Category: illuminated lifestyle
is a misled Mantra.
Do not say it. Do not even think it.
Money listens wisely. But like energy, it follows dedication.
One of my best friends put me on edge saying: “I have this dream. I reserved the time, but I do not have the cash.” Wow, I think, why not reserve the money also, when reserving the date and desire?
Do you know money is energy? Money is neutral. It flows and it has no taste. We add the flavor with our thoughts and emotions.
So here is my persuasive secret mantra:
(*It worked in my early days when I decided to fulfill my desire to learn to be an ACC Spiritual Consultant and learn energetic Feng Shui. It worked when I booked my trip to India, with no money. The Divine wanted it, and I did it with no financial resources.)
Fill in the blank.
I will have the money to do this: ____________________________.
Say it loudly for a change of cash flow. (Money listens.)
: Do not limit its origins with your thoughts (Money is everywhere.)
: Hustle and work with all your devotion.
: Open for the space and then let go.
: The universe responds just in time.
First the intention. Then the prayer.
Go open. Go spacious.
Miracles are not exclusive.
Money’s dedication is to serve, not to limit us.
Money is sweet like honey, is an abundant stream of golden light, is coming and going, is there in time, is essential, is from God, is my support. Money is persuasive, is the power of Now, is creative, is falling apart. It is what we think it is, not what we project. Tune into it, and get it right.
Write to us and tell us what you will have money for. We listen closely.
Swipe the inner critic
from your hard drive.
“You can’t be criticized.”
“Right” I say, “definitely not.” (Deliciously self-assured.)
Because the critic is always wrong.
My virtual assistant Jess Larsen reframed my critic mythology habit (inherited by my culture and parents). When I started to work with I her and asked her to peak the performance of my writing. She was totally irritated: “WHY should I? The strength of your voice stands alone.” It took her 1 second to unmask the mythologies of this world that deform artists, performers, writers, creatives, musicians, singers, entertainers, inventors, all atypicals.
We were born creative: insatiably painting, experimentally writing, talking to trees, uncensored and singing loudly with joy, living as the incarnation of women who run with the wolves. But we were thwarted by self-proclaimed experts, ambitious parents, cynical teachers – all people mostly unhappy with their own lives – pretending to be more God than we are.
A whole industry has killed Art and Creativity. Critics measure art by money. But we are at the end of that road. We are now at the horizon of a promised land, bringing art back into all areas of life without selling out. We need art and creativity to reform business, money and the global society. Creative idea hunters wanted.
For the sake of experiment.
Drop perfectionism. It never worked. We just build a frozen and inflexible form that is too tight for our souls.
For the inner and external critics, next time you have criticism going again ask yourself:
Is this my own shadow I am pointing at?
In particular, be wary of these four mythologies.
Mythology one:
“This person puts herself on airs, she always want to be the center of attention, it’s all about her.”
Ask yourself: Do I undermine standing in the spotlight of my light and refuse to take my place in this world?
Why not shine, I ask you, and warm the hearts of those who can see.
Mythology two:
“This person is manipulative. She pushes people in one direction.”
Ask yourself: Am I not taking my responsibility to lead?
Baby, the whole universe is about manipulation. It’s how we start movements of creation and ignite innovations. Let’s move each other in the name of the Lord.
Mythology three:
“I cannot stand how she talks, she dresses, she acts. “
Ask yourself: Do I express myself in the ways I’d wish to?
Dare to express yourself, preempt the critics.
Mythology four:
“This offer is not as good as I expected,” or “My husband should change.” (Uhh, attention here!)
Ask yourself: Where was my inner leadership when I decided to buy something or choose the partner of my life?
Or ask yourself: Am I honest with myself? Is our time over? Has my time to leave come?
Create space for what does not fit you anymore.
Job, relationships and life situations.
Dare to Change.
Critics, go back and fish in your own waters. We want to have love marriages with all the people we work and live with. Raise up your inner critic and confront the killers of creativity. They never were right and never will be.
New ways require a new language.
Maybe the whole universe was and is an experiment.
God is madly in Love with his creativity.
That’s why he is unpredictable.
We choose through resonance. Forever.
The way we feel God.
OMG, it’s shaking. Ever realized that the darkness is not in the world? It’s within. Where there is pure love, no hushed dark spots have power.
