space for bigger love to grow.

Layer two: The conscious wound.

We have been hurt. It happened to me and it happened to you. We remember every little detail when it happened, the look and taste of the environment. When you still can remember all the little gestures of the precise moment you were hurt, you are not done with it. You want to be free? Go back. Remember.

This one is awesome to free yourself from a painful separation, when a business partner set you up to fail, when someone betrayed you, after a long dispute or to cope with painful childhood memories. It’s for crisis and dramas.


: Call the unforgiven person into your vision. Then say, “Now I am ready to
  forgive you.” (Feel the life force behind your words.)

: Join your hands and build a bowl in front of your heart. Fill it with fire from
  your heart. Let it burn.

: Say, “I release you. Please forgive me for holding a false vision of you for so long.”
  Burn the image of the person you kept in the fire.

: Then contact the soul of the person with your heart and ask them to return
  the image of you they have held on to. Reclaim it.

: When the image returns, burn it in the fire. It is not you. Then let the fire give
  birth to the real image of you.

: Breathe it into your heart, and become whole.

Layer three: The Liberation

Ultimately we cannot forgive anyone until we have completely forgiven ourselves. This is the last liberation. Your own! Forgiveness strengthens us, instead of weakening. It is not an act of heroism for which you are rewarded, but an act to trust in God again. It teaches us to stop being a victim and to deal with our real emotions. It is the ultimate key to progress in our spiritual evolution.

We encounter pain everywhere. It seduces us into hesitating, collapsing, losing ourselves in grief. It is for us to try to change this by refusing to give into the non-forgiveness.

“Father, forgive them, as they don’t know what they are doing!” With this Jesus was liberated in his most difficult hour, even before guilt could take its first breath. First comes forgiveness, then comes healing.


: Forgive yourself. Forgive God within.

: Say, “I am ready to heal.”

: Forgive God. Dare it, try it.

: Open your heart to the universal life force.

: Open your heart for Love.

I pray I have delivered the miracle. May the Universe flow into a river bed in your heart. Deep breath. In.
The universe creates through your heart.



Let’s keep it short:

A real spiritual master creates masters.
Not followers.

He was a healer before.
He will heal you.
He is a realized teacher.
He nurtures and creates teachers.
He is a master.
He will make us masters of our lives.

:: to the feminine

A real spiritual feminine master creates feminine masters.
Not followers.

She was a healer before.
She will heal you.
She is a realized teacher.
She nurtures and creates teachers.
She is a master.
She will make us masters of our lives.

Back when I was a girl I was asked: What do you want to become when you grow up? I said: “I want to be enlightened.” I like the idea. As a revolutionary I like the idea of everybody being enlightened even more.

I do believe times have changed. These days we leave our monastic ashram robes behind and step into the world. It’s easy to withdraw from the mundane. But I do not believe in this as a final liberation. Instead, our destiny is to face life as our initiation path, as a pathway of Shiva (the creator and destroyer). Therein lies freedom.

Measure the masters and feminine masters
by your heart’s temperature.

I must admit I love them, the gurus, the realized teachers who mastered it. The ones enlightened enough to lift me up. I have met them. My heart knew I had to and I searched them out in places leftover from a long time ago. This world has become a melting pot of spiritual movements. My heart likes the real ones.

So I observe them and love them, and then I go back what is the real spiritual path for me.

I have my own personal dictionary of spiritual teachers.

: AVATAR (*my personal stars)
A God incarnation, reflecting one aspect of God or many. Their life force can put our souls into a new life, erase karma and heal with a word. Jesus is one, Babaji, and Sai Baba are others. Never try to analyze them, simply know them with your love. Their light has no limits. Their consciousness is all. They are not limited by time or space. Their teachings are beyond words. They change the destiny of humanity.

A soul who has mastered her Self. Her heaven and earth are melted and not separated. She knows: to understand God you must be a little bit of God yourself. They teach knowledge. Measure them by their devotion.

One who has mastered a domain or an ability. They teach what they have mastered. Are they unlimited? No. But we can learn what they have learned. I love to learn from them what I do not know.

I believe we need more spiritual teachers for life. Followers tend to put their stars on stage to admire. And the sun may shine for a while. But I ask my stars to teach me how to shine myself. I want no imitation but inner wisdom.