But if there remains an obscure dark spot within, we perform the art of attraction of shadows. Honestly. The upside is turned and disturbs the clean surface of our mind. Our deepest shadows are out.
How do we deal with our shadow? The shadow specialist Debbie Ford says the shadow is all that resists fulfillment in our life. The dark shadow disguises itself in shame; the light shadow consists of all we envy and do not dare to love.
The shadow is the keeper of our lost power.
So wrap yourself warmly now. Go dark + deep.
Oh lá lá, we do not like the shadow. What he doesn’t allow us to live we dislike even more. But crying, trembling and shaking the drama is fruitless. Shame turned into a mess of accusation is a short-lived, sinful delight.
Baby, take a walk on the dark side with me.
Face yourself. Face reality.
The shadow in us is a place where God is not seen.
Be a dark poet and embrace the time we live even more dramatically. Transform your fascination with the darker side into a vote for life over shadow. Enter into a love affair with the trauma of deepening existence. Compose colors of obscure ranges with contrasting shadows and lights. Breathe in and feel God there. Expansion is release. Ahhhhhh…
Invite God into your failures, your inadequateness, your shame, your indecent fears. Offer up your weakness.
Where we are not enough, God fills up the holes.
So release troublesome moods and your desire to articulate the future. We do not need to do it all, we just have to pray. Ask him to see the outrageous nature of horror, terror and fear. He is our wholeness; we do not need to be supernatural. Pray for fillings.
Hovering in the 5th between-dimensions we create a new nature, new revival, healing.
Ask yourself right now:
Whom do I trust?
Do I trust myself?
Do I know things that nobody can prove?
To trust ourselves is an art. We are unsure after so many breakups with our beliefs. To trust oneself is a difficult love affair. Religion, society, politics have broken our hearts. Burned by our beliefs, we are exhausted.
But our knowing has never died.
You know
: the glory of the sun, the moon and the stars.
: the sound of what you hear.
: that you tortured the Bible with your pen when you were six.
Even then you knew about the untruth.
: that every master has a limited reign.
: that your dream will be fulfilled. You are prepared to wait for it.
Don’t give up on your spiritual life.
It only seems that you are wandering lost
in a forest.
You are already found.
To believe what we know may challenge the contradictions. I promise you, the times you were burned by belief are over. Sisters and brothers who are made of stardust, the pulse of time beats for us now. The world asks now for what is yours. Deliver your beliefs.
What do you know that nobody can prove?
We want to flow. We want to be like liquid moving in our daily, hustling life. And we can sense when instead we merely trickle into our work, our projects, our lives. It’s in the painful resistance when writing down a new concept, the tension of pressure that contradicts self-love, the day when everything collapses, the printer goes on strike while you’re trying to deliver on lifelines (ahem, my new word for deadlines) and unhealthy finances that continue to break down the world’s economy.
Let’s talk cosmically. The universe is a pattern of life-organized dynamics, a prevailing and self-organized flow. It’s intrinsic blossoming. The rhythm lives within. Every other person owes her/his rhythm, their every idea, every project, every motion to it. Everything has roots in a universal flow. Everything.
New think-in demands new habits. Life has learned to learn and adapt with the flow. So must we.
Float on.
The universal flow is mysteriously formed. It came Before. The silence of the blank, waiting alone and without expectation. Ever so present. The mother of all creations. Let’s call it life.
Knowing her greatness she flows. Far. Always coming home. The Mother of all Mothers returned.
The greatness is her secret of sharing. We go after fulfillment on Earth. Earth strives for the fulfillment of Heaven. Heaven strives for the fulfillment of life. Life goes for what is natural.
Ideas flow openly.
Embody the rhythm.
The outflow of God is his will manifested in our expressed qualities.
New think-in about tension
(because ideas come from God):
The law of generosity says: tension is part of the natural flow of creation. When liquid assets from Heaven flow into us, they rub against our body and blood. This friction cocktail is needed to inspire communication with our bodies. First it flows through our bloodline and veins and awakens us. Before we go into motion, we first have to embody the prophesy. Flow is manifestation, naturally.
Ideas + blood flow = circulated greatness.
New think-in about pain (because fire comes from God):
The law of vastness says: pain is a vision from God of lost horizons. Ideas are fire. Daydreams are creative flow, causing us to embark upon the endless sky. We burn until we set our pain free to return to the source.
So pain is life’s recovery under fire. Pain is the movement of our soul against stingy timidity, bigotry, narrow-mindedness. We roast till we are free to flow with the divine.
fire + vision = awakened greatness.
New think-in about leadership
(because guidance comes from God):
The law of bliss says: all rivers end in the ocean. The river implicitly knows his destination. I learn the freedom of leadership from the river. I understand mutual leadership in leading and being lead. In one way the river need not think about his destination. The ocean cares for it (i.e., the Law of Attraction). The river cares only for the current, its currency.
Freedom is knowing when to give up to a higher source and when to lead. The nature of pain is freedom and liberation, the sweet pain of the mercy of surrender, the bondage of devotion, the dependence of happiness, being injured by love, abused by grace.
receive + share = enlightened leadership.
“We are seeds of the endless devotional flow buried into Earth to grow and awaken as lovers without boundaries.” – Agni
Now let’s flow.
The liquid teacher
Put your hands on your heart, palms facing inwards and feel the rhythm of your heart. Feel the rhythm of the parts where you want more flow. Feel the existing flow there. Do not measure or change it. It may feel fluid or stuck. That is your status quo.
Check in with:
Your private life.
Your biz life.
Your body life.
The life of your current project.
Now have a look on the list below and find the medicine words that will unplug the flow.
Then add one or more of the words to each bullet below. Trust your first choice.
Listen to the story it wants to tell you. Honor the words’ advice.
Your private life: __________________
Your biz life: __________________
You body life: __________________
The life of your current project: __________________
The list of medicine words*:
*(This is my personal check-in list when I ask a dammed flow to release. The word itself teaches me what will heal the flow.)
dive in
flow, awakened
move when necessary
concentrate: build essence
invest in reflecting the detail
settle down: ideas, yourself
fill up: powerful
slow down
stand still
give up; entrust leadership to another source
wait: open to patience
burst forward
let go
clear up
collect: contact the collective
flexible: adjust
change rhythm or dynamics
contemplate, reflect
breathe, just breathe
give up
start anew
you can add your own healing words too…
For a moment go back to the original pain. Release it.
1. Feel into the new word.
2. Let it flow: Escape into an open horizon of freedom.
3. Feel the escaping emotion. This is the sensation of your pain set free.
4. Dive into the open horizon of possibility. Its rivers run like the promise of an endless blue sky.
Collaborate with
the spiritual world.
Quit overwhelm.
My daily lessons in Miracles.
“You do not trust us. But you push and control.
You are disconnected and so unproductive.”
My spirit guides were right. For days I had forced myself into deadlines for my Future Book program. My worst day was now my own personal Black Thursday. It was a hustle until the shock of freezing, hitting the dead end for creative fire and joy.
“So what? I have deadlines and the download of creativity is flooding me. Each time it gets more powerful and plentiful than I imagined.”
Aha. I know this pattern too well. I am tired of myself. I want to know how to change my anti-flow, the energy moving against the universal currency of the creation.
“We know your deadline. Who do you think creates and backs you up all the time?”
“You are working on my products, from the higher source?”
“All the time. We inspire the original genius behind all creations.”
“Oops. You mean business. So what is my part?”
“Create art. Perform beauty. Turn both into manifestation.”
“Your task is pleasure. Just take care of every detail. Search for God in there. OM-Joy.”
“Flow with the creation. Wait till ideas are ripe and then pick them.”
Silence. Honestly I was shaken and felt really stupid after all these years of spirit journey. How had I gotten trapped in my old pattern without any consciousness of what was happening? Each time my ambitious business goals come along I block out all my spiritual know-how. Fucking damn bold of me.
A breath. My Universal Sadhana reminder:
Standing stunned by vastness, moved by the immense majesty of the universal beauty. The ongoing activity, exploding creativity that permits even stars into existence.
Out of the stars everything comes forth: dynamic entities, they are born and even they die.
The circle of gravitational power, collapsing and creative, explosions natural and eternal. Atomic power shines and collapses inwards to become a black hole.
Deliver. The active pattern of creation itself is intrinsic. Life blossoms forward naturally. Inevitably. (Free from the Story of the Universe.)