You must measure yourself.

You are free to choose your spirituality.

At the Age of 24 I had my moment of enlightenment. It was two weeks of feeling like a bottle of pink champagne. I was beyond death and the love had me back home. God, I want that feeling everyday.

You know what effect it had my life?
I am hungry
to live.

I chant the Asato Ma Sadgamaya:
[audio:|titles=Asato Ma]

Om, Lead us from Unreality (of Transitory Existence) to the Reality (of Self),
Lead us from the Darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),
Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

I read again and again:
The Autobiography of a Yogi
Daughter of Fire by Irina Tweedie

I pray:

This world needs spiritual leaders in every corner.
If you want to be a leader you need to be a healer first.
First heal your inner world, then heal your environment, then lead what you want to change.
Then come out and tell your sacred story.


Read More · April 21, 2013 · · illuminated lifestyle, most popular


The fall of to-do lists.

My garden is my master of time. She is in an eternal state, shifting blooms from tension to rigidity, from breaking forms to beauty.

I asked her: “How do you understand time?”
“In cycles of obeisance: from suppleness to realization.” She sings.

We have to revolutionize our relationship with time. There is never quite enough time. We have no time, not enough time, all the time. Time and space define our life. But have we defined them?

“I need to cross items off my lists,” I say to my garden.
She just daydreams and creates anyway; she does not even take me seriously.
“Oh yes, oh yes,” she says. “I will ask the flowers. They may know.”

Turning my productivity into creation.

Each morning I am thrilled by the universal flow. Shivers in showers.
So many great ideas fall into my imagination every day. Too many, too much.
I want to know which is the right idea to pursue.

Here is a recipe that guides me in flowing through with my day with relaxation.


(To start my day and not spoil it from the beginning.)

In the morning I sing the Subrabatham chant. This song awakens God within. Sanskrit makes ma souls swing. I am there.


I flow. A golden and peaceful river of perfection.
There I dream in accomplishment of my day’s tasks.
POPS of joy. Fulfilled.

I ask: What wants to be fulfilled today?

I make a soft structure. Little anchors of the day.
Feel what wants to be done at what time of the day.
Become a river. You will reach the destinations.

I start my day. Flow. Listen for ways to add innovation and creativity. Charge up my resources. Think: wholeness, relaxation, expansion, and clarity in lifelines. Time expands. I pray with the moments; the details are my meditations now.

Not more than 3 in a day. I celebrate each one.
Flow into them until they’re filled up. I want POPs of JAYs. More.

When I fall out, am stressed, overwhelmed, disorganized, I go back to my garden, saying: “We have to start from the beginning. Be patient with me. I promise I am a devoted disciple.”

She offers me a flower.
To me flowers symbolize enlightenment, revolution, regeneration and global thriving.

By naming flowers as tools for time management, I push forward this conversation.

May my secret awaken your secret means of lifting your projects into full potential, to flow divinely every day.

Let us flow.



What Feng Shui books
will never tell you.

There are places that leave us feeling good and places that suck or cost us energy. There are vortexes charged with the elation of grandeur, where we shiver in wows. Beauty is charged with positive vibes. A basic instinct whispers: “I never want to leave.” And then there are spaces where we pray: “Please get me out of here. Now.” Our emotional triggers immediately detect energetic good-vibe-killers.

I was a natural seer of these energies.
But the first time I saw Agni demonstrating how to remove darkness, transform bundled negative clouds, and switch on energetic light spots to shift whole areas I was sure: you cannot read this in any Feng Shui book. I had found a true Feng Shui master. I wanted to go deeper; to get under the surface in a way books never could.

Energies influence our moods and can even change us. Here’s why: energies surround us, and we all sense the invisible. You do. And you know it. Do you also know that energies tell stories we can read and interpret? The law of attraction of the real Feng Shui teaches that we cannot only read energies; we can transform and change them. We can create balance and shift positive vibes. We crave it. And I teach and consult on this.

“A clear space is open to attract synchronicity destiny.”

Lifted :: Shifted

Low energies pull down your consciousness.
Lifted energies raise you up.
Environments that pull you up grant you good feelings.
A house of divine will attract the divine.
Energy is access to light.

Change the energies, change the world.