Quitting overwhelm
I swallowed my Super-Detox-Anti-Anxiety-Stress-Relief Remedy.
In the days after listening deeply within, I flew with my intuition. I went back into synchronicity state.
I found Right timing for 2013.
I walked in my own writings (HOW TO HAVE FAITH IN SYNCHRONICITY TIMING).
Grace and miracles aligned and I finished all my work with time to spare.
So when creative flow is emerging, why stand in the way?
There is a big misunderstanding about living our divinity in this body.
And about what God really is.
I had to figure out answers for myself.
I had to make my own journey.
For your business goals: Flow.
We need schedules and plans in times of chaos. The beauty lies in rebirth. We create the new.
“Lay your dream at your feet.” – Agni
Make a list of all the things you need to do, then put it down in front of our Temple (or altar) and give it up to The Higher Source. Pray for it to be handled and cared for. Then take the most important things and fill them with joy and love, and forget the rest. Then flow onward and forward…continue this way. God shines in details.
…and if something decides not to be ready on deadline (what a strange expression!!!!), who cares?
I have practiced it even with my clients: “I’m sorry this is the state I arrived. The rest is in process, and you know what, nothing ever was not ready in ‘the right time.’”
May I introduce you to my personal spiritual team?
BABAJI: known from the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI. He is the incarnation of Shiva, without boundaries. Last time he lived till 1984 in the Himalayas.
He is a killer of mind ideas and focuses on heart desires. He says karma yoga work is the solution of our age. Let’s rock it.
SAI BABA: He lived in South India and went into Samadhi in 2011. He appeared to me in my room when I was 25 and since then I have seen healings and miracles.
I dive into his aura when I want to be golden. He makes you feels abundant when working.
JESUS: Memoired personally by me in JESUS THE BOOK.
He is Christlove and bliss of fire. He has the best modern ideas, guaranteed.
Each one is a real Avatar, a creator.
This is the difference between them and other guides. These are God realized.
If you want their consulting, a real desire calling is sufficient. When you reach out to their heart, they will contact you.
So now ask yourself: Who are your spiritual guides?
Contact them and see: they really like entrepreneurial business ideas.
Tell them what you are up to. Their answers will come from all directions and the inner voice.
2013. This year start the trend and prove the genius of this collaboration.
How I broke the spell
to make the unimaginable
come true.
Two things you must know about me.
: first: I work in collaboration with my spiritual world. My best peers reside there. Together we’ve launched important projects with great appeal in my spiritual, biz and daily life (the three of which do not differ in my world. All three are facets and layers of my soul.) It started in school when I only prepared one divinely-inspired theme and it worked very effectively. My spiritual collaborations later fueled my creative approach in graphic design studies and art directing, and ultimately supported my career as a spiritual teacher and founder of an ashram and In all of these endeavors I was assisted by my spiritual guides from some life beyond this one. Some of my spiritual peers are and were incarnated and walk now through other dimensions. My bossy dream team consists of 4 Avatars. Thank you, my hot gurus.
But my empire also has many more co-workers: Angels, Devas, masters, soul guides. Mother earth. You see, I don’t have religion. But I am deeply religious in my belief that God is not one: S/he is many. In any case, my spiritual colleagues have my back. And they do their work so well.
: second: I love desires that come true. I love life, may she never end. I love to see cool things happen. I am obsessed with time trends that create possibilities. My passion burns with good feelings. (My personal desire teacher Danielle LaPorte just launched Do not miss this.) All in all: I like being and following cool women in the 21st century. And not to forget: I like things to be wild.
So these are two things you need to know to understand how my story can inspire you to make your own desires come true.
We all crave knowing how to make our deepest dreams happen.
Here is the story of how I lifted the spell/curse.
New York: The morning before the second day of RHHLive, I wake up with a thought direct from heaven. The voice of my Baba says: “It’s about imagination. If you can’t imagine it people cannot enter your dream. The other person cannot find the allurement.” (From this message, my future project was born: The Law of Allurement)
“This is so true,” I mumble, appalled by my tricky subconsciousness. “I cannot imagine being friends, contemporaries, and part of the cool gang of stars I admire.”
My subconsciousness profoundly believes this to be true. This will never happen to me, it insists. I simply can’t imagine this coming true for me.
A short while later, armed with my Moleskine I appeared for breakfast, dressed in resoluteness. During a coffee (I must admit I love coffee; all-wellness gurus have not captured me yet) and swiss muesli I write:
: I cannot imagine Danielle LaPorte inviting me out to dinner with her friends Marie, Kris and Gabby…
: I cannot imagine Marie Forleo seeing me and saying “I have seen your We need to talk…”
: I cannot imagine gifting Kris Carr a copy of Jesus The Book. She reads it. She calls me to invite me over to her house. I show her how to talk to her garden plants and the devas together…
: I cannot imagine Donna Karan asking me to energize Urban Zen with Feng Shui. She proposes that I integrate my work as an ACC Alpha Chi consultant ( I teach this) into her URBAN ZEN INTEGRATIVE PROGRAM
This exercise was more powerful than any affirmation.
To me, affirmations are just sentences that try to convince me of things I don’t believe about myself. I am very stubborn: I never believed the prayer wheel would vacate for me just by saying: “I will have a million dollars in one year” or “I will lose six pounds” or “I am happy and blissful.”
But turning my subconsciousness into consciousness lightened the thing up with a halo. Just forcing the devil on paper broke the spell. No more work was needed.
The magic opened itself. Assumptions had fallen and created an open space for real encounters. I had wonderful meetings with my stars, both in short and longer intervals. I have met the unimaginable – in different, greater ways than I could (not) previously imagine.
Appropriate discretion requires that I keep the details of these meetings secret for now. Delicate seeds need protection for healthy growth, and talking too early spoils the nurturing energy. My rule of thumb: first collect wisely, then share.
But now it’s time for you to find your own treasures.
To break your spell,
take some paper.
Write down what you cannot imagine happening.
Opening the space will set the caged thoughts free.
Then drop assumptions and enter the space of new connecting.
The birds are free to fly.
Let the magic do her work.
It happened for me. May it also happen for you.
We want to master the work that we do. Masters of the new energy are ready to rock. We make business and our livelihoods by leaving our monastic robes beyond. The masters of the Aquarian Age are human and characterized by passionate living. We are softly in love with divine connections and an integral part of tender communities. We are working on the metamorphosis; we transform ourselves. We know it only requires one real master to shift the world into universal oneness.
Excellence is a target. Our soul returns towards enlightenment. It’s natural. Never give up the magic WOW.
Multidimensional breathed-on business.
Master what you do.
Start with the heart.
Plant lovemarks.
Create lovebusiness.
Establish lovemarkets.
Allure with lovemarketing.
Enter the secret chamber where you will find:
And get the Manifesto for mastering your creative evolution, your divine plan and “Allure: The law of Fascination.” Listen and download. It’s free.
Challenge yourself.
Yes, mediocrity plods forward. It’s her nature. But the mastery of greatness requires courage and willingness to be brave. Aren’t the people to whom we owe a great step towards enlightened greatness the ones who forced us to our edges? Looking back on our history we remember that the one who demanded most from us, we respect most.
We may not always appreciate it in the moment, but greatness requires courage and willingness to be brave. The Steve Jobs’ of the world who deemed every mediocre draft shit and in so doing forged the products we caress today for their excellence. The chef yelling at us when she smelled our refusal to rise. The teacher pitching our little ego and telling us that our way of communicating drives him crazy.
Conflict is the creative abrasion necessary for innovation. The metric of progress is mastered by ability rather avoidance. Conflict is a channel for energy, a vital part of organisms and teams.
If we want to change the world we need to find the master in one another. Everyone we meet may play a part in our mastery, because confrontation is the guardian of authentic.
Speak up. Unplugged. Appreciate the art of war for the sake of greatness and great ideas. Your persistence means their survival. The WOW happens on the edges. Always.
A real master will create other masters.
A real genius respects the genius’ master teacher.
Honor the master. Honor the legacy.
This world needs more masters in all religions and politics and business. We do.
The next wave of begins.
For you and me. For more of us.