I have learned…

: When we heal the land, we heal the people. After Ireland’s country was healed with avant-garde energetic landscaping by Marko Pogacnik, peace negotiations began and ended in the Good Friday Agreement.

: Surfing on energy is possible. I advised a client to simply move his office desk into the stream of the dragon line, the most powerful Chi energy lines. He soon expanded from a small office to a worldwide business.

: First you enlighten your house, as a result it enlightens you.

: Energy lingers. A divorce house that’s charged with divorce battles will influence its new inhabitants. A bankrupt business space attracts new bankruptcy, if you do not transform the energies fighting against you.

: People have energies. They can influence our living and working spaces, positively or negatively. But real Feng Shui can set energetic borders to preserve the sovereignty of our space.

: Chakras are also in the rooms we live in. Chakras are pulsating energetic color bulbs. We may walk through them every day without knowing, but once we know it we can use them to fuel our desired vibes.

: Rooms have elemental power. They taste like Fire, Earth, Water, Metal or Wood. Once you know it you can taste it.

: Every space longs to return to balance with universal streams of creation. Nature and plants know all this naturally, but we have refused to see. We can relearn and shift by healing.

: Our hearts yearn to flow with the Universal stream and the abundant Earth stream. A business owner who wants to earn more money only for the sake of money will by ignored by the energy streams in the long term.

: A crystal radiates light.

: Bagua energies do not always come through the main door.
Sometimes they don’t use a door at all, and instead come through the walls. I have seen it.

: Energy marks our environment,
shapes moods, characterizes outcomes and influences us and our daily decisions.

: An energy hole in your work space and family home will eat away your energy and make it difficult to keep your mind abundant and affirmed. You will feel exhausted. Real Feng Shui can block it.

: Whole cities (often disordered nature)
can support or suck energy.

: Energy fields collect memories, and we tap into it.
Real Feng Shui can see karmic fields and provide real healing.

: Clear energy pulls fulfillment, happiness and success into our life on our own terms.

: Flowing with the energy is bliss.

I want to take this knowledge to businesses…

for changemakers, spiritual business artists, holistic entrepreneurs and idea leaders. Imagine being able to lift super-creative vibes in the room before going into a meeting, imagine a social worker using Feng Shui in the saddest areas of this world (shifted areas keep bad stuff from sticking). Imagine reading time flow as a means of making quicker decisions. Imagine connecting with the universal answer with one click. Imagine being sure about your inner world, because you are connected. Next year I will teach Business ACC. More soon.

Learn to see energies.
Learn to change the energies.
Learn the rhythm of creativity.
Learn creation habits.
Learn about the rhythms of space and time.

Thank you to my Master Agni who taught me Feng Shui and more. Together we have published the book NINE MASTERSCHOOLS OF FENG SHUI. The book was published in Chinese, the cultural mecca of Feng Shui.

Let me shift your space.

Get a free download of NINE MASTERSCHOOLS OF FENG SHUI in English.



is a misled Mantra.

Do not say it. Do not even think it.

Money listens wisely. But like energy, it follows dedication.

One of my best friends put me on edge saying: “I have this dream. I reserved the time, but I do not have the cash.” Wow, I think, why not reserve the money also, when reserving the date and desire?

Do you know money is energy? Money is neutral. It flows and it has no taste. We add the flavor with our thoughts and emotions.

So here is my persuasive secret mantra:
(*It worked in my early days when I decided to fulfill my desire to learn to be an ACC Spiritual Consultant and learn energetic Feng Shui. It worked when I booked my trip to India, with no money. The Divine wanted it, and I did it with no financial resources.)

Fill in the blank.
I will have the money to do this: ____________________________.

Say it loudly for a change of cash flow. (Money listens.)

: Do not limit its origins with your thoughts (Money is everywhere.)
: Hustle and work with all your devotion.
: Open for the space and then let go.
: The universe responds just in time.

First the intention. Then the prayer.
Go open. Go spacious.
Miracles are not exclusive.
Money’s dedication is to serve, not to limit us.

Money is sweet like honey, is an abundant stream of golden light, is coming and going, is there in time, is essential, is from God, is my support. Money is persuasive, is the power of Now, is creative, is falling apart. It is what we think it is, not what we project. Tune into it, and get it right.

Write to us and tell us what you will have money for. We listen closely.