My 2 weeks off the Internet were in eccentric bloom. You should try it from time to time, and let your inspiration wander down new alleyways. In my time away I devoured 4 books and drank in some sun, both good vitamins for the soul. Let me share with you some of my inspiration highlights.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower takes me down a side road; I love to hang out with the younger generation. For a mind holiday and mind extension, think what they think and see what they are up to. It’s an antidote for narrow-mindedness, my inspirational espionage – and fun, by the way! I really liked when Charlie comes out of the cinema considering if he liked the movie. His conclusion: it did not change him. So, no good. I like that. IT DID NOT CHANGE ME; IT CANNOT BE GOOD.
Steve Jobs.
Jay-Z said, “We were kids without fathers…so we found our fathers in wax and on streets and in history. We got to pick up and choose the ancestors who would inspire the world we were going to make for ourselves.” I am inspired. This is high voltage. A genius has to be bold in a world of stubbornness.
I bow to Mr. Steve Jobs, who said it would be easy to change the communication of the world. HE DID IT.
“There’s a temptation in our network age to think that ideas can be developed by email and iChat. That’s crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘wow’ and soon you’re cooking some ideas.” Mr. Jobs, we will meet again. And until then I will meet you in every corner of the Universe where inspiration thrives. Promise. We do not go to school, but we learn greedily.
Reality distortion field.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Think differently.
Connect the dots.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
Real motivation does not want to be traded. She wants to bloom from unconditional giving without expectation.
The Universe is a Green Dragon “To begin with, you have to embrace your full creative potential.” I am so online with this. In my next life I’m going to be a cosmologist. Or maybe not. Maybe I was one in my past lives and my passion is still kindling. The Universe is a fabric of sacred woven stories. “This was a fire that filled the Universe, was the Universe. There was no place from Universe free from it. Every point of the cosmos was a point of explosion of light.” AGNI. The Upanshashades revisited.
“tadabhyadravattamabhyavadatko’ sityagnirvaahamasmityabravijjataveda va ahamasmiti”
Lord Shiva who’s in Yaksha form, asked him: “Who are you?” Agni Deva said: “I am known as Agni, I am also called Jataveda.” The fire was creative and so is every particle of The Universe. The creative class rises.
I want to make this creative fire come alive immediately. How do we calibrate our own dreams with the creative fire of the Universe and the creative fire within each of us?
I was inspired to create a program on how to forge your future biz bliss, and since I returned I have been writing Bizbliss: an online program called WRITE YOUR FUTURE BOOK.
It will launch six months from now. Consider this a first announcement.
The next wave of the the
The age of Imagination starts. Now.
The power of imagination.
Its Secret is this: every creation is dreamt twice.
Once we dreamt in heaven; there we made the future.
I am still convinced enlightened business is key to the change we want to see in this world. Owning the streams of money ourselves and having freedom for great choices. To master your biz is the new spiritual discipline. Serve the Universe and your soul. Create the future for a better world. Trade back. Understand desire. The enlightened ones are back for change. What we have jammed in heaven for the future, we can find today.
The second Dreaming
NOW. Planet earth. Soft. Grounded. Our magic inner GPS will unleash our visions.
What we have to do is imagine. Reignite. Light the fire of inspiration and conciseness, the keys to visualizing the uncreated world within us. We want to do it together. We want to empower each other to write our own script; it will shine with our values.
The assignments are out:
Detox so that your wishes and dreams may become free.*
(*this last passage is an adaptation of a speech Agni gave this autumn. He said: ‘Now fulfill old desires, so they may die in peace. And make space for the NEW.’ )
This is the winter of decisions. The winter of desire fulfillment. Check what you are longing for. WHY? So that you may become free.
Confront yourself with your old desires. Do they still belong to you?
Make a date with them and say: “You have longed for me for such a long time. I carried you so long. Now I will fulfill you. We both want to be free.”
See, everything we meet in life was once born as a desire. Conclude it. Close the old chapters.
Clear the way for the next right thing to come through.
Next year is the year to manifest the right thing. The vision was forged in heaven: as the old dies, the remaining holes will be filled with ourselves. To follow the right thing is truth.
The right thing does not step on the other’s feet. It permits the other one to do the right thing too.
Be free from.
Desire is limited.
The right thing
is to go your own way.
I surf on the next wave of
It’s good to know you are here on Earth with me in this great time.
with wild love
RHHLive with Marie Forleo + Hurricane Sandy.
My live report and diary from NYC.
8.50p.m. Sunday evening, October 28:
My plane is one of the last leaving JFK. One hour later, all flights are canceled. I am pressing my nose against the window, there’s no drop of rain in sight now but Sandy is flooding the news. My mystic guidance led me to this early flight, one day before my originally scheduled departure. I am in a tunnel beyond slipping through, out of the beginning chaos.
Seeing in the dark: Instinct is the new current.
Thursday evening, October 25:
“Give me the phone. I have to talk to her,” MaRa, my friend from Jesus times, insisted when I called my love at home. It was the night before my long awaited b-school RHHlive event opened its gates. “Book a flight on Sunday. Your flight on Monday will not get out early enough before the hurricane hits.” At the moment I was thinking: But I’m gonna meet Danielle LaPorte, Kris Carr, Mastin Kipp and… I don’t want to leave earlier, I am here to party.
But the inward me listens to what she’s saying, and I book a second flight for Sunday evening.
Seeing in the dark: Instinct is the new current.
Friday, October 26:
The news is not decisive. The hurricane could creep away or blow up like a monster. I rush through the MoMa and MET in a single morning instead of the whole day Monday.
3.00p.m: A rich, sexy and hot start. I am at Donna Karan’s Urban Zen womb of humanitarian dreaming with 300 other luminescent women from all over the globe. Sandy is forgotten.
I dive into the energy. Let me flow into the wholeness of possibility, where the universe and synchronicity make love. Let the things on my destiny-schedule happen. Now.
If necessary, in accelerated speed. Just in case I have to leave earlier.
I pray for compression: timezones and meant-to-be events.
Saturday, October 27:
I wake up with my message. “Imagination,” says God. Six hours later I see into the beautiful unicorn eyes of Kris Carr: “I have brought you a gift,” I tell her. She holds the golden wrapped Jesus the Book and a Christlove spray. She murmurs: “Unicorn.” We know. I turn around: There is Danielle LaPorte. We talk like we have just seen each other the other night before. “I have to leave earlier tomorrow,” says Danielle. “Try to get out before Sunday evening.” I am now sure.
Seeing in the dark: Instinct is the new current.
That night I check out and order a taxi for 4p.m. the next day. I speak to my love and he says: “You do not want to be in New York when the power is off.” No, this journey is not mine. Not this time.
Sunday, October 28:
Seeing in the dark: Instinct is the new current.
Also for bizbliss.
The speakers are high voltage. These souls have not served the status quo. They are here to start a revolution.
Marie Forleo knows to create from inside out: Intuition is her incredible success tool.
Danielle LaPorte turns success and failure into wisdom. “Temples of peace and tsunamis of love.”
Kris Carr teaches green revolutions. Cancer, go home. She created a movement into business.
Mastin Kipp: “God showed me how big my faith was, one small room with one bed.” His faith has exploded since.
RHH live. I know, even deeper.
If you want to play on that level
there is only one way.
You have to find your own way
to get there.
From imitation to creation.
Be a leader. Act as a leader.
2.00p.m: It’s time to leave. Everything is fulfilled. I have met my appointments from heaven.
3.00p.m: At my hotel, there are no cars available anymore. People are getting anxious.
5.00p.m: I arrive at JFK. My flight is on schedule.
8.00p.m knowing
Once again the words of Mary Magdalene were right when she asked me to channel her message about upcoming destruction and rebirth. (free download in 11 languages). 2012 is the contradiction. Bliss meets crisis. Thanks to MaRa I was able to walk into the middle of Sandy and walk out. We will need those who see in the dark to show where to walk unharmed, in the middle of radical change. I am one of them.
12.p.m I arrive in Tampa. Meanwhile, Sandy has taken to her way of destruction.
Thank you to MaRa for seeing in the dark.
Thank you to Marie Forleo and her team for this miraculous experience.
: My friend T. got angry when I suggested that we should get out of NY because the city would not have electricity for the next days. I am tired of knowing; I am not here to frighten but to help.
: Some of the b-schoolers are still stuck in NYC. My heart is with all of you. I know you are safe and will return back home soon. I pray you find the beauty in the experience as a blessing. Something in this chaos is a divine gift.
: We are shown the signs. We must bow first before they will talk to us.